The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1389: Divided Iran

On the side of Isfahan, Iran, in the town of Khomeini Shahr, in a very ordinary mosque, Khamenei frowned and sat in the mosque, listening to the uninterrupted bad news for three months .

Iran is now about to split.

Last month, after the United States took military action against Iran, in the previous three days of air strikes, almost all modern combat equipment of Iran’s IS, the Lange, and the Life Guard were destroyed.

In the next two-week offensive of the US military, in just 14 days, the NATO coalition led by the United States carried out an ultra-large-scale air strike against Iran.

During the fourteen days, more than 500 fighter jets were dispatched almost every day to strike at major facilities in Iran.

In addition to military targets, the air strikes also caused huge damage to Iran's power stations, major industrial factories, and important political institutions.

Although a large number of ground combat equipment of the IS, Lange, and Life Guards were camouflaged, they still suffered heavy casualties under the NATO coalition air strikes.

The intensity and density of the air strikes have reached the strongest state since the 21st century.

The density is much stronger than when the Syrian-Israel Federation attacked Israel.

The NATO coalition, dominated by the United States, dispatched a total of six aircraft carrier battle groups, including the USS Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier and the Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier joined by the United Kingdom.

The United States dispatched three Nimitz-class aircraft carriers and the Ford-class aircraft carrier’s first ship, Radiant.

Among the carrier-based aircraft taking off, in addition to the American Rafale carrier-based aircraft and the U.S. 18 Super Hornet, the Lightning stealth carrier-based aircraft also participated in this war for the first time.

The unprecedented scale of naval deployment is also NATO's most powerful display of naval power since the 21st century.

In the land-based air force, the NATO coalition is also an elite force. The two Raptor fighter wings in the United States and more than 80 Raptor fighters are equivalent to participating in actual combat for the first time.

During the two-week offensive, the NATO coalition forces deployed various types and dropped hundreds of thousands of various bombs.

Iran’s originally not very powerful homeland defense system was completely destroyed. The Iraqi, Lange, and Life Guards also suffered heavy losses in the air strikes.

Two weeks later, when the ground battle began, less than 60% of the combat effectiveness of the key attacked IS, Lange, and Life Guard was left.

However, Iran at that time also made the decision to fight the invaders to the death.

However, when the ground war started, it was almost a one-sided situation.

In Turkey, the United States has assembled 300,000 ground troops by using its sea and air transportation capabilities. France has dispatched an airborne assault team from a foreign corps, and the United Kingdom has also dispatched an armored regiment to cooperate.

Although Turkey did not send troops directly, it also assumed the logistical support of the entire coalition forces. Other NATO countries also provided a little effort.

Although this war was unclearly opposed by Russia and China from the beginning, the ground war eventually broke out.

Although the Iranian IS, the Lange, and the Life Guard have also expanded their forces, they were unable to resist any resistance in the face of the NATO coalition's powerful ground offensive.

The NATO coalition forces give full play to their air superiority. Iran's armored forces, even the soldiers of the NATO coalition forces have not seen it, and they are often destroyed by NATO's superior air power.

The war has undoubtedly entered the process of guerrilla warfare, and the Islamic, Lange, and Life Guards simply cannot organize large-scale effective resistance.

In the first month of the ground war, the NATO coalition forces completed their established tactical objectives and successfully occupied Tehran, the capital of Iran.

At this time, a bitter news appeared in Iran, and most of the generals of the Iranian regular army all leaned on the NATO coalition forces.

In the Iranian government, a large number of middle-level and grass-roots officials have also chosen NATO coalition forces.

The surrender of the 1.2 million regular Iranian troops not only arrested or directly killed all priests in the army, but also immediately turned their guns and aimed them at the IS, Lange, and Life Guards, making this war apparently Watershed.

This has also brought more serious trauma to Iran's already bad war situation.

The whole of Iran is even more sad. The reversal of the royalist and military forces has made the situation in Iran worse.

Khamenei took all the clergy and was forced to leave Tehran, the center of power, and the royalists took the opportunity to control Iran's nominal government power, which made the clergy even more passive.

The most important thing is that the descendants of the Pahlavi dynasty who fled the United States that year also immediately returned to Iran. Under the recommendation of the NATO coalition forces, they are trying to truly control the rights of the Iranian government.

The actions of the royalists have won the support of all middle classes in Iran, and they have also gathered a lot of strength in a short time.

The clergy that fled Tehran still have a high reputation among the people.

But the people wanted to support Khamenei, but they didn't get any help. The royalist party, which controls government power, immediately took the power of the regular army in its hands and also controlled a large number of media in Iran.

Again, the media has half of the military power in hand, and there is the support of the NATO coalition forces behind it. Although all the Iranian people are very unwilling, they can only do nothing.

The first step of the NATO coalition's military operations against Iran can be said to be a perfect success.

Throughout Iran, two sharply opposed local groups have formed, and NATO coalition forces are agitating behind them.

In the next twenty days the Iranian regular army received a large amount of weapons support from the NATO coalition forces. The royalist party, which controls the Iranian government's finances, also purchased a large number of American weapons and equipment to arm the regular army troops.

A new war broke out again. For the next twenty days, the clergy group led by Khamenei not only avoided the NATO coalition air strikes, but also commanded operations and retreated all the way to the southeast.

As the second largest city in Iran, Isfahan is also the holy city in the minds of the priesthood, and it has become the final determination of the priesthood to resist.

Once this city is lost, the clergyman group has lost everything.

Isfahan, the Lange, and the Life Guard also plan to prepare for a decisive battle with the rebels and invaders in Isfahan.

Because there will be no place to retreat in the future, this is the last retreat and the last hope.

It's just that Iss, Range, and the Life Guard are also very clear that if they want to defend the last holy city, it is simply impossible.

To be continued. ..

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