The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1424: Full-scale war on the United States

PS: Huaihua will be transferred back to Xiamen in a few days. The next few days will be relatively busy due to the handover. Basically, I have to work overtime until nine o'clock. The update may not be too much, everyone understands.


In the NATO Joint Operations Command, Griffin did not sleep peacefully all night.

Yesterday, the severance of diplomatic relations between the Iraqi and Syrian Federation made him unable to relax, and his heart was filled with the haze of the coming war.

My heart is very depressed, there is a feeling that the mountains and rain are coming and the wind is all over the building, and the dark clouds are pressing the city and want to destroy.

As a veteran, Griffin, who has experienced the United States' foreign wars, knows that his feeling is definitely not an illusion.

From an ordinary second lieutenant on the battlefield in Vietnam, to now, to become a four-star general of the US Army, all his life as a military officer has been dealing with war.

The atmosphere of this kind of war is the most sensible. In expert terms, it is the smell of gunpowder in the air.

Therefore, this evening, he repeatedly asked the intelligence department to send up the latest intelligence from the Syrian-Israel Federation, and the satellite's monitoring of the Syrian-Israel Federation also required the data crossover time not to exceed ten minutes.

Griffin can't sleep, and can only eliminate the cause of the inability to sleep.

Only after two o'clock in the morning to half past four in the morning, the territory of the Yixu Federation was still quiet.

None of the satellites found any actions by the Iraqi-Syrian Federation troops, and the highways and communication lines of the Iraq-Syria Federation were all business as usual.

The intelligence department's eyeliner lurking in the territory of the Syrian-Israeli Federation also found nothing.

This situation not only did not make Griffin feel relieved, but it breeds even stronger anxiety.

Especially when he thought of it, when the Iraqi-Syrian Federation launched ballistic missiles before, whether it was satellites or the THAAD system radar in Turkey, there was no advance warning.

Among the top U.S. military leaders, they didn't think there was anything. After all, radar and satellites are not absolute, and there are dead spots for detection.

What's more, all the missiles in the Iraq-Syria Federation have one thing in common, that is, the boosting time is very short, and it cannot be found in the boosting stage, so it is difficult to find a missile with stealth capability.

Griffin is a little worried that the Islamic Federation will launch an attack on NATO coalition forces. If it is similar to the previous missile attack, it is indeed difficult to defend.

However, the Pentagon did not agree with his initiative to attack, the reason is very simple, the NATO has not yet fully negotiated.

The United States is unwilling to face the Iranian-Syrian Federation forces on the Iranian battlefield alone.

Griffin can also understand this. He has been rejected for his proactive attack and the key target of destroying the Syrian Federation by air strikes. Apart from understanding, he is also very helpless.

He is a general, and he doesn't like that set of political things. He just considers how to let his troops take the lead before the outbreak of the next war.

However, people in the country have concerns, and NATO is not entirely single-minded. What can he say?

Of course, during the resistance against U.S. aggression and aid to Korea, U.S. commander MacArthur proposed to the U.S. Congress more than once to attack the Chinese Volunteers’ rear path, and start the war against China, so that the veteran would cooperate with the counter-offensive from the south and also attack the railways of the Soviet Far East, making it impossible to transport military supplies. Arrived in North Korea.

As an advent, from the perspective of a war, this is a normal suggestion. If the enemy's logistical supplies and troop supplies cannot be cut off, it will be difficult to win this war.

Because in China back then, there was an army of six million, and the military equipment supported by the Soviet Far East was constantly flowing.

Such a war, from a purely warfare perspective, even if it has an armament advantage, it is difficult for the United States to have a complete chance of winning.

But the general’s battlefield thinking is only to face a war, and the country needs to consider the global situation, of course, the most important thing is the national interest.

No matter at any time, this will not change.

It is as if Griffin proposes to take the initiative to attack the Islamic Federation. This is the same as MacArthur back then, but the US government needs to consider the overall situation.

Especially for the current United States, the Syrian-Israel Federation has not shown a resolute attitude to war, and there are no signs of mobilization of domestic troops. The United States feels that there is still time, and war will not break out 100%.

It is naturally impossible to adopt Griffin's suggestion.

This also made Griffin suddenly understand that MacArthur was helpless in the face of this situation, although he did not like MacArthur, a general who likes to brag.

Thinking of the Pentagon's refusal again, Griffin looked helpless again. He shook his head in the command post and looked at the map of the Middle East in front of him.

At this moment, a harsh siren suddenly sounded in the command center. When it heard it was an air defense alarm, Griffin suddenly jumped from his command chair.

Looking out the window of the command headquarters, at this time, Patriot anti-aircraft missiles lifted off with a long tail flame, illuminating the entire joint command headquarters.

The missiles of the Iraq-Syria Federation, war, counterattack.

Three nouns appeared in his mind instantly, Griffin's eyes remained outside the night sky illuminated by the missile's non-stop lift-off, and he quickly commanded: "Order all troops to deal with Iraq in accordance with the prepared plan. The Syrian Federation launched an attack."

But before the order was delivered, a fierce guarantee was exploded around the joint command headquarters, and dense explosions and flames enveloped the entire base.

The dozens of ballistic missile warheads that fell in the sky were all over the joint command camp. They were detonated by the radar ranging fuze in the missile warhead. Countless small bombs similar to steel **** fell and exploded densely in the camp. Rang.

The commander where Griffin was sitting at was also covered by a dense explosion.

Had it not been for the underground air defense room where his guards pulled him in time, Griffin, the four-star general, would have been buried with the collapsed NATO Joint Command.

But other places in the joint command headquarters are not so lucky. Once the lethality of a dozen missiles spreads, it can definitely be called terror.

After a missile exploded, there were two or three hundred small bombs spread all over the joint command headquarters. It was just a blink of an eye. The joint command headquarters were all caught in the flames of the explosion.

There was chaos everywhere, and the temporary air force base next to the joint command was also intensively found. Dozens of various helicopters had not taken off before they turned into brilliant exploding fireworks.

The hangars, garages, fuel depots, and munitions depots almost all found a devastating blow.

This NATO joint headquarters located on the edge of Tehran was also the military base of Iraq, the Lange, and the Life Guard. It turned into a sea of ​​flames in just ten seconds. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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