The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1442: Cai Ruichen's unsuccessful tactics

In the base console, Cai Ruichen looked at the picture on the map with serious eyes, without the slightest expression on his face.

The first round of air strikes in the United States shook the entire Iraq-Syrian Federation. Many of the targets in the first round of attacks were near cities, and some were even near the city. The shock of the explosion made the Iraq-Syrian Federation calm for many years. , Shook again.

However, this kind of shock was more of a public opinion, and no one was injured in the first round of airstrikes by the US military. Air defense sirens sounded throughout the Iraq-Syrian Federation.

Residents of various cities all gathered in the nearest air defense fortifications, entered the air defense facilities, and avoided air raids by the US military.

And today's Iraq-Syria Federation is also destined to be impossible to be peaceful.

The intensity of the US air strikes has also sounded the alarm bells for the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, telling everyone that war may once again come to the territory of the Islamic-Syrian Federation.

At the same time, various naval articles appeared on the website of the Syrian-Israel Federation, all of which were articles fearing the chaos of the world. They were mainly political attacks on those in power and accused Cai Ruichen of bringing the Syrian-Israel Federation into war again. Among.

To exaggerate the war and all kinds of negative news, in just a few minutes, the entire national network of the Syrian Federation is almost full of countless related news.

These are naturally the masterpieces of the US cyber forces. Only a few people are required to complete this endless naval work.

It’s just puzzling that the Iraqi-Syrian Federation seemed to be stunned by the United States in an instant. You can stop hearing the sirens and the horns of fire trucks, but you can’t see anything from the Iraq-Syria Federation. Many practical actions.

Even this kind of negative news on the Internet was not handled by anyone, and the federal government of Iraq and Syria seemed to be paralyzed at once.

On the US side, it is counterattacking in accordance with the plan in an orderly manner. Whether it is to disintegrate the people's mind from the inside or to attack from the outside, it is very standard coordination.

It's just that it's not that the Red Police Corps didn't take any action, but continued to wait.

In the eyes of the Red Police Corps, the US offensive was a complete joke.

The so-called goals of the United States have been used to confuse the United States from the beginning.

As for the imperial court, it is true that there should not be any mistakes in this place. Even if there is no one working in the imperial court, the imperial court has always appeared in the global media with high profile. Almost when it comes to the imperial court, its The representative is the Supreme Command of the Islamic Federation, like the Kremlin of Russia and the White House of the United States.

Its political significance and image of national dignity are exactly the same as the Kremlin and the White House.

The destruction of the imperial court symbolizes that the national sovereignty and dignity have been destroyed and hit, and the morale of the people is greatly weakened.

False goals can be ignored, but the imperial court cannot.

The cautiousness of the United States did not exceed Cai Ruichen's expectations. Therefore, from the beginning, he concluded that it is impossible for the United States to blindly send fighter jets into the territory of the Syrian Federation.

The most likely means to be adopted is to strike with missiles from a distance to take the lead in destroying the air defense network in the Syrian-Israel Federation, and then conduct a full-scale air strike on the Syrian-Israel Federation to completely destroy all the war capabilities of the Syrian-Israel Federation.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen formulated a targeted tactic, which is to let the United States play casually, and then let the United States feel that the Islamic Federation is safe, and can send a large fleet of aircraft into the Islamic Federation to attack.

As long as this step can be achieved, the United States' attempts to turn passive to active tactics will also completely fail.

Cai Ruichen now, like an experienced hunter, digs into the sink, quietly dormant in the dark, waiting for the prey to step into the sink.

Otherwise, Cai Ruichen is fully capable of arresting all the eyeliners and agents of the CIA in the country. To this day, these unstable factors can still operate in the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, just to create fog for these people and make the Pentagon wrong. Judge and make the wrong target.

So far, the plans have all been successful. The United States has launched more than 200 missiles. Except for the intercepted missiles, all of them hit false targets.

And most of them exploded in no-man’s land on the outskirts, because in the Iraq-Syria Federation, camouflage does not require any camouflage equipment at all, and it is completely sufficient to directly use a crack generator for visual deception.

In fact, not only the CIA agents were deceived, but all the citizens of the Syrian and Iraqi Federation were also deceived by the augmented reality projection.

And all the AGM-158 joint air-to-surface missiles launched by the United States, the final images captured by the built-in camera are also fake images of the target simulated by augmented reality. The missile did explode at the target location, but the target was from the beginning. It does not exist at all.

At this moment, the entire command team in the top command of the base is quietly waiting for further actions by the US military.

According to Cai Ruichen's tactics, the best combat target is a stealth fighter against the US military.

In the previous air strikes on the Arabian Peninsula, more than forty Raptor fighter jets have been destroyed by a wing of the US Air Force.

The number of Raptor fighter jets that the US military can deploy in Europe will not be too many.

As long as these Raptor squadrons are destroyed, the US air force in the Middle East will be left with ordinary third-generation fighters, and the strength will be fundamentally weakened.

The Iraqi-Syrian federal fighters are all three-and-a-half generation fighters, and it can almost be said that in terms of superior air superiority, they are not inferior to the next air power of the US military.

There is also a very important issue with the entire The Red Police Corps is equipped with pockets, but the US military may not be fooled.

If the United States is more cautious, it can still continue to launch AGM-158 joint air-to-surface missiles outside the defense zone of the Red Police Corps.

The actual situation is almost the same. The second round of air strikes by the US military came very fast, and the time interval between the first round of air strikes and the first round of air strikes was less than ten minutes.

And this time the US military also chose to attack outside the Iran-Syria Federal Defense Zone.

There are nearly 90 Raptor fighter jets in the two wing, and more than 700 missiles are carried. Nearly half of the Raptors are even the missiles fired by the Red Police Corps.

The second round of attacks by the US military made Cai Ruichen very helpless. The caution of the US military caused his tactics to lure the enemy to an instant.

The fourth-generation American fighters dared not approach the territory of the Syrian Federation, and the Red Police Corps could not attack the Raptor fighters outside the defense zone.

Cai Ruichen could only give orders, and the troops continued to follow the order of not moving. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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