The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1394: Enter the stage of the great power game

: These four thousand words were coded in the early hours of this morning. They were supposed to be posted right away, but fell asleep. At about 8 o'clock in the evening, the third chapter of the Somali extravaganza will be published on the gorgeous WeChat public account. .

In this natural world, human beings are less powerful than cattle, slower than horses, and less powerful than eagles. The reason why they can stand at the top of the food chain and take the lead in species competition depends on the superior military strength of mutually cooperative groups.

However, the so-called group advantage does not refer to all mankind.

The international system is a sinister and cruel arena. To survive under this system, any country has no other choice but to compete with each other for rights. Even countries that are satisfied with living in peace will be accused of participating. Ruthless power competition.

This is also Cai Ruichen's trip to Russia. Even if both sides did not express a common view on the international situation or discuss international issues, the international community naturally imposed the two sides on the system issues in the international field.

There is no way to do this, and it is also a normal practice of human thought.

The harmony values ​​and thinking mode brought about by this international social system originate from the ruthless system competition.

When a country is threatened by another country, there is no higher authority to ask them for help, and there is no so-called night watchman in the international system.

And countries can never be sure that other countries are not hostile to them, so any country must be prepared to deal with dangers from all sides.

The ideal result is to become a hegemonic power in the system, because a country with so many rights, its survival status is almost guaranteed.

On the contrary, weakness will only cause trouble, because strong countries tend to take advantage of weak countries, just like China's dark century from 1840 to 1949, weak and torn apart and bullied by foreign powers.

Before the end of the Cold War, no country was able to gain global hegemony. The main reason was that it was difficult for the powers of the time to project power across large waters such as the Atlantic and Pacific.

Even during the Cold War, the United States could not dominate the world. Even now, the United States cannot have the right to dominate the world.

However, countries can obtain regional hegemony, just as the United States does in the Western Hemisphere. In this way, the ultimate goal of any major power is to dominate the region in which it is located, and to ensure that another region of the world will not become a hegemony.

At one time, the United States tried its best to prevent the German Empire, Nazi Germany, Japan from dominating Asia, and the Soviet Union from dominating Europe.

But now, with a strong economic development speed, China has continued to rise, and if it continues to maintain a remarkable economic growth in the next ten years, it will inevitably establish a more powerful military force, as the United States dominates the Western Hemisphere. In Asia, China will seek regional supremacy, because a superior position is the best guarantee for survival.

The same is true for the Iraq-Syria Federation. Regional hegemony is also essential. Simply put, China dominates Asia and Cai Ruichen's goal is to dominate the Middle East and even Africa.

For the same reason, if Russia wants to develop safely and not become a marginal country in the global political system, it also needs to develop its economy better and thus develop a stronger military.

This is also unquestionable. As long as Russia is still on the opposite side of NATO, as long as there is still conflict of interest between Russia and NATO, then this cannot be avoided.

The guarantee of the rise of great powers is similar to the strategic interests of the United States, and it prevents any great powers from intervening in the Western Hemisphere. Then whether it is the Islamic Federation or China, its core strategic interest is to completely drive American power out of Asia. The Middle East is also part of Asia.

Cai Ruichen never thought naively that because he was a Chinese, the big boss would believe in himself unconditionally. This kind of thinking was naive and naive. If it were not for the need to face the same core interests in the future, the two parties would rarely go to the point where they are today. .

Of course, this is also because the United States will do its best to prevent any country from gaining regional hegemony, because the United States cannot tolerate the existence of rivals on the world stage.

The result will inevitably be the competition between the rising powers and the powers. If the security competition can be maintained, it will definitely be the conviction of mankind. Once the competition turns into war, it will be the greatest tragedy of mankind.

The competition of interests between big countries has never been benevolent and clean. Everywhere is full of dirty means and transactions. Any big country will always go with realism, without paying attention to means and methods, and focusing on obtaining the best benefits. aims.

At this point, Cai Ruichen did not learn the golden mean of Chinese civilization and the principles of Confucius and Mencius. What he learned was the most direct and simple realistic values ​​of the Western world.

Just like the United States, the United States has always acted in accordance with realism, but often claims that it is driven by higher moral goals rather than considerations of balance of power.

Western thinking that pays attention to realism also binds itself to morality, and at the same time portrays opponents as evil or immoral alternatives.

This pattern of behavior is particularly evident in the United States. On the world stage, the United States often behaves roughly, but always claims that its behavior is moral and correct, and that any behavior of its opponents is barbaric and evil. .

American elites often use idealistic terms to talk about international affairs and diplomacy, but they act in a realistic way. To put it simply, they can often use whatever means to achieve their goals.

At this point, Cai Ruichen has no better choice, because survival is the highest goal. This is where Cai Ruichen has always been deeply saddened for mankind.

From the perspective of human history, there has never been a real He Qinghaiyan, singing and dancing, and even if there is, it is often short-lived.

In the nearly three decades since the end of the Cold War, the United States has waged seven wars.

Peace is really an extravagant hope for many human beings, and the long process of establishing peace may disappear overnight.

In fact, Cai Ruichen has always believed that there is no such thing as a superpower that can truly rise peacefully in this world. This is also the sadness of the global political system.

If the Iraqi-Syrian Federation wants to dominate the Middle East and become a hegemonic power in the Middle East, the United States is the first to refuse, and Cai Ruichen has no time to take the path of peaceful rise.

The rapid rise to avoid facing the high-pressure policies of the United States, especially in the sensitive region of the Middle East, the probability of the United States sending troops exceeds 95%.

Since the end of the Israeli war, Cai Ruichen has determined the development goals for the next stage, as well as the plan for the next war. The Syrian Federation is bound to rise, even if a war with the United States breaks out.

The attitude of the United States is very clear, so Cai Ruichen is naturally more clear. Instead of letting the United States find a good reason and excuse to take action, Cai Ruichen chose to do it himself, learn American thinking and behavioral principles, and declare war on the United States.

Confirming the plan for sending troops to the United States does not mean that Cai Ruichen must have a deadly battle with the United States.

The current Iraq-Syrian Federation is not suitable for a super large-scale war with the United States. If possible, Cai Ruichen hopes that the two sides will only break out a proxy war.

And in this war, Cai Ruichen also needs to find an opportunity to end the war quickly.

To fight with the United States, the scale and intensity need to be well controlled, so Cai Ruichen embarked on the road to Russia.

After the welcome ceremony, the two sides immediately held a bilateral high-level discussion meeting to discuss a number of cooperation plans that have had preliminary exchange results.

Most of these cooperation plans are cooperation in fields related to the two sides' economy.

At the same time, the two sides also submarine a bilateral tourism agreement, adopting a visa-free policy for citizens of both sides to travel abroad.

After three hours of high-level discussions and after the lunch break, Cai Ruichen also formally had a one-on-one exchange with Putin and Jing.

There was no interpreter, and no third person was present. As for what topics the two discussed inside, the outside world is completely unclear.

Before the evening dinner of the same day, Cai Ruichen, Put and Jing attended the press conference together. They answered questions from journalists around the world on the first day of cooperation progress between the two countries and the exchange of opinions on international topics.

At the press conference, whether it was Putong, Jing or Cai Ruichen, they answered reporters' questions in exactly the same tone.

They were all very official answers, which made it impossible for the outside world to fully figure out what the outcome of the two talks was.

"Excuse me, Mr. Cai Ruichen, what do you think of the Iran war?"

"No matter what, war is a tragedy. I just hope that the war can end as soon as possible, so that this tragedy can end a little bit." Cai Ruichen replied.

Just after Cai Ruichen's voice fell, a reporter asked: "Isn't Mr. Cai Ruichen worried that the United States will completely control Iran, and then it will have a comprehensive strategic encirclement of the Iran-Syria Federation?"

Cai Ruichen glanced at the nationality of the reporter who asked the new question, and then said: "Although the Iraqi-Syrian Federation loves peace, it has never been afraid of war. If the country’s security situation is seriously threatened, our military will be confident and capable of maintaining the Federation’s Security, to protect the rights of federal citizens and the safety of life and property."

"Mr. Putin and Mr. Jing, what do you think of the Iran war?"

At the end of the press conference, after a brief rest, Cai Ruichen also attended the welcome dinner at the invitation of Putong and Beijing.

At the dinner, only Cai Ruichen sat opposite Put and Jing.

There was no third person on the side, and Cai Ruichen was somewhat surprised by the arrangement of Putong and Jing.

"Chinese people like to talk about things at the wine table, and I am no exception." After Cai Ruichen took his seat, Putin and Jing took the lead in opening the conversation.

When Cai Ruichen heard the words, he nodded his head seemingly comprehensive. Today, after the end of the day, in fact, neither of them had any so-called in-depth communication.

They were only talking about some matters in the field of cooperation, and did not talk about those sensitive international political topics, but simply expounded their own opinions.

Cai Ruichen was calm, but depending on the situation, Putin and Jing were a little worried.

In fact, since receiving the news that Cai Ruichen is coming to Russia three days ago, Putong and Beijing have been considering Cai Ruichen's true purpose.

Of course, it is not difficult to imagine that although Cai Ruichen came to Russia with a large number of bilateral cooperation plans, in Putin and Beijing's eyes, Cai Ruichen's real purpose of this trip is absolutely only one, and that is the problem of Iran.

Putong and Jing absolutely do not believe that Cai Ruichen, the highest leader of the Islamic Federation, is willing to see an Iran that is completely controlled by the United States appear next to him.

After all, it allows others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch, not to mention that once Iran falls into the control of the United States, the Islamic Federation will never have peace.

The future development prospects of an Iraqi-Syrian Federation completely surrounded by American forces will become more bumpy. Putong and Jing believe that Cai Ruichen is absolutely clear about the stakes.

Therefore, Putong and Beijing are also very curious about how Cai Ruichen wants to crack the strategic encirclement plan of the United States.

At the same time, Putong and Beijing have a somewhat difficult feeling for Cai Ruichen.

Picking up the wine glass, Cai Ruichen did not immediately answer Put and Jing’s words. In fact, from the beginning, he did not intend to talk to Put and Jing about this question.

There are some things that don’t need to be said at all, nor do they need him to speak. Putting and Jing will naturally take action when things are right.

"In fact, I also like the current chat atmosphere very much. We are just two long-lost friends. We finally get together to chat and drink without talking about politics." Cai Ruichen raised his glass and gently talked to Putin and Jing. Touched his glass and said.

After the vodka, Cai Ruichen enjoyed the feeling of the spirit flowing through his throat, and praised, "Good wine."

Putin and Beijing also had a glass of wine. They saw Cai Ruichen's favorite look and said, "This is a good wine I have treasured for 15 years, and I have always been reluctant to drink it."

"It's an honor to receive such a grand reception from Mr. Putin and Jing." Cai Ruichen said.

"Mr. Cai is so polite. In this world, there are not many people that I can truly admire, and Mr. Cai is definitely one of the best." Looking at Cai Ruichen's young face, Putong and Jing said with sincere emotion. .

As one of the four most powerful people in the world, those who can make Putin and Beijing say such things are indeed rare.

"But in my opinion, it is more responsibility. You and I are not easy. Behind the scenery, there are several people who can understand our Cai Ruichen said.

"Just like Iran, is Mr. Cai very embarrassed now," Putin and Jing said tentatively.

"In my opinion, Iran is not much different from Ukraine's problems, and the strategic choices they face are the same, but I should be more relaxed than Mr. Put and Jing, because I am more determined to realize my inner thoughts." Cai Ruichen. Said pointedly.

Although they didn't talk about politics from the beginning, the two of them sat together, and there was no other topic to talk about.

Once the chatter box is opened, it will inevitably be linked to politics.

It's just that Cai Ruichen's words make Putin and Jing some not understand, or say, some are difficult to understand thoroughly.

"Mr. Cai, you are a bit unpredictable," said Putin and Jing.

"I believe Mr. Putin and Mr. Jing will soon know that there are some things that require every effort to fight for. Political contests and the exchange of interests, in my opinion, are more like meaningless wrangling."

To be continued. ..

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