The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1501: Spike the Los Angeles-class attack nuclear submarine

PS: I am extremely grateful to the book friend "xixiqp788" for the one-hundred-thousand-thousand-point currency rewarded yesterday, which made this book's hegemony hegemony and completed his ten more.

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The order to detonate the reactor was passed down, and no one stood up to oppose it. There were no combat weapons on the submarine. The only attack power was either to hit it or detonate the reactor.

The opponent can completely avoid it if he hits it, but if the reactor is detonated, the opponent must be buried with his own.

It is worthwhile to be able to pull a US Los Angeles-class attack nuclear submarine temporarily to bury it.

The vibration of the torpedo collision and explosion passed, and the distance between the two submarines was less than 500 meters.

At this moment, Chang Weixuan has seen the picture of being buried with the other party.

At this distance, the other party did not dare to launch torpedoes casually, and could only avoid oneself, but it was too late.

At this time, the American soldiers on the Cheyenne nuclear submarine had all thought of the other party's purpose, and all of them had an incredible look on their faces.

Since the establishment of the US submarine force, it seems that it has only encountered the crazy Soviet Union before encountering such a lunatic who wants to hit a submarine.

just now……

"It's really a bunch of lunatics, a bunch of lunatics who have been brainwashed by religion." Hades cursed and immediately ordered: "Evasion at full speed."

The other party is a lunatic, and it is naturally impossible for Hades to go crazy with the other party, so at this time, avoiding is the most correct choice.

However, at this moment, in the seabed, a huge figure emerged from the seabed, and long tentacles were directly tied to the elegant cigar-shaped hull of the Cheyenne nuclear submarine.

The Sea Wolf One, which was rushing over, stopped immediately, and the base also sent a message at this moment that reinforcements arrived.

The American soldiers on the Cheyenne nuclear submarine didn't know what was happening outside. They just felt that the whole submarine was like a toy for a time, being caught and shaken in various ways.

The US sailors in each submarine were like bouncing **** for a while, bumping into and out of the submarine.

At this moment, the entire Cheyenne nuclear submarine was indeed the same. It was picked up by the two tentacles of the King Octopus, like a dice, swaying back and forth, left and right, and the entire sea bottom was extremely muddy by it.

With the tremendous strength and the tremendous pressure of the sea, the US soldiers on the Cheyenne nuclear submarine did not figure out what the situation was, and the whole submarine broke in two directly.

The huge pressure of the sea directly crushed everyone in the submarine. The Cheyenne nuclear submarine, which was broken into two pieces, was like a tired toy by the King Octopus, directly on the seabed.

The whole process was simple and sharp, and even the American soldiers on the submarine didn't even know what happened, so they all went to see God in a daze.

In fact, the King Octopus was too hilarious. After all, it was a submarine, and it was a deep sea. Not to mention shaking a submarine in the depths of the sea. Even if it was shaking on land, it would be choking.

The density of sea water is 800 times that of air, and the huge water pressure is equal to the resistance that the submarine will endure when shaking underwater, which is 800 times that of the air. How can it not disintegrate.

As for all the Red Police soldiers on Seawolf One, the emergency button to detonate the reactor was about to be pressed in the next second, and everything came too suddenly and was too happy.

Looking at the soldiers embracing and cheering in the submarine, Chang Weixuan also smiled happily...

In fact, Cai Ruichen had already received the news from the time the US military used ultra-long wave communications to order all US military submarines to surround it.

The surrounding US attacking nuclear submarine not only discovered Seawolf One, but also two other submarines were discovered.

The two sides launched a submarine contest in three different places.

But I have to say that although the Acura-class submarine is very advanced, there are still many places where there is no need to board a real nuclear-powered submarine. The hardware is inherently inferior to others. Even if there is an improvement in software, it is difficult to completely level the technology of both parties. The gap, not to mention the software is not very bad.

However, in the other two places, because the other two Acura-class submarines were not injured, they were only short of weapons and ammunition, Cai Ruichen personally issued orders to the giant squid to support the two submarines.

Regarding Sea Wolf One, Cai Ruichen also planned to wait for them to come back and personally honor each soldier on Sea Wolf One. How could he allow the heroes to have problems on the way back.

Although Cai Ruichen gave orders to King Octopus for the first time, all of this was dangerous enough. The hero of the Seawolf One ship almost evaporated.

Fortunately, the worst situation did not occur. Cai Ruichen was relieved when the news came back.

Regrettably, the Sea Wolf II has been completely unable to return.

This naval battle has just begun, and the Red Police Corps has already paid a considerable price, but the results achieved are even more brilliant.

But Cai Ruichen didn't mean anything to be happy. The NATO main fleet was approaching Diego Garcia Island at the fastest speed. An even larger maritime battle would take place in a few hours.

The next naval battle is the real key. Once the subsequent war cannot be won, all the successes that have been achieved since the landing of Diego Garcia Island until now will be meaningless.

Cai Ruichen can also fully understand the heavy responsibility on Sha Yiqi's shoulders. Therefore, he also gives all autonomy to Sha Yiqi. Any order does not need to go through him. As long as Sha Yiqi feels right, he boldly executes it with confidence.

Will not be subject to orders from foreign Cai Ruichen will not intervene in this war. He wants to give his generals and soldiers a stage to fully display their abilities.

But this does not mean that Cai Ruichen is truly relieved. After all, this is an extremely critical battle, and it will directly affect the overall situation of the subsequent war.

To put it bluntly, this naval battle will determine the overall outcome of this battle between the Islamic Federation and the United States.

If the Iraqi-Syrian Federation fails, it will give the United States hope of continued victory. Otherwise, the United States will be able to completely lose confidence in this war, and it will be possible to end this war early.

From the very beginning, Cai Ruichen never thought of fighting the United States to the end. Choosing the right time to end this war is the greatest benefit.

As for Japan, if it weren't for Japan to be so active and dance so happily, Cai Ruichen hadn't really imagined that he would play against Japan so quickly.

For Japan, Cai Ruichen just wants to say that if you don't die, you won't die.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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