The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1420: The arrogant Cai Ruichen

Quartet realism thinking, it is difficult for normal people to understand Cai Ruichen's decision. In terms of national strategic interests, it is not worth it.

However, the governments of various countries can understand it very well. After all, in the current international social system, it is fundamental to know yourself and the enemy.

Just as the Chinese need to understand the thinking and values ​​of the Westerners, at the same time the Western world must understand the values ​​and thinking of the Chinese.

Although Cai Ruichen's severance of diplomatic relations with the United States was abrupt, in the eyes of all countries, it is completely reasonable.

The so-called strategic opportunity mentioned by Cai Ruichen is, in the eyes of the government staff of various countries, the regional security situation facing the Islamic Federation in the future.

Once the United States controls Iran, it will pose a huge hidden danger to the surrounding security situation of the Islamic Federation.

It even directly threatened the security of the sovereignty of the Islamic and Syrian federation. Therefore, when the United States sent troops to Iran, almost all countries understood that it was impossible for the Islamic and Syrian federation to see Iran really be controlled by the United States.

After all, the actions of the United States in the Middle East before the Iran war clearly proved this point.

However, countries did not expect that the Islamic Federation would choose such a tough method to deal with the United States, the world's strongest military force.

The most important thing is that here in the Middle East, there are other NATO member states involved. Does the Islamic Federation intend to go to war with NATO as a whole?

Almost all people who see the current power structure in the Middle East think that Cai Ruichen is absolutely crazy.

The achievements that the Iran-Syria have finally developed cannot withstand the bombing of NATO coalition forces for a few days. Cai Ruichen is not playing a strategic opportunity, but ruining the entire Iran-Syria.

Therefore, in the Western media, there are almost all negative comments.

Associated Press: "From Cai Ruichen’s speech yesterday, “There are few real misunderstandings in this world”, this sentence can be explained as Cai Ruichen regarded the incident of accidentally hurting the Iraqi and Syrian Federal Embassy as deliberate by the United States. It can be understood that the so-called missile accident incident by the Syrian-Israel Federation sank the USS Jones and resulted in the death of hundreds of US Navy officers and soldiers. It was also deliberate by the other side. The Syrian-Israel Federation did not give us any opportunity to explain it, and then took the opportunity to launch the war. At this moment, the use of the means of severing diplomacy can only be said to be chilling...Although there is no news from the Pentagon, I believe that there will be a decision soon. Regarding this kind of war against the United States, any US People are unacceptable..."

The Times: "Cai Ruichen still exposed his youthful weaknesses. The impulse does not go through brain thinking. It is not easy for the Yixu Federation to develop into the current situation. His impulse can only take the current good situation of the Yixu Federation. Completely ruined..."

French Daily: "I always thought Cai Ruichen was the smartest person in the world, and I almost really believe that he is omnipotent, but now it seems that his wisdom is only reflected in the field of technology and politics. He is like a baby who has just learned to crawl, and he does not understand the crisis of the global political system like an abyss..."

Asahi Shimbun of Japan: "Although Cai Ruichen has made great achievements, his arrogance and arrogance have already destined that he will ruin the construction achievements of the entire Iran-Syria Federation. Once this severance of diplomatic relations really turns into a war, then The so-called powerful army of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation cannot help him recover from the defeat, let alone at sea, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force assists our ally, the US army...

Manila Times: "China was very fortunate to have a strong foreign aid on the rise in the Middle East, which could help Hua Xia level the pressure here in the Far East. However, it is clear that China cannot control this growing foreign aid very well. Strength, just provoke the United States blindly and ignorantly..."

Daily Global Times: "The news that the Islamic Federation announced the severance of diplomatic relations with the United States has become the front page news of major media around the world. For such incidents, the United Nations has also advanced to release news. It is hoped that both sides will restrain themselves and not cause greater disputes. Excerpted from the content of the national TV speech given by Cai Ruichen, the supreme leader of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, last night... Mr. Cai Ruichen’s attitude and will are worthy of admiration, especially his courage, fully expressing his attitude and position, of course, if only to break diplomatic relations Just think of war, which is obviously taken out of context..."

The Russian Federation News Agency: "Cai Ruichen, the supreme leader of the Islamic and Syrian Federation, announced that he will sever all diplomatic relations with the United States and cease all cooperation between the two countries. Although such a move may seem impulsive, it also shows Mr. Cai Ruichen's indomitable indomitableness. Spirit, this spirit is worthy of anyone to learn. At the same time, I express my deep sympathy and indignation for the Iraqi-Syrian Federation being oppressed by political and military groups headed by the United States..."

Xin, Hua, Daily, and Newspapers: "Mr. Cai’s actions fully demonstrate his perseverance and unyielding spirit, as well as his tenacious spirit in defying power. The people of the whole country should learn from this spirit and use tenacious fighting spirit and self-improvement as the motto to alert themselves. , To encourage myself. At the same time, regarding the choice of the Iraq-Syria Federation and the difficulties that may be faced in the future, China Xia will resolutely support Mr. Cai. According to the latest news, this morning, China’s top leader and the big boss received the first time The ambassador of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation to China will meet on this matter. We have further news on this station and will notify you as soon as possible..."

Turning to all the mainstream media and news in the world, Cai Ruichen's eyes are almost all his own negative news.

At this time can speak out to support their own national media agencies, but also very few.

The negative news about Cai Ruichen almost portrayed him as an arrogant and ignorant person, young and without ideas, although smart, but did not use his brain well.

All the media organizations in the world, out of ten, almost all of them are unfavorable towards Cai Ruichen.

Cai Ruichen had anticipated such news a long time ago, but he didn't care about it, and he didn't have any intention to explain it.

He was never a talkative person, and he never went to fight with anyone. In his words, instead of wasting saliva, it is better to see the truth with a real sword.

In such a one-sided negative report, the best explanation is not to clarify, but to use actual results to tell the world who is right and who is wrong. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users, please read. )

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