The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1465: Desperate American infantry

Above Tarawa Heights, the ground battle started abruptly.

In front of the 112th US Infantry Battalion, three battle fortresses rushed frantically to the center of the US foxhole on the high ground.

On the high ground where the artillery stopped, the stunned American soldiers also launched a fierce counterattack.

The firepower of light and heavy machine guns kept pouring toward the three battle fortresses.

In the dark, the dense bullets fired by the machine guns, with traces like rain of light, fell on the outer armor of the battle fortress, and there were sparks from the collision of the bullets everywhere.

The sophisticated weapons and equipment of the U.S. Army often neglect the combat qualities of U.S. soldiers. For human warfare, no matter how good the equipment is, excellent soldiers are needed to exert their combat effectiveness.

In particular, the development of modern weapons and equipment requires personnel who use advanced weapons and equipment to have a certain high level of ability.

In the eyes of the outside world, they can often only see the strength of the US military's weapons and equipment, ignoring the role played by US soldiers. In fact, the combat capabilities of US soldiers are second to none in the world.

Especially for the layout of the battlefield and action coordination, tacit understanding and experience.

At this moment, on the Tarawa Highlands, the US soldiers who had undergone two rounds of fierce shelling burst out with extremely strong combat effectiveness at the moment the battle started.

The combination of light and heavy firepower did not cause the firepower output to be too sparse due to the previous shelling that caused a large number of soldiers to die.

In the face of heavy equipment enemies, under the cover of light and heavy firepower, the fireman's actions were also quite rapid. Within five seconds of the light and heavy machine gun, several rockets landed on the battle fortress.

After that, there were many anti-tank missiles also rushing to the battle fortress.

The 112th Infantry Battalion, even if there are less than half of the soldiers who can fight, still has a strong offensive capability.

If it were to be replaced by a conventional armored force, under such an attack, I am afraid that it would have to pay no small price.

Regrettably, this time the US military is not facing those second- and third-rate troops, but the Red Police Corps with the world's top military level.

Especially in the face of a powerful battle fortress, it is just an iron lump, or an iron lump with various weapons. .

Faced with the powerful firepower of the US infantry, the speed of the battle fortress has no effect at all.

The tracks on both sides are protected by heavy armor, and the front and side armor is even more than the main battle tank.

With this defensive power, conventional single-soldier equipment is simply unable to obtain a battle fortress.

After rushing through the intensive bullet rain and artillery fire, under the attack of the US army, the battle fortress did not even stop, and it has come to the front of the US foxhole.

The counterattack also unfolded, and the two Getter cannons on the roof made a heart-breaking turning sound, and the dense traces merged into patches of light rain, covering a large number of foxholes around.

This kind of intensive bullet rain is what every soldier fears most, especially those high-rate machine guns that can last for a long time, which is simply a disaster for infantrymen.

The core of the battle fortress is to perfectly restrain the infantry, to be able to effectively kill the infantry, and to ensure that it will not be killed by the infantry.

This infantry not only refers to soldiers holding weapons, but also most of the equipment on land.

The long-range artillery and missiles and rocket launchers are naturally to say that the core of combat fortress operations is to use their powerful mobile capabilities to transport troops to the front line, and also act as a front-line firepower point, as a movable battle bunker that can move in Provide defense and attack on the battlefield.

So this requires the battle fortress to have more powerful defense and firepower, of course, as well as powerful transportation capabilities.

In order to maximize the combat effectiveness of the battle fortress, Cai Ruichen also made a lot of effort to study the tactics that cooperate with the battle fortress.

Which unit is the most effective to cooperate with the battle fortress? From the current Red Police Corps units, Cai Ruichen's first choice is the apocalyptic tanks and heavy infantry that can survive in the high-intensity battlefield environment.

After all, the combat mission of the battle fortress is to rush into the enemy, start killing, tear open the enemy's defense line, and destroy the enemy's defense formation.

The weapon modules on each battle fortress are also different, and they can even be equipped with a complete set of area air defense missiles. Of course, they can also be equipped with some miniaturized weapon modules, such as the gate cannon, assault gun, and sniper gun. ...

Assaulted into the battle fortress site on the edge of the foxhole, several hidden doors opened, and a dozen or so terrorist robots emerged from the inside. Under the cover of the firepower of the battle fortress, they rushed towards the American soldiers hidden in the foxhole.

When the US 113th Armored Battalion came to support it, the entire 112th Infantry Battalion's defense line was about to collapse.

In the face of a helpless battle fortress, it is difficult to destroy by the firepower of the ground alone, let alone the weapons in the hands of infantry, no matter how deadly it is, it cannot compare to tanks and armored vehicles.

The arrival of the armored battalion gave the remaining US soldiers of the 112th Infantry Battalion some hope.

However, this hope was quickly dashed.

Facing the US Abrams main battle tank, the two 120mm main guns above the battle fortress finally began to play a role.

Abrams just came into the high ground. The shells of the tank’s main gun fell on the armor of the battle fortress. The armor-piercing shells with tracers hit the armor of the battle fortress and were directly hit by the bullets. Get out.

When faced with the two main guns of the battle fortress that were completely the same as the Apocalypse tanks, they did not even have the ability to resist. The heavy armor of Abrams, like paper, was easily penetrated.

This scene was the previous tank contest in Kuwait. In the face of the extremely powerful Apocalypse main gun, Abrams lost all advantages.

However, what really made the US military desperate was that the arrival of two vanguard armed warships in the sky was another nightmare to attack the entire front line of the US military in Tarawa Heights.

Especially for those American soldiers concealed in the foxhole, the bullets from the sky have no defensive effect at all in the foxhole.

However, it was the 113 armored battalion that was really affected. The Vanguard armed warship also had two 120mm Apocalypse main guns, and two 30mm Getter cannons. The depleted uranium armor-piercing shells fired were even the top armor of the main battle tank. Both can be broken down.

The remaining 75mm and 155mm howitzers were used to kill ground infantry.

The firepower of an armed vanguard warship is comparable to an artillery battalion, and it is even more intuitive in terms of its killing effect. The deterrent power for ground soldiers is also much higher than that of artillery on the ground.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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