The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1503: Japan and the United States invite Cai Ruichen to participate in G20

In response to this epic naval battle victory model, some people have made relevant deductions and analyzed the attack power of the most powerful Seawolf-class attack nuclear submarine in the United States.

If the ambushing submarine is replaced by the American Sea Wolf, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force will lose half of its strength at most, and it will be able to get rid of the opponent's attack and counterattack.

Therefore, various countries have drawn a conclusion from this, that is, when facing the submarine of the Iran-Syria Federation, they must be clear about the powerful offensive capabilities of the other side.

However, once such a powerful attack power is released, it also means that the sustainable combat capability of the submarine is basically gone.

Once this extremely powerful attack ability cannot completely destroy the opponent, it will bring about the completely opposite result, that is, the submarine is unable to continue to attack, and then is destroyed by the anti-potential quantity.

In this submarine ambush naval battle, the ability of the Iranian-Syrian Federation submarines to submarine-launch anti-aircraft missiles has also attracted great attention from all countries.

However, there is too little news about this type of submarine-launched air defense missile. Even Japan, after paying the price of two fleets, does not know much.

For the mysterious submarine of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, various experts analyzed to the end and came to an almost identical result.

This submarine has excellent silent ability and extremely powerful attack power. One ship can bring huge damage to a complete fleet of any country.

However, after the attack, they will directly face the situation of being pursued and killed, and in the face of new threats, there will be no backhand power.

And this submarine also has the ability to launch anti-aircraft missiles underwater, which can pose a direct threat to fixed-wing anti-submarine aircraft and anti-submarine helicopters underwater.

However, what is really interesting is that the tonnage of this submarine, some say it is several thousand tons, some say it is tens of thousands of tons of nuclear power.

Those who talk about a few thousand tons of conventional submarines have almost moved the tonnage closer to seven or eight thousand, because it is absolutely impossible for a small submarine platform to launch so many weapons at once.

The vast majority of people support another argument, that is, 10,000-ton nuclear-powered submarines. There is no doubt about whether the Islamic Federation has the technology to build nuclear-powered submarines.

Because the technical difficulty of the nuclear reactor on the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the Iran-Syria Federal Navy is much higher than that of the nuclear reactor on the nuclear submarine, and it is not even technically difficult at all.

If it is a 10,000-ton destroyer, plus the ability to launch missiles vertically, it means that other missiles can definitely be launched.

In particular, the outside world has clearly noticed that the size of the supersonic cruise missile of the Syrian-Iranian Federation is similar to the size of the supersonic anti-ship missile.

If such a submarine is close to Europe or appears in the Mediterranean, the supersonic missile warhead carried on it is replaced with a nuclear warhead.

And if such a submarine lurks to the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, the east coast of the United States, it will directly pose a huge potential threat to the entire United States.

As soon as this speculation appeared, it immediately pushed this war into a more unpredictable future.

A larger-scale naval battle is coming, and many people have begun to worry that this war will end in a more uncontrollable way.

A large number of peace organizations around the world have all begun to strengthen their voices, demanding that the two sides end the war and reach a peaceful negotiating table so that the war should not continue and cause more casualties.

The United Nations keeps releasing relevant explanations, hoping that both sides can stand on the standpoint of human beings and the earth and fully consider the opinions of all people in the world.

But now, everyone has red eyes, how can this war be ended so easily.

In the Indian Ocean, a large number of merchant ships have all diverted to avoid being involved in this upcoming naval battle.

This naval battle will also directly determine the direction of the next war.

While all kinds of news about this war covered the world, the emergence of another news also attracted great global attention.

That is, the G20 summit is about to be held on the bank of West Lake in his hometown. This summit will be held soon. In the list of all participating countries announced before, a new place has suddenly been added. Cai Ruichen, the highest leader of the Islamic Federation , Will represent the Arab League and participate in the G20 summit.

As soon as the news came out, the whole world immediately felt a very strange emotion, because at this moment, whether it is Japan, the United States, or a large number of European heads of state, they are all ready to go to China.

With the participation of the Iraq-Syria Federation, Cai Ruichen will directly face these opponents on the battlefield, and it also makes the world seem to see the dawn of peace.

The G20 summit accounted for 85 percent of the world’s GDP. It was a meeting of the most developed countries in the world’s economy and the world’s major manufacturing powers, the Global Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

It seems to be talking about the global economy and industry, especially in the 21st century that advocates a green economy and industry, the importance of this summit has become more and more prominent.

However, the participating countries almost represent the world's strongest economy and industry. Of course, they also include all the world's military powers. Global politics and interests are also covered.

There was no news before that the Iraqi-Syrian Federation was invited. Suddenly, it was reported that Cai Ruichen, the highest leader of the Iraq-Syria Federation, would participate. The meaning inside is already worth thinking about.

Regarding Cai Ruichen’s participation, all countries were very silent, even in the face of countless media inquiries about whether the heads of state of the United States, Britain, France and other European Union countries will meet Cai Ruichen at the summit. Said that there is no such arrangement.

However, related news was revealed. The reason why the Iraqi-Syrian Federation was invited was not the decision made by China as the host this time, but the decision made by the Group of Eight.

The G8 is also the core component of the G20. It is a non-voting meeting composed of the eight strongest economic countries in the world. It was only at the end of the twentieth century that the G20 summit was established.

The member states of the G8 summit are the four Japan, the United States, Britain, and France and the other four. The invitation to the Islamic Federation this time comes from the G8, which can be said to be an invitation from Japan, the United States, Britain and France to the Islamic Federation.

As soon as the news came out, the United States immediately stated that the invitation to the Islamic and Syrian federations to participate in the G20 summit has nothing to do with this war, but that if this summit does not involve the Islamic and Syrian federations, it will Will be greatly eclipsed.

Because the Islamic Federation occupies global GDP and industrial productivity, it already has enough weight and status.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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