The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1401: Targeting the Islamic Federation

Back in the small hotel, everything seemed to be back to two hours ago, nothing happened.

And in the hands of Brother Xiang, there is also an inconspicuous motherboard, which is one of the main equipment removed from the F-22 Raptor fighter.

Currently, the Red Police Corps does not have a fourth-generation fighter jet. At this point, the Red Police Corps has lost a lot.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen attaches great importance to this motherboard. This motherboard not only contains all the performance indicators, flight control commands, and combat system programming codes of the fighter, but also includes flight communication and combat instructions.

With this motherboard, the US Air Force combat system and command mechanism are tantamount to opening the mysterious door to the Red Police Corps.

Of course, once it is determined that these materials have been lost, the United States can immediately abandon this system and redesign another combat command system, but some things cannot be changed.

That is the flight data and performance of the fighter. The other things that cannot be changed in a short time are the fighter's flight control instructions and the fighter's combat system code.

These are all resources that can be used, and they are priceless.

However, Cai Ruichen wants more than this motherboard.

Just when Brother Xiang and the others all returned to the small hotel, in the NATO Joint Operations Command, the four-star General Griffin was roaring non-stop.

A Raptor fighter was shot down. This loss was nothing to Griffin.

But the pilot was captured by the enemy, and even the CNC motherboard in the wreckage of the plane fell into the enemy's hands.

Once the current situation cannot be restored, he cannot explain it to the Pentagon.

Especially the CNC motherboard of the F-22 Raptor fighter, which is the brain of the F-22 Raptor fighter and the control center of the fighter. It records all the data and information of the F-22 Raptor fighter. Once it is leaked, the result will be disastrous. .

At this moment, the Pentagon has also learned the news and ordered Griffin to retrieve the motherboard of the CNC computer at all costs.

At the same time, a comprehensive investigation was started at the crash site, and all the bullets in the nine bodies were taken out.

The other party did not leave any traces, and only investigated from the bullet on the body.

It was just the result of the investigation that surprised everyone. This bullet is very easy to recognize. When the bullet from the body was taken out, the US military's weapon experts directly determined that it belonged to a sniper rifle of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation. bullet.

The Iraqi-Syrian Federation is the only country in the world that has installed professional noise-cancelling sniper rifles on a large scale. This noise-cancelling sniper rifle is very advanced. It can not only be completely silent and suppress the fire of the muzzle, but also can guarantee the sniper bullet. The flight trajectory will not deviate too much.

This kind of technology, even for all military companies in the United States, does not possess such a degree.

The reason is very simple. The silenced sniper rifle and accuracy are almost the relationship between fish and bear's paw. So far, only Future Technology Group has found a way to soften these two benefits.

The United States is also very aware of the power of this sniper rifle. It is almost the most terrifying killer in the dark. When this 20-style silenced sniper rifle was officially equipped with the Iraqi army, the United States has already begun to pay attention to this sniper rifle.

Unfortunately, the United States has not found any samples of this weapon so far, and Future Technology Group has never sold this weapon.

However, the United States is very familiar with the bullets of this weapon, and many samples of bullets have been obtained from many sources.

Attempting to use bullets to get the secret of the muffled sniper rifle, although unfortunately, there is still no progress in such research, but there are many benefits. One of them is that the United States is familiar with this weapon.

Therefore, after seeing the bullets in the body of the nine blue berets, the United States was able to directly determine that this is definitely the bullet of the 20-style silenced sniper rifle equipped by the Iraq-Syrian Federation.

For this reason, the U.S. immediately carried out an all-round inspection of the bullets and came to further conclusions. From the comparison of the wear marks of the bullets, it is completely certain that the bullets were fired from the 20-type silencer sniper rifle. .

In other words, the enemies who groped up from behind the blue berets used weapons and equipment unique to the Syrian Federation.

This result made the United States somewhat unbelievable for a while.

Could it be that the Iraqi-Syrian Federation began to intervene in this war?

This conclusion leads to only two results, one is the special forces sent by the Syrian Federation.

Another conclusion is that the Iraq-Syrian Federation sold its advanced weapons and equipment to Israel, the Lange, and the Life Guard.

Regardless of the conclusion, it is not good news for the NATO coalition forces.

When this news appeared in the White House, Austria and Bama even repeatedly asked the following to confirm.

In fact, Obama and Bama had no doubts about this result.

Because from the outbreak of the war in Iran to the present, the actions of the Iran-Syria Federation are too abnormal for this old politician.

It is impossible for any country to allow its side to be completely surrounded by future opponents.

Regardless of whether it is placed in any country, this is an eternal truth.

Unless Cai Ruichen is an extremely weak person, he doesn't even have the courage to challenge the United States.

But Ao and Bama are quite sure that Cai Ruichen is definitely a powerful hero. Such people are usually ambitious, and they are definitely not the kind of people who are willing to be calm.

The Iraqi-Syrian Federation has never done anything, nor has there been any news This has always made Austria and Bama very puzzled.

He was not worried about the movement of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, but worried about Cai Ruichen's inner plan behind keeping quiet. This kind of invisible conspiracy is what makes Austria and Bama the most alert.

At present, the Syrian-Israel Federation has a strong conventional combat force, and the United States has to treat it at the same height.

Even if the Iraqi-Syrian Federation is inferior to the U.S. military in some military equipment, similarly, many of the U.S. military’s equipment in active service is not as advanced as that of the Islamic-Syrian Federation.

The latecomers have the advantage, and the lead also has the advantage. If the United States is really allowed to fight the Syrian Federation alone, Austria and Bama are absolutely unwilling.

Because such a war will inevitably bring huge casualties.

But now, in Iran, the United States is not the only force in Iran, but also the support of other NATO members.

If it can really take this opportunity to weaken the Islamic Federation, then Austria and Bama will not refuse.

(To be continued~^~)

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