The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1518: The Ace of America

With the rapid development of modern military technology, satellites have become more and more important reconnaissance tools. There is a misunderstanding that modern spy satellites are omnipotent, and nothing can escape the eyes of spy satellites.

But obviously this statement cannot stand scrutiny. The nuclear tests conducted by India and Pakistan successfully escaped the surveillance of the US reconnaissance satellites.

And the most important thing is that satellites are never real-time global coverage. There are too many blind spots in monitoring. Unless it is in various places around the world, every angle can be covered by remote sensing satellites, otherwise it is impossible to achieve global real-time monitoring and coverage. .

It has also been shown in the past modern wars that the weapons and equipment destroyed in any war are far less than when they were destroyed after the war.

All the facts can only prove one point, that is, a satellite is just a tool made by humans, and a tool cannot be smarter than humans themselves.

In order to ensure the monitoring of high-threat targets around the world, since the U.S. military’s Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft was retired, the U.S. military also needs a brand new reconnaissance aircraft that can far exceed the Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft in all aspects.

Hypersonic speed is necessary, and the maximum ceiling is at least 40,000 meters. This is to make most of the world's anti-aircraft weapons incapable of attacking, and stealth capabilities are indispensable.

This is the reason for the birth of the Aurora Project. The Aurora is a stealth strategic reconnaissance aircraft capable of ultra-high ceilings and ultra-high speed of sound.

There are many indications from the US military that this strategic reconnaissance aircraft has been in service for some time.

And once went deep into the hinterland of Russia to conduct high-altitude strategic investigations. As for whether they have been to the interior of their homeland, this is not clear.

The previous hometown did not have much value in strategic investigation, and the modern hometown is also equipped with a super-horizon and over-the-horizon radar warning system. The emergence of the goddess of dawn is not the same as before. It can come and go. trace.

But for this strategic reconnaissance aircraft, the US military has never made any confirmation, but no matter which media in the world it is, all the media have recognized the existence of this reconnaissance aircraft.

Because there are too many examples to prove it.

However, for any country, if this super-high-speed stealth reconnaissance aircraft cruises in the air above 30,000 meters, there are not many anti-aircraft missiles in the world that can do anything with this reconnaissance aircraft.

The reason is simple, there is currently no weapon that can shoot down the goddess of dawn. Even the advanced Russian-made S-300, its shooting height is only about 30,000 meters, the cruising altitude of Aurora is between 30,500 and 36,600 meters, and the highest cruising altitude is about 38,000 meters.

So far, Russia's S-400, the United States' own THAAD missile system, and the Red Police Corps' V-2 air defense and anti-missile missile system are capable of shooting down this reconnaissance aircraft.

But other countries can't help it, and these three systems are not currently sold.

Therefore, even if the existence of the goddess of dawn is discovered, it is impossible for most countries to shoot it down.

The terminal high-altitude area air defense system, which is not enough for the upcoming service of the hometown, will lay down the goddess of dawn without any pressure.

Therefore, this super reconnaissance aircraft, which has never been met, has a lot of huge threats.

The reason why this reconnaissance plane did not dare to enter the territory of the Syrian-Israel Federation was very simple. During the Israeli war, the Syrian-Israel Federation had already demonstrated the ability to intercept missiles at the end of their flight.

For countries with this capability, the interception height of their air defense missiles is at the edge of the atmosphere, intercepting aircraft at a height of about 30,000 meters, which is very easy.

As for the speed of the goddess of Aurora, which is close to Mach six, it will not be more difficult to intercept than the ballistic missile at the end.

What's more, the anti-stealth detection capabilities of the Syrian-Israel Federation also made the United States afraid to mess up. At that time, the relationship between the two parties had not yet reached such a stage, and the United States should also consider the relationship between the two sides.

But now, the United States does not dare to randomly send such an expensive strategic reconnaissance plane over a country that can spot and shoot it down.

Of course, the Goddess of Aurora that the United States is going to take out at this moment is not a reconnaissance plane.

At the moment, the goddess of Aurora, regarded as a killer by the United States, is a subsequent improved version, in order to continue to suppress the improved aircraft made by home and Russia in the development of the sixth fighter in the future.

The improved Goddess of Aurora is commonly referred to as the Goddess of War among the top ranks of the US military. This is a combat aircraft that replaces a large number of detection equipment and detection sensors with weapons and combat aircraft, all of which account for 80% of the maximum take-off weight. Fuel has also greatly reduced the fuel load and changed it into a weapon system.

This makes it a super aerial combat platform that can conduct ultra-high-altitude operations and has a flying speed exceeding Mach 8 at the highest ceiling.

Even on this, a laser weapon that will be installed on the sixth fighter is also installed.

It is like the original F-117 stealth aircraft used as the technical reserve and test platform of the Raptor fighter, which gave birth to the Raptor fighter.

The vast amount of experience and technology accumulated during the development of Aurora is also the most powerful support for the US military in the development of the sixth-generation fighter.

This is a major advantage that distinguishes the United States from China and Russia, and even this advantage has now been transformed into a higher level of combat capability.

It is conceivable that such a combat aircraft that can fly at high altitudes above Mach six is ​​simply a nightmare for any fighter.

Because even the most advanced air-to-air missiles cannot catch up with such an aerial platform and even the light spot of the tail nozzle can't be seen.

This has always been a highly confidential killer, and it is also an aerial trump card in the hands of the United States. Originally in the United States' view, this would be the ultimate means to deal with China and Russia.

However, I did not expect that facing the opponent of the Iraq-Syria Federation, the US military would have been forced to use this trump card in just a few days.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen does not know that in order to be able to win the next war, the US military has decided to use the trump card.

And to deal with Cai Ruichen himself, the existence of the Super MiG has made the United States feel a huge threat, and it can even be said that it is difficult to sleep and eat.

For Cai Ruichen, the Super MiG has always been held in his hand as a trump card. Once the two sides encounter each other, it will really meet Liangcai, the real trump card versus trump card.

PS: I believe that many senior military fans know that the weapon units in this book, except for black technology, are not gorgeous and nonsense. The official account will also release some related content about the goddess of dawn tomorrow. Interested students may wish to Take a closer look and see what the U.S. military's reconnaissance plane is replacing the Blackbird. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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