The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1449: Red Alert Strategic Counterattack

After the third round of US air strikes failed, the Red Police Corps Air Force also began to act.

In the underground base of the Third Aviation Division, a fighter plane full of missiles and bombs was slowly pushed onto the elevator in the underground hangar under the push of the ground handling trailer.

On the fighter jets, all fighter divisions are already conducting the final inspection before takeoff.

All the equipment indicators showed normal. The fighter division gave a thumbs up to the ground crew on the ground. The underground hangar dispatch center confirmed that all the aircraft were ready and began to send the fighters to the alternate runway on the ground. on.

On the ground, the lights of the alternate runway brightened in turn, and under the night sky, the concealed lifts of the underground hangar at the end of the runway slowly spread to both sides.

A bomber full of streamlined beauty was slowly raised onto the runway by the elevator.

The height of the lift is exactly level with the runway. The gray Aurora bomber is painted. The four diamond-shaped tail nozzles at the tail emit faint blue light spots, which quickly merged into a blue light. The brake baffle on the lift suddenly lowered. Just like a carrier plane taking off on an aircraft carrier, as soon as the bomber speeds up and down the platform, it quickly taxis on the alternate runway.

The folded plate protruded behind the three-angled wing, and the nose was raised high, but the Aurora bomber, which taxied for 700 meters and took off with a total weight of more than 100 tons, had left the ground runway and rose like night.

On the second runway next to it, another Aurora bomber also took off at the same time.

The third aviation division is the first to be established as a completely simple aviation division, with a complete group of Aurora strategic stealth bombers.

The organization of the Red Police Corps is different from that of foreign troops. It is a specially formulated scale and organization based on the Red Police Corps' replenishment capabilities.

A group of strategic bombers has twelve Aurora bombers. This is also the third aviation division, the only strategic aircraft group.

At the same time, the strategic bomber fleets of the first and second aviation divisions all set off at the same time.

Cai Ruichen is not a person who will not fight back. The plan for a second strategic counterattack against the United States has also been formulated from the beginning.

The main force responsible for the second strategic counterattack is also the Aurora bomber with the strongest attack power of the Red Police Corps Air Force.

The Aurora bomber is always equipped with both nuclear and supersonic stealth bombers, which can carry dozens of tons of bombs, which is more advanced than any bomber in the United States.

At this moment, taking advantage of the fact that the US military has just suffered a failure, Cai Ruichen wants the United States to try again, his own strong side.

The Aurora bomber group that took off directly flew towards the Iraq-Syria Federation in all directions at an ultra-low-altitude flight attitude.

The targets of this attack include all airfields of the European US military, as well as fleets in the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean.

Thirty-six Aurora bombers, running in three different directions, quickly left the territory of the Iraq-Syria Federation.

On the border between Iran and Iraq, the four main army divisions of the Red Police Corps also began operations.

The US military has lost the stealth fighter that is the key to the victory. Cai Ruichen also took this opportunity to expand the results. If the US can be driven out of Iran within this period of time, then this war can only be over even if the US is unwilling to end.

Because at that time, unless the United States is willing to carry out this war with all the strength of the country, it must be a truce.

If the United States firmly participates in the war, the ultimate destiny will be either a nuclear war or the United States completely bid farewell to its hegemony.

On the border, the vanguard of the Red Police Corps has entered Iranian territory.

On the Iranian side, IS, Lange, and the Life Guard also sent a small unit to greet them.

The IS, Lange, and Life Guard guerrillas who came to greet them did not know the fact that a large number of stealth fighters were shot down just now.

Along the way, they were all cautious and prevented from being discovered by U.S. drones in the air.

What they didn't know was that there were no drones on top of their heads for a long time, because the border was the border of the Federal Republic of Iraq and Syria.

And they didn't even know that when the Syrian-Iranian Federal Guard entered Iranian territory on the ground, the bombers of the I-Syrian federation had already flown towards Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Indian Ocean.

The guerrillas therefore had to be careful.

In their view, it would be dangerous if the U.S. military now discovers that the troops of the Islamic and Syrian Federation have to enter Iranian territory.

US fighter jets can come over at any time to wipe out the Iraqi-Syrian Federation troops in the march.

Hidden on the back of the weathered rock, hundreds of guerrillas from IS, Lange, and the Life Guard used the cracks in the rock to avoid the long-term omnipresent drone in the sky.

"You said, how many troops will the Islamic Federation send?"

"I don't know, I don't think there are too many troops! The Iraqi-Syrian Federation does not have a lot of troops, and we have to beware of the U.S. troops in the direction of Turkey. At most, they will come over one or two divisions, and they may be infantry divisions."

"I heard that the ace armored division sent by the Iraqi-Syrian Federation."

"How is that possible? This is not the Syrian Federation. The sky is full of American aircraft. The Syrian Federation simply has no ability to compete with the United States for air supremacy and send armored troops. The only destiny is to be killed by US fighters."

"Those **** American warthogs are terrible."

"I have a fellow at the General Staff Headquarters. He said that the joint commander sent by the Islamic Federation has arrived at the General Staff Headquarters. This time the Islamic Federation will fully support our operations against the US military. It is indeed possible to send large-scale ground troops. ."

"Even on a large scale, I guess it is an infantry in the garrison."

"But I heard that this time the Iraqi-Syrian Federation is very determined. Although they are now being bombed by the United States, I think Mr. Cai is not an ordinary person."

"What's the use of his being alone, can he still block bullets?"


In the gravity training room of the base vehicle, Cai Ruichen reached out and grabbed the last bullet of the machine gun in front of him. As soon as he walked out of the training room, Natasha took a towel and said: "The troops have entered Iranian territory and will soon join the Iranian guerrillas."

"Tell the troops to advance towards Isfahan at full speed and the air force will provide them with all cover."


In Iran, the vibration on the ground caused all Iranian guerrillas to shut their mouths.

In the darkness, sand and dust rolled on the distant road, and the night vision binoculars in the hands of the guerrilla captain clearly saw the long fleet of chariots driving over on the distant road.

"It's the troops of the Islamic Federation, ready to meet."

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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