The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1366: Take the initiative

Riding on the giant eagle, Cai Ruichen finally looked back at Tehran, which was gradually going away behind him, with a lot of confusion in his heart.

The trip to Tehran with the overlord yielded a lot of gains, as well as many questions.

Bane is the second eighth-level mutant that Cai Ruichen comes into contact with, or it can be said that it is the first enemy that Cai Ruichen actually comes into contact with to reach the eighth level.

Qianhe, an eighth-level mutant, has never shown any powerful strength in front of Cai Ruichen, and he has never had a very intuitive impression of the abilities of the eighth-level mutant.

Now, there is a bit of outline, Bane is not the kind of individual powerful, similar to the commander-in-chief of Qianhe.

Bane, the eighth-level mutant, is indeed terrifying, and relying on him alone, with the high-level mutants under his command, is enough to cause the base to face a huge crisis.

However, there are also Yuriko in the base. Although Yuriko is not very reliable, her ability is always strong and weak, very unstable.

But Cai Ruichen believes that once Bane really dared to come to the base to mess around, Yuriko is fully capable of making him come back.

Because it is different from the pure auxiliary type of Bane, Yuriko is a pure attacking mental superpower.

It is also the only high-end combat power of the current base, even Qianzuru has repeatedly admitted that he is definitely not Yuriko's opponent.

However, the spatial ability possessed by Shao Ji is really too difficult to deal with.

Today's trouble in Tehran basically eliminated the mutants above the sixth level of Woji, and the rest were ordinary fifth-level mutants.

The enemy's high-end threat immediately lost most of the main force. This offensive and defensive battle has not yet begun, and the strength gap between the two sides has narrowed slightly.

However, Cai Ruichen's behavior was a bit weird, and some even couldn't understand it. The overlord suddenly appeared and left in a hurry. What kind of medicine was sold in the gourd.

What is the distant place that the overlord said? Is it an organization or a place name?

These are all Cai Ruichen wants to clarify questions.

But now, Cai Ruichen can only put all these questions aside, because his next main task is how to better defend against the army of mutants that are constantly gathering in Iraq.

Today he gave a kick to the misfortune. The body itself is not a very powerful misfortune, and he can't bear the corner of his concentration. Although he successfully escaped from the threat of the overlord, the injury is not light from the blood spilled on the scene.

Coupled with the fact that the high-end combat power has almost been eliminated, the only things that Bane can rely on now are the low-level mutants.

As for the fifth-level mutants, Cai Ruichen really doesn't worry about anything. As long as they are not hidden in the space of misfortune, heavy infantry can be relatively long and short with these fifth-level mutants, not to mention that there are many in the Red Police Corps. High-level units, elite-level Tyrannosaurus, can also completely ignore those fifth-level mutants.

When returning to the base on the giant eagle, Ling Liang had already arrived in the wasteland world and was watching the enemy report.

The curse is obviously the unyielding heart, don't expect the opponent to give up the attack on the base here.

According to the current situation, Ling Liang quickly stopped formulating tactics, and faced with enemies with a number of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, no tactics were much different.

Unless it is possible to determine the location of the bane and be able to kill him.

"From the current situation, it takes at least one or two months for the opponent’s forces to be assembled, and this time is an excellent opportunity for us." Ling Liang put down the enemy report in his hand. Cai Ruichen said.

One or two months is already the fastest estimate for Ling Liang. If the mutants want to gather all of them in Iraq and move to a position where they can quickly attack the base, it will take a long time to prepare.

All these mutants under the command of Bane can only rely on two feet to move, and the physical strength of mutants is not unlimited, and ordinary mutants cannot move continuously for a long time.

Because mutants are not like survivors, they can restore their physical strength by bringing some nutrients or other foods.

Moving also needs to consume the physical strength of the mutant, and the method for the mutant to recover physical strength can also be eating, or just sitting down to rest and slowly recovering.

For hundreds of millions of mutants, it is impossible to have food to supplement them, so they can only move a certain distance and then rest for a period of time.

This period of rest often takes longer than humans sleep, which is why mutants rarely show activity.

Mutant humans are not perpetual motion machines. They don’t have eternal physical strength, they are tired, they also need to rest, and they take longer than humans to rest.

At present, only a small group of mutants have entered the territory of Iraq, and there are bare plains everywhere in Iraq, with no cities and no hiding places.

This is the first substantial benefit that Cai Ruichen has brought after he carried out the vertical wall clearing.

"I also think the same way. The main direction of the mutants is in Iran, while in other directions, the number of mutants coming is not many, and the catastrophe does not completely control the mutants in the entire Middle East.

Through the in-depth investigation of the warhawk, we need to be prepared to face nearly 100 million mutants. "

Speaking of this, Cai Ruichen paused and continued: "Therefore, in these two months, we also need to eliminate these mutants as much as possible. Even if we eliminate a few million, we can reduce the number of millions by then."

This point coincides with Ling Liang's idea. In fact, this is the only way at present.

"My suggestion is that all conventional troops, with advanced arms, are divided into eight attack directions ~ ~ use the advantages of long-range firepower as much as possible to kill mutants in all directions except Iran. "Ling Liang said.

Ling Liang's idea is very simple. There are not many mutants in other directions. Weak first and then strong, and finally concentrate all the power to deal with the mutants coming from Iran.

"Yes, tell all soldiers that this is a war. You must be careful, especially those special mutants who haven't shown up yet." Cai Ruichen nodded and agreed to Ling Liang's plan.

The command and plan of the action were immediately passed on to all the troops in the wasteland world.

Inside the base, the four main divisions and four mixed divisions of the Red Police Corps were dispatched in the afternoon.

The mighty hundreds of thousands of troops were divided into ten roads, and they drove out of the base to meet the gathered army of mutants.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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