The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1458: The art of air combat on the tip of a knife

If you can't quickly interfere or kill the early warning aircraft, you can't completely control the initiative in the air, and air combat is bound to enter a relatively fair contest.

For the four French Rafale fighters, although the airborne radar cannot see the opposite fighter, the early warning aircraft is sufficient to provide the necessary early warning and coordinated assistance to the Rafale fighter.

The two Black Hawk fighters rushed over like an arrow from Lixuan, which made Colonel Beckham unclear for a while what the other party was going to do.

When the two Black Hawks entered the range of the Mika missile, Beckham did not hesitate. When the two sides were 80 kilometers apart, they immediately fired the missile.

The Mika missile developed and produced in France over-the-horizon air-to-air missile is also the main attack weapon of the Rafale fighter.

In terms of performance, it is not inferior to the third-generation air-to-air missiles of Russia and the United States, with extremely strong tracking capabilities.

The four Rafale fighters launched a total of four missiles, with only two targets, and the number of missiles was enough.

When the missile was launched, the Black Hawk fighter immediately issued a warning signal that it was locked by the missile.

However, neither the Flying Tiger nor the Flying Leopard had any intention to dodge, and they still flew straight towards the Rafale fighter in front.

The missile signal on the radar is getting stronger and stronger, and the distant missiles can vaguely see the faint missile tail flame like a meteor in the night sky.

In the face of the missiles that were almost in front of them, the two Black Hawk fighters still did not make any dodge movements, not only maintained the posture of supersonic flight, but also continued to fly towards the missile head-on.

The sirens in the Black Hawk fighter are getting more and more urgent, which also shows that the missile is getting closer.

At the moment when Feihu and Feibao were able to clearly see the missile tail flames, the two released jamming bombs at the same time, and at supersonic speeds, they forced the nose down. At supersonic speed, it seemed to lose weight instantly, and fell quickly toward the ground.

When the two Black Hawk fighters landed on the ground in a falling attitude, the four Mika missiles also directly hit the decoy shells just released in the air and were directly detonated.

However, no matter whether it is Flying Leopard or Flying Tiger, they cannot hear the sound of the explosion. At supersonic speeds, their speed has exceeded the speed of sound propagation, and it is naturally impossible to hear the movement behind.

The falling fighter soon ended its supersonic flight attitude, but the fighter remained in the falling attitude during sea trials, as if it had been injured.

At this moment, the drivers of the four Rafale fighters not far away all smiled immediately.

Judging from the radar, the two opposing fighters were injured by the oncoming Mika missile explosion and were falling towards the ground at the moment.

Although there is a time difference of nearly one second, even Beckham directly ignores this point.

The reason is very simple. The opponent was flying at supersonic speed and suddenly fell towards the ground. If it weren't for being injured by a missile, it would be impossible to make such an action.

At present, no matter what kind of fighter it is, it is impossible to make any maneuvers at supersonic speeds. The super fast speed is enough to tear all the fighter planes apart.

Moreover, the huge pressure of the maneuver after entering the supersonic speed is not the human body can bear, enough to make the pilot stun in an instant.

Therefore, the four French fighter pilots all thought that their opponents had been solved with great ease.

However, just as they watched the two Black Hawk fighters on the radar getting closer and closer to the ground, the two Black Hawk fighters in the falling state actually changed to a level flight attitude.

At this time, the four French pilots also instinctively made up for the shaking of the two Black Hawk fighters and finally recovered their level flight attitude. Of course, there were also scars on the two Black Hawks.

"It's really strong enough so that it can still maintain a flying attitude."

For this, Beckham also has to admit that the quality of the aircraft produced by the Iraq-Syria Federation is really leveraged.

However, since the other party can still keep flying, it needs to continue to send the other party a distance and completely eliminate the other party.

The four Rafale fighters pressed their noses down almost at the same time and approached the two Black Hawk fighters that were already close to the ground at an altitude of nearly a thousand meters.

When the altitude dropped to nearly one kilometer, the four Rafale fighters fired missiles again.

The moment the missile locked the two Black Hawk fighters, the four French pilots all smiled.

Faced with the second wave of missiles, whether it was Flying Tiger or Flying Leopard, the corners of their mouths were all raised.

With similar tactics, neither of them knew how many new fighter divisions they had pitted in the actual combat simulation.

The reactions of the four Rafale fighters were all responded in a normal way, and the normal response will inevitably fall into a trap.

Faced with the two incoming missiles, the two Black Hawk fighters flew forward steadily, almost the same as the previous ones. At the moment when the missile was about to hit the fighter, the fighter immediately made a tactic of rotating the fuselage horizontally. But this time no bait bomb was released.

The fuselage descended rapidly under a nearly stalled rotation. The four missiles almost rubbed the fuselage of the fighter and passed over the heads of the two Black Hawks. However, at this time, the distance between the missile and the fighter was more than 20 meters.

At this time, even if the missile exploded, it could not endanger the Black Hawk fighter.

After successfully setting aside the incoming missiles, Flying Leopard and Flying Tiger, they pressed the missile launch button in a tacit understanding.

From the beginning, the missile has been in a state of being ready at any time. Although the ballet on the tip of the knife is very exciting, it is necessary to kill the opponent to be considered a victory.

Two close combat ammunition were fired at the moment when two Black Hawk fighters turned from a hovering state to a level flight

The four French Rafale fighters that are approaching are less than five kilometers away. Although they can't see each other in the night sky, they can already vaguely see the signal lights.

The speed of the two close combat bombs was extremely fast. Oncoming were four Rafale fighters approaching at the same high speed. At the moment the missile appeared, even Beckham had a brief loss of consciousness.

Five kilometers is just a blink of an eye for the V-1GD combat missile that has entered at least four times the speed of sound after launch.

Although all four Rafale fighters had already begun to evade the incoming missiles in the moment of stunned surprise, the suddenness and speed of the missiles were too unpredictable.

After all, in the first second, the four French fighter pilots were still approaching each other as they watched the excitement. Unexpectedly, the other party was able to launch a counterattack, so suddenly and sharply.

The two Rafales on the left and right were hit directly, and neither of the pilots had time to parachute, and the Rafale fighters were instantly destroyed.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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