The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1403: The evidence points to the Islamic Federation

As the first fourth-generation stealth fighter, the F-22 Raptor fighter was born. It has been nearly two decades since its birth. During these ten years, it has always been the focus of global attention.

The F-22 Raptor fighter has almost become one of the symbols of the strength of the US military. There are aircraft carriers at sea and birds of prey in the sky.

With the emergence of the F-22 Raptor fighter, lace news has never been interrupted. The F-22 Raptor fighter has never appeared on the battlefield of the US military since its birth.

And in this Iranian war, the F-22 Raptor fighters finally served as the vanguard of the NATO coalition forces. They were also on the battlefield and won a lot of honors. They showed the world that the fourth-generation fighters were powerful and gave the people and The Congress explained it quite well.

After all, the production and development costs of the F-22 Raptor fighter are also very hot news in the United States. When the media wants to criticize the government's finances, they will often use the F-22 Raptor fighter as an example.

The Iran war is almost a turnaround for the F-22 Raptor fighter.

A large number of media in the United States and NATO almost always promote the F-22 Raptor fighter as a hero.

For the F-22 Raptor fighter to continuously expand its influence, even the United States is now beginning to submit a bill to reactivate the production line of the F-22 Raptor fighter, and install this advanced fighter into the US military as much as possible. .

But at this time, the news that the F-22 Raptor fighter was shot down quickly spread throughout the world.

Of course, the United States does not want to prevent it. After all, it is almost impossible to prevent it.

After all, there are still many foreign reporters in Isfahan, and even some reporters filming the downed F-22 Raptor fighter jet after the air strike.

Even the driver's escape process is clearly presented in news video reports.

This is not the first time that a stealth fighter was shot down by a ground-based air defense missile.

On the battlefield of Yugoslavia that year, an F-117 was shot down by a Yugoslavian anti-aircraft missile. It used a meter wave radar to lock the stealth aircraft at high altitude, and the missile was killed as soon as it fired.

After the news appeared, the military organizations or military professions of various countries all stated that stealth fighters are not 100% stealth.

From the pictures released by the media, it can be seen that this F-22 Raptor fighter was an air defense missile that appeared immediately after the bomb was dropped.

When the hidden magazine of a stealth fighter is opened, it cannot be hidden. The opened magazine cover will reflect a lot of radar waves, allowing the radar to easily lock the stealth fighter in the sky.

Therefore, at this time, the appearance of air defense missiles is justified.

At least not when the F-22 Raptor fighter was shot down when it was in stealth flight, then this report can be rounded up.

However, experts from various countries have also pointed out that from the picture, the reason why this bird of prey was shot down so easily is mainly because the altitude of the flight is too low.

At an altitude of almost two kilometers, for anti-aircraft missiles, just a few breaths of effort can catch up with fighters.

If this Raptor fighter stays at an altitude of more than four kilometers, it can have time to contact the magazine and release jamming bombs. With the help of stealth performance and jamming bombs, there is still a chance to avoid air defense missiles on the ground.

There was a lot of discussion about the news that the F-22 Raptor was shot down. The US Department of Defense could only stand up and admit that it was indeed an F-22 Raptor that was shot down.

The United States did not say what kind of armed forces shot down the fighter. In the eyes of ordinary people, this was naturally the behavior of IS, Lange, and the Life Guard.

However, in the mindful view, when the United States announced the news that the fighter jet was shot down, it did not specifically say what missile or armed it was shot down. This is a bit intriguing.

If it is normal, when such news is announced, it will be said that it was shot down by a weapon of a certain armed force.

If you don't say anything, then don't say anything.

This was also an ambush deliberately hit by the United States, and the Pentagon did not provide any answers to the wreckage of the fighter jet and the whereabouts of the pilot.

At the same time, the NATO coalition forces have also begun to conduct all-round reconnaissance.

The investigation into the contact between the attackers and the Syrian-Israeli Federation was also intensively launched.

All US intelligence agencies have been used, and the entire coalition has almost surrounded Isfahan like an iron barrel.

And restrict all people from leaving this area, and carry out a carpet search of the entire mountain range. There are helicopters everywhere in the sky and dense search teams on the mountains.

This also caused many Iss, Lange, and Life Guards hidden in the mountains to surface. That night, the entire Isfahan could hear the sound of guns coming from the mountains.

But one day later, the Eighth Army sent tens of thousands of troops to plough the entire mountain range, but never found any traces.

But this night passed, and the United States also got a new piece of information.

Through the search of the mountain range last night, the United States was absolutely sure that the Syrian-Israel Federation had indeed secretly sold weapons and equipment to Israel, the Lange, and the Life Guard.

In the battle last night, four helicopters of the Eighth Army were shot down by air-defense missiles in the dense forest. This air-defense missile is the active V-1FK individual air-defense missile of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation. The ground forces are destroying this small-scale Iraqi missile. When armed with Sri Lanka, Lange, and the Life Guard, they also seized four and in the battle last night, one point was also confirmed, that is, among the National Guards There is the existence of the 20-style silenced sniper rifle of the Iraq-Syrian Federation.

During the search, many American soldiers were successfully assassinated by this sniper rifle in the dark.

In the next morning, a 20-style silenced sniper rifle appeared on Griffin's desk. There was also a blood stain splashed on the grab by the death of IS, Lange, and Life Guard snipers. .

The discovery this evening also made things more inclined to the first guess.

The Iraqi-Syrian Federation still intervened in the war, and the means of intervention was to provide weapons and equipment to the Iraqi, Lange, and Life Guards.

At that time, it was almost impossible to explain the relationship between the person who took the Raptor Main Board yesterday evening and the Syrian Federation.

But at this moment, as far away as the CIA in the United States, Yang Rui brought a decisive piece of intelligence to Director Brenty.

(To be continued~^~)

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