The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1511: Focusing on the US military tanker again

Above the altitude where the lightning tanker group was flying at high speed, the Super MiG-1 piloted by Cai Ruichen was approaching at high speed.

Natasha did not follow these lightning tankers, but went to monitor the lightning fleet.

The current lightning tanker was not hung in any weaponry at all, and the hidden magazines were empty.

And at the external hanging point, there are not only two refueling pods, but also a secondary fuel tank hanging on the tandem pylon in the middle.

For such an aircraft, only the cannon can attack. For Cai Ruichen, let alone the Lightning fighter without missiles, even the twelve Lightning fighters are all carrying enough missiles. As long as they are flying stealth fighters, It was an enhanced version of the Black Hawk fighter, and he dared to face the twelve Lightning fighters alone.

The actual combat capability of weapons and equipment depends not only on the level of the entire fighter, but also on the fighter pilot's ability and performance in battle.

The value of an ace pilot cannot be measured by the value of any fighter. Even an elite pilot is far more than the price of the fighter itself.

As a fighter pilot, Cai Ruichen himself has more than a thousand hours of flying experience. He has also practiced countless times with the ace of the Red Police Corps in the simulated air combat training ground, and even often drives a virtual Super MiG with Boris. Contest.

Every aircraft owned by the Red Police Corps at this moment, Cai Ruichen can exert its extreme performance, as long as it is not overloaded with more than 20G, he will not have any influence, and he can still perfectly control the aircraft and lock the target.

Even if he was driving the same type of fighter and came to five or six members of the Golden Knights, Cai Ruichen was able to destroy the opponent.

Facing the Lightning fighter, Cai Ruichen didn’t feel any pressure at all. What’s more, the fighter he piloted was the pinnacle of combat aircraft in the Red Police Base. The culmination of technology, even the sixth-generation fighters being developed by various superpowers. In front of MiG, there was no resistance at all.

Using Super MiGs to bully Lightning fighters is a bit similar to using stealth fighters to bully non-stealth fighters. Even the opponent's level is not up to the third-generation aircraft, and at most it is a second-generation and a half fighter.

Using stealth fighters to deal with second-and-a-half generation fighters is simply a one-sided rhythm. As long as you have enough weapons, you can almost die.

It's just that the Super MiG is not invincible, and it will be destroyed even if it encounters an attack.

Cai Ruichen was confident that he could block the bullet with his body, but he could not stop the explosion, nor could he stop the fate of being killed by falling from a high altitude.

However, even if it can attack and destroy the Super MiG fighter, the above safety escape system and the protective measures for the cockpit can also ensure the safety of the pilot in the first time.

After all, the pilots of the Super MiG are either Cai Ruichen or Boris and Natasha. Under any circumstances, they need to ensure safety first. Otherwise, the actual combat value of the Super MiG will be discounted.

Such a super fighter that disrupts the balance of air combat can only appear as a blessing from heaven.

If Boris is drawn, the Super MiG has already appeared. If Boris is acquired in the later stage of development, the Super MiG will not appear until then.

The Super MiG is one of Cai Ruichen's ambitions to challenge the United States. When necessary, the Super MiG is the killer to reverse the situation.

It's just the navy's failure that caught Cai Ruichen by surprise. If he could, Cai Ruichen was more willing to use the Super MiG from beginning to end.

But there is no way, the stealth fighter on board the Ford aircraft carrier, as he feared, brought heavy damage to the Red Police Navy. At this time, the Super MiG could only be on the stage.

In the cockpit of the Super MiG, it is as if the entire cockpit does not exist at all. Directly through the enclosed cockpit, you can clearly see everything outside, front and rear, left and right, up and down, all clearly in front of you .

Seeing the twelve black spots below and the twelve clear signals on the radar from a distance, Cai Ruichen's mouth curled up, narrowing the distance of the picture.

As he zoomed in, the fuselages of the twelve Lightning fighters gradually appeared in his eyes. At this time, the twelve Lightning oil engines were a full 20,000 meters away from the Super MiG.

At this moment, the twelve lightning tankers were flying above the clouds, maintaining their speed at a speed close to 1,250 kilometers.

This is infinitely close to the supersonic level, but in fact, at an altitude of 10,000 meters, this speed has completely exceeded the speed of sound.

Sound depends on the medium to propagate, so there is no sound in a vacuum, and every time the temperature rises by one degree Celsius, the speed of sound will increase by 0.6 meters per second.

Internationally, the normal speed is 340 meters per second. In fact, when a fighter is flying at supersonic speed, the limit of supersonic speed is different because of the relationship between flight altitude and air density and temperature. The power output and fuel consumption of the speed of sound are also quite different.

This is why all passenger planes have to fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters. At this altitude, the fuel consumption of the plane will be greatly reduced.

But none of this has anything to do with Cai Ruichen. Having found the goal, there is nothing to be polite.

It's just that he didn't intend to do anything here, but followed behind these Lightning fighters far away. He had to wait until the Lightning fleet saw that hope was in front of him, and he was completely shattering the other's hope.

Another purpose of this move is to make it impossible for the desperate Lightning fleet to see hope again.

When the two sides were about to meet, Cai Ruichen believed that the Lightning fighter at that time could only maintain a little fuel, and when preparing to refuel in the air, control the height and speed of the fighter, and then more can only use the wing to taxi. Go ahead.

At that time, even if there is a large tanker fleet 10,000 meters away, it will be completely too late.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen did not worry at all, but turned on the electronic warfare system, monitored the communication of the lightning tanker, and at the same time determined the distance between the two sides with Natasha and judged the remaining fuel quantity of the other party.

The pilots on the plane, especially the pilots of the US military, are all chattering. This is normal. After all, this kind of flight is really boring.

After listening for almost an hour, I haven't heard any valuable information. They are all discussions and chats with each other, and none of them involve the next actions of the US Navy. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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