The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1516: American killer

Everyone has secrets that they don't want the outside world to know, especially the state.

In the face of a mysterious aircraft, what is placed before the eyes of the United States is how to deal with this enemy.

In this war, the United States definitely does not want to lose, but if it does not figure out the enemy, this naval battle given the last hope is very likely to recur in an ending that the Pentagon is more reluctant to see.

The opponent can kill twelve Lightning fighters in an instant, that is to say, it is also possible to kill other carrier-based aircraft of any squadron in silence.

The entire NATO Indian Ocean Fleet has only a few squadrons of carrier-based aircraft. Once this thing rages on, the entire fleet may be destroyed.

At this moment, this extremely serious issue has been placed before the eyes of the Pentagon. If this problem is not solved, the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet is too dangerous.

"To deal with this mysterious aircraft, I need to ask the President for advice."

After Carter finished speaking, he picked up a piece of information about the mysterious aircraft of the Iraq-Syria Federation and walked directly to the offices of Austria and Bama.

In the meeting room, watching Rattle leave, many people have already thought of a top secret super aircraft in the US military base in Area 51.

It is not a simple matter to use this super flying vehicle. It must be approved by the president and a large number of congressmen.

Carter, who walked into the Obama and Bama offices with the documents, heard the question before he could close the office door: "Is there any chance of victory?"

When closing the office door, Carter said to Obama and Bama with a heavy heart: "Your Excellency, I am very sorry to tell you that although the Navy has made a very optimistic assessment before, there are all the variables in this war. , The most unpredictable variable has appeared, and this variable is enough to completely change the course of this war."

Carter said as he handed over the information in his hand to Austria and Bama, and then quietly waited for Austria and Bama to read the contents.

For Obama and Bama’s anxieties, Carterby knows everyone that the US military has paid a huge price in this war. The war has passed for several days and the US military has not even seen any hope of victory.

At this moment, whether it is the Pentagon or the President's Office, they are all facing immense pressure. This pressure comes from Congress and all American citizens.

On the other side of the opposition to the war, interest groups continue to fuel the flames. This war has given a large number of capitalists an opportunity to profit from it, and they are trying to bring the United States into a full-scale war.

At this moment, the U.S. media has begun to warm up for a full-scale war.

The so-called full-scale war, the term has changed drastically from World War I to World War II and to the present day.

However, the purpose and meaning in it have not changed. It is only modern wars and only a dozen countries in the world that can initiate full-scale wars.

Now, there is one less country capable of conducting a full-scale war.

In the Middle East, Israel was the only country capable of starting a full-scale war. Other countries were limited by their industry and economy and their overall national strength, and there was no official so-called full-scale war.

Similar to the five major gangsters in the world, it is already very difficult for Britain to start a full-scale war, because it is absolutely impossible for British citizens to support a full-scale foreign war, and there is no natural condition for starting it.

Although the United States can, but when all resources and population are transferred to war, even if the war against the Syrian Federation is won, for the United States, the overall national strength will decline like a mountain slope, and it will eventually be lost. Global leadership and dominance.

Of course, every capitalist in petroleum, military industry, high-tech, and manufacturing will also gain huge benefits that are difficult to obtain in peacetime for decades.

Starting a full-scale war is an infinite abyss for the United States. Unless the United States itself is under attack, no political party dare to open such a war machine.

However, interest groups always value only interests. Greedy capitalists see the huge US military supply market after the war, countless military demand orders, and see countless dollars flowing into their own. pocket.

On one side is the cessation of the war, which represents public opinion, and on the other side, the main fighters representing the economic and political interests of the United States. The Austria and Bama caught in the middle are naturally very troublesome.

In the United States, more than half of the wealth is in the hands of one percent, and the remaining 99 percent share less than half of the wealth of the United States.

The gap between the rich and the poor within the United States has reached a historical high, even exceeding 35% of the warning point.

One percent of people own 35 percent of their wealth. This ratio is already terrifying. If it exceeds, it will inevitably cause various social conflicts.

The widening gap between the rich and the poor in the United States has begun to cause many internal problems.

And those 1% of the people who hold all the wealth, in front of all the communities of interest in the world, exist without borders.

Because these people share the world's greatest wealth, these people who have a lot of wealth naturally stand together.

In the eyes of these people, interests are unbounded, and they are the ones who control the world, which is also the so-called elite world, such as Freemasonry.

In this war, the world's top capitalists are also involved in their interests.

Obama and Bama also feel at this moment that it is really difficult for the US president to do The US government does not really have many rights, and often needs to compromise in front of interest groups.

Just as the US government cannot control the US dollar, the US government does not have any shares in the Federal Reserve. The so-called US dollar is all in the hands of interest groups.

It is not that the president of the United States has the right not to want to move the dollar. Regrettably, the two presidents who had this idea were killed during their term of office.

Defeating the Iraq-Syria Federation, even if it is matched by more than half of the United States, is completely worthwhile in the eyes of interest groups.

Because Cai Ruichen and them are not the same people, and they are more eager to get everything Cai Ruichen has. The original sin of greed prompted the outbreak of this war.

It is not that simple to want to end now, but Austria and Bama have this determination and ability.

It is impossible for him to let this war really lead to a full-scale war, but he does not want the war to be defeated, otherwise he will become another president who has launched a defeated war in American history.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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