The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1412: Red Police sea and air disadvantage

At this moment, the senior generals of the Red Police Corps who came to the Supreme Command for a meeting are basically lieutenants and some major generals who hold important positions.

All generals have one thing in common, that is, they are very young.

The Red Police Corps is a very young army. Every member of the Red Police Corps conscripted varies in age from 18 to 25. The generals of the Red Police Corps are also recruited. Very young.

Among the Red Police Corps, the oldest is currently only thirty-two years old. The generals in front of Cai Ruichen are in their twenties, and they are honest when they were young.

In addition to the generals of the Red Police Corps, there are many more garrison troops.

In addition to the construction of the Red Police Corps army, both Iraq and Syria were the first principalities to establish garrisons.

Naturally, Iraq does not need to say more. The garrison has been established for nearly three years, and a number of veterans have already retired. The combat quality of the troops is also quite good.

In the many exercises and confrontations with the Red Police Corps, although they have never won a victory, the performance of each exercise can be refreshing.

The main responsibility of the 100,000 garrison in Iraq is the logistical protection of the Red Police Corps. When the Red Police Corps goes out to fight, they must also be responsible for the work of the country's territory. When necessary, they also need to follow the Red Police Corps to fight.

Regarding the requirements of the garrison, Cai Ruichen never really regarded them as garrisons.

The intensity and level of training are almost all in line with the world's first-class military. It is said that it is a garrison. From the beginning, it has been positioned to be in line with the world's first-class military. Whatever the regular military of other countries has, the garrison will have what it is.

Moreover, compared with the Red Police Corps, the garrison has more opportunities for practical training from the eyes of ordinary people.

The garrison forces usually undertake the security work of the city, similar to the duties of foreign armed police. At the same time, they also shoulder the task of rapid response and urgent handling of the city, maintaining stability and anti-terrorism in the city.

Only in the Iraq-Syria Federation, public security is stable, so many of the duties assigned to the garrison are rarely required to be performed.

Therefore, the garrison can only strengthen training every day. Each division-level unit has also formed its own special forces to train specifically in anti-terrorism and anti-hijacking training.

The Iraqi garrison has a scale of 100,000, and all of the middle and high-level officers are the backbone of the Red Police Corps. This is exactly the same as Syria.

The size of the Syrian garrison is also one hundred thousand, but unlike the Iraqi garrison, the Syrian garrison is more like a coastal defense force.

After all, Syria is facing the Mediterranean Sea. In the past, it was Europe. Once a war breaks out with Europe in the future, the Syrian coastline may become a place for European landing wars.

Because the Syrian garrison tends to be more defensive, but also very vigilant on the Turkish side.

Although the Syrian garrison was established a year later than Iraq, the results of the training are not inferior to Iraq.

After all, the root of the Syrian garrison is the Syrian National Defense Forces. After several years of civil war, many excellent soldiers have been trained. After learning, these soldiers understand how to use advanced weapons and equipment and understand the mode of modern warfare. They are first-class soldiers. .

Lebanon and Palestine, which joined the Islamic Federation only this year, have also established garrisons one after another.

Among them, Lebanon's garrison has only 20,000 troops, after all, the population and land area are very small.

The Palestine garrison is only 50,000 in size.

At present, the garrison forces of the two principalities are also undergoing intense training to remove rust and eliminate those soldiers who cannot stand the high-intensity training of the garrison forces, as well as those weak-willed soldiers, and then the garrison can become an army.

The next war against the United States is very likely to start. There is nothing about the Lebanese and Palestinian garrisons. They are all about training.

Therefore, this meeting did not involve the generals of the two garrisons.

The troops have entered a state of first-level combat readiness, and they are not far from directly declaring a state of war.

All the generals at this moment are also very active in discussing the tactics that should be adopted when going to war with the United States.

In fact, these generals came to the meeting, it was more like an invitation to fight, expressing their tactical views, in order to be able to enter the magic eye of General Ling Liang, and then be transferred to the front line of the battle.

In the last war against Israel, the formation of the group army was temporary, and this time a temporary group army headquarters will be formed, as the generals of the vanguard forces, and will have the opportunity to coordinate and command other troops to fight.

Everyone likes to command more troops, and the lieutenants of the Red Police Corps are no exception.

However, Cai Ruichen is more concerned about the views of navy and air force generals.

In the face of an opponent like the United States, when the ground war officially breaks out, it may be one or two months after the start of the war.

Especially for the Air Force, it is definitely the key to this war.

At present, the Red Police Corps does not have the fourth-generation fighter at all. The most powerful Black Hawk fighter is just an enhanced version. Even if it is only a little weaker than the fourth-generation fighter, it has no stealth capability. It's always a lot worse.

In over-the-horizon air combat, the stealth fighter's radar can detect itself, but its own radar cannot detect the opponent, which is equivalent to being in a situation of being beaten before contact.

This is what Cai Ruichen is currently worried about However, the Red Police equipment does not have a fourth-generation fighter, but this does not mean that the Red Police Corps does not have a fourth-generation fighter.

Cai Ruichen has long obtained a batch of F-20 fighters from the wasteland. The Red Police Corps also has fourth-generation fighters that can be used.

Moreover, it has always been kept secret to the outside world. If it is taken out at a critical time, it will inevitably bring unforgettable lessons to the US Air Force.

However, the number of J-20 fighters obtained from the wasteland is too small, only more than 20, while the Red Police Corps needs to face more than 90 22 Raptor fighters from the two US wings and a certain number of Lightning fighters. .

Even after successfully getting the central control system motherboard of the 22 Raptor fighter, and all the data of the 22 Raptor fighter, this is not enough to completely bridge the gap between the third-generation fighter and the fourth-generation fighter.

Cai Ruichen was worried that if the Air Force could not open the situation smoothly at the beginning of the war, it would be difficult to handle the subsequent battles. To be continued. ..

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