The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1509: Powerful Super MiG

"God, have you seen it?"

On the tanker on the left, the two captains and co-pilots hurriedly asked on the communication channel.

The radar never found any signal from the aircraft, and the opponent disappeared so abruptly, all of this was not an illusion.

The impression of that aircraft was so deep that even the two captains and co-pilots felt that they had never seen such a beautiful aircraft in their entire lives.

Without a cockpit, it looks like a drone, but such a huge drone is the first time I have seen it.

The most disturbing thing is that this is an aircraft of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, an aircraft that has never been seen before. Just like the one just discussed, how many cards the Future Technology Group has yet to show.

"Did you two lie on that bar bitch's belly for too long last night, and have hallucinations."

The two people's exclamation and culture caused a joking whisper in the communication, and it was also a little bit awkward.

If it was normal, the two would still be in the mood to tease each other, but now, both of them are scared.

Where is the mood to joke at the moment.

"Damn it, there really is a UAV from the Iraqi-Syria Federation appearing nearby, but this **** radar didn't find anything."

Hearing the two people panicking, the other people on the other two tankers also realized that they didn't seem to be joking.

Could it be true that an aircraft of the Iraq-Syria Federation was approaching, but when I glanced at the airborne phased array radar, I found nothing.

"Are you two hallucinating? There is nothing on the radar, and there are no aircraft around."

"I use my own life to guarantee that there is definitely a drone that looks very sci-fi, with the flag of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation army on the nose."

The words of the two men just fell. At this time, the two drivers on the other tanker on the right also seemed to have discovered something, and they exclaimed in horror: "Oh God, I saw it. It's under you, under your belly..."

However, on the tanker on the left, the two drivers also exclaimed almost exactly the same: "It's under your belly, my God, it's almost pasted together..."

After two exclamations sounded, the two tankers on the left and right suddenly realized that the number was wrong!

"Damn it, two drones from the Syrian Federation, my God! We must ask for help right away..."

The flustered words came from the two tankers on the left and right. At this time, everyone was scared into a cold sweat.

How did the two UAVs of the Iraq-Syrian Federation approach?

How did the UAV of the Isy-Syrian Federation fly to this place?

These two issues are no longer important now, what is important is what should be done next.

But when they wanted to send the news back, they realized that they couldn't contact the outside world at all and could only maintain this kind of shortwave communication.

Long-wave communication cannot reach the outside, even the communication satellites in the sky.

Just when they began to fear and panic, a cold voice came in their ears:

"Now only God can save you, you should pray next, there is really a God in this world."

The cold voice came from Cai Ruichen on the Super MiG. After invading the other party's radio communication, he left this sentence, and then quickly evacuated with Natasha.

He didn't intend to stimulate the three tankers, but to intercept the communication channels. When the three tankers asked for help, all the communication frequencies had been intercepted.

Therefore, these three tankers are completely useless. The communication frequency that Cai Ruichen needs is a secret communication frequency between the U.S. Air Force and the Navy. With this frequency, the electronic warfare system on the Super MiG will follow. You can easily intercept communications in this area.

Even if it is impossible to decipher the contents of the US military's secret telegrams, there is no problem in determining the approximate location of the opponent through frequency.

On the three tankers, all the crew members were really frightened this time. The other party's words were already very simple. If they could parachute at this time... Then everyone would give up the tankers without hesitation.

As for the lightning fleet, let them see God.

However, when they tried to open the emergency skydiving hatch, they found that not only the other party controlled the communication, but also had intruded into the aircraft's control system.

The cabin door cannot be opened by the aircraft control system at all, only the manual lever can be used to open the cabin door in an emergency.

But before they put on the parachuting device, the two Super MiGs leaving the three tankers were ready to attack.

"The directed energy weapon system is on."

About five kilometers away from the three tankers, the panda in the super MiG spoke out.

When the panda made a sound, on the top of the Super MiG, on the smooth surface of the fuselage, a circular light tomb device appeared.

Cai Ruichen in the cockpit did not hesitate to lock the target on the three refueling fuselages five kilometers away.

A high-compression laser beam invisible to the naked eye illuminates the tanker fuselage on the left.

The skin of the aircraft and the fuselage made of alloy immediately showed a small round hole. No matter the flight of the two sides and the change of position, the position where the laser beam was locked did not shake at all.

The entire irradiation process only took less than two seconds, and the tanker suddenly exploded in the air.

The laser beam directly penetrates the fuselage and directly irradiates the large fuel tank inside the tanker ~ Under extremely high temperatures, the huge fuel tank is detonated in an instant, and the entire attack process takes two seconds.

If it is replaced by the conformal fuel tank of an ordinary fighter, the attack time can even be shortened to one second.

Because the fuel tank inside the tanker has a large number of as if designed, its safety and defensive power far exceeds the protection level of the fighter's fuel tank.

However, a strong defense cannot stop the high-energy laser of the Super MiG fighter. Even when it is in the air, when the laser beam is interfered by various particles in the air, it can still exert an extremely terrifying attack power.

I didn't see the missiles, nor how the other side attacked. The sudden explosion of the tanker caused all the American crews on the other two tankers to be stunned, and some even urinate directly.

However, the fear did not last long, because they soon followed to see God.

If there is a God, maybe they will ask, why not come to save them, or save America.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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