The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1531: NATO fleet collapsed

The U.S. military cannot intercept the Iranian-Syrian federal satellites that do not exist overhead. Only when the warheads re-enter the atmosphere can they confirm the authenticity of the warheads and perform the final ballistic calculations.

Because the fake warhead is fake after all, it is mainly used to confuse the enemy's mid-range anti-missile capability, and cannot follow the real warhead to re-enter the atmosphere.

At this moment, all the warheads and the target are all corrected to be 200 kilometers away from the intended attack position, and the vertical height is maintained at 90 kilometers.

At the same time, all plane guard radars of the US fleet are turned off to ensure that they will not interfere with phased array radars.

In addition, the water mist manufacturing system on the warship has also begun to put layers of water mist around the warship, trying to use the water mist to cover up the traces of the ship.

This method can indeed make the graphics matching of the missile guidance system fail, but under the microwave scanning of the missile warhead, the water mist seems to be virtual, and it cannot affect the precise guidance of the missile warhead at all.

Microwave scanning detection is not directly interfered by other electrical signals, and it is difficult to countermeasures by electronic interference. Large warships are bulky, with a length of 150-350 meters. They are huge microwave radiation black bodies that are easy to distinguish from the water surface. Modal microwave remote sensing guidance has created conditions.

Microwave may be used to analyze the surface material and temperature of an object, and to distinguish the water surface from the ship. It can also measure the amplitude of surface tension waves and gravity waves on the water surface, which may be used to distinguish the sea surface from the wake of a ship.

The microwave altimeter measures the height of the warhead, and the missile-borne control system can compare the initial position of the target filled by the launcher according to the relative position of the target, and exclude other ships.

Although the US military can use ship spray technology to block ships with water mist, even so, it cannot simulate the surface tension wave and gravity wave amplitude of the water surface, so it can be detected by microwaves.

For the U.S. Navy, however, what follows is a big gamble, a big gamble on the fate to come.

The missile is less than two hundred kilometers away from the target, and the decoy is still around the real warhead, but the US military has no other choice.

Standard-3 interceptor bombs quickly lifted into the air, climbed up vertically, and flew toward more than 100 real and fake targets outside the atmosphere.

Only one-fifth of the warheads are real. If you want to ensure real safety, with two to three standard-3s intercepting one warhead as an average, then if you want to completely shoot down the warheads that are about to fall in the sky, the US military needs to use it. More than 500 standard-3 interceptor bombs.

Not to mention that the US fleet does not have so many standard -3 interceptor bombs. Even if they do, it is impossible to launch so many missiles in one go.

The kinetic energy warhead of the Standard-3 interceptor has a solid orbit control and attitude control propulsion system with a final orbital change capability of about 3,000 meters, which means that when the third-stage rocket engine is shut down, the warhead must be sent in and the expected intercept point is no greater than Three kilometers of track.

The first and second stage rockets of the Standard-3 interceptor work for nine seconds and forty seconds respectively, accelerating the missile to Mach 6, and the third stage rocket engine is started outside the atmosphere, using command corrections and GPS guidance, and kinetic energy is ignited twice. The warhead accelerated to Mach 12 and aimed at the target. Due to the limited rocket thrust, the Standard-3 interceptor can only use a vertical climb to reach altitudes above 100 kilometers, and this climb process takes at least one minute.

At this time, the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet has completely run out of time.

From finding the decoy target to launching the missile, the whole process must not waste even a second.

Whether to intercept at any cost or to intercept accurately requires a decision in an instant.

In the shortest time, launch as many missiles as possible, but the phased array radar of the US military is not zero-delay. The whole process takes at least eight seconds to lock a target to launch the missile after calculation.

And to intercept such a target, every warhead requires target calculation.

Simultaneous tracking and locking of high-threat targets at the same time is the basic function of phased array radar, but for missile warheads with speeds up to Mach 25, this function is just icing on the cake.

Because after the interceptor is launched, the phased array radar still needs to continue tracking the target. Because its lateral positioning error at a distance of 400 kilometers is as high as nearly 20 kilometers, it cannot meet the 3,000-meter needs of the guidance and correction of the interceptor warhead. It is necessary to correct the radar error based on the continuously obtained target data to reduce the target trajectory prediction. radius.

Therefore, when the standard-3 interceptor climbed out of the atmosphere, activated the third stage rocket engine, abandoned the dome, and searched for the target with infrared detectors, the height of the anti-ship ballistic missile warhead was already lower than 60 kilometers, the standard-3 Interceptor warheads do not have the ability to fly at high speeds in the atmosphere.

When the US military on the warship discovered that all the interceptor bombs did not even see the shadow of the target, everyone knew that the interception had failed.

At this time, even if they don't want to see it anymore, they have to face the final interception effort.

The missile warhead at this moment has also completely disappeared from the radar on the U.S. warship, but all U.S. soldiers are also holding their breath and waiting.

This is the last peace before the storm.

The US soldiers in the war service center are all aware that the reason why the missile warhead disappeared from the radar was not because the missile was destroyed, but a natural phenomenon.

When anything enters the atmosphere at an extremely fast speed, the radar cannot find the object when it rubs against the atmosphere violently.

Because the warhead will encounter a black barrier formed by the plasma during its return to the atmosphere, this prevents the warhead from searching for targets and protects the warhead from being detected by the shipboard radar.

The plasma density must exceed 20% of the air density to be able to hinder radar detection. Due to the limited amount of plasma generated, the air density increases as the altitude decreases, and the black barrier is usually at a height of about 50 kilometers. disappear.

Therefore, the main role of terminal interceptor missiles in many countries is to intercept at an altitude of 8-50 kilometers.

In addition, the base’s anti-ship ballistic missile warhead warhead is specially coated with a layer of ablative material to increase the amount of plasma generated to prolong the occurrence of black barriers and protect the warhead from being intercepted.

When the missile warhead descended to a distance of only forty kilometers from the horizontal height, the surface ship had not found the missile warhead.

The missile speed at this moment has also been maintained at Mach 12. The efficiency has dropped, and the distance between all warheads and the target is also less than 60 kilometers.

The height of 40,000 meters is almost a blink of an eye for the missile, but at this moment the missile has to start to slow down.

Only when the speed is less than Mach ten can the radar system of the warhead be able to operate to lock the target.

It is necessary to slow down by yourself, otherwise the missile will not see anything, just fall to the surface of the sea at a very fast speed.

At this moment, the missiles all begin to pull the angle of attack, slow down and turn, and fly to the target along an S-shaped trajectory. The anti-ship ballistic missiles that attack vertically are actually not very practical. At least the radar operation at high speed is a big problem.

However, the trajectory of the missile warhead coming down from the ballistic missile is not level-flying either. It has an included angle of about 30 to 40 degrees from the position of the target.

As soon as the speed dropped, the warhead radar turned on to search for the target. After the ablation layer on the surface of the warhead was burned, the amount of surrounding plasma decreased rapidly and the black barrier disappeared, and the radar resumed its normal working environment.

Just when the warhead radar returned to its normal working environment, the phased array radar system of NATO's Indian Ocean Fleet also all found the fallen missiles.

At this time, there is no decoy bomb or any other external factors that affect the interception. Whether it can be intercepted depends on who can be better.

All Aegis systems in the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet began to perform warhead trajectory calculations, loading launch data for the Standard-2 missile, and the MK-41 launcher continuously launched multiple interceptor bombs.

Although according to the tracking data of the infrared system, the Zeston system can start the standard -6 missile in advance to complete the laser gyro calibration, and the cooling of the guidance head, but the infrared system cannot determine the distance of the target, so it cannot be the first time the warhead is found. Launch standard-6 missiles.

In fact, whether it is a standard-2 or a standard-6 interceptor, it is difficult for the fallen warhead to intercept it in time.

For standard-2, the maximum speed is Mach 3, and the vertical climb speed is Mach 2. It takes at least half a minute to climb to an altitude of 20,000 meters.

In this half-minute time, the attacked anti-ship warhead has already adjusted its position and corrected everything before the attack completely.

Therefore, no matter what type of standard air defense missile is launched by the US military, the fallen warhead has only time to intercept the warhead under the vertical trajectory.

When the warhead is vertically downward, the speed is at least Mach 7, and the height will drop to 20,000 meters. At this height, the warhead can hit the warship below in only eight to ten seconds.

The most important thing is that the speed of the warhead at this moment is more than twice that of the intercepting missile, and they are all performing irregular ballistic changes to penetrate the defense. The speed gap is so huge, and the random change of ballistics is random, even if the Red Police Corps encounters When it arrives, it is basically impossible to accurately intercept such a target.

However, the Standard-2 missile is controlled by aerodynamic rudders. At a height of 20,000 meters, the air is thin and it is difficult to make high-overload maneuvers, which will also affect the interception efficiency.

Of course, standard missiles are still possible to intercept, but the interception rate is low. The Ticonderoga-class cruisers and Burke-class destroyers have advanced fire control radars, which can be guided by radio commands and can achieve the speed of one air defense missile per second. To intercept.

But no matter how advanced the shield is, there will be a sharper spear to restrain it.

In the night sky, the flames exploded by anti-aircraft missiles were unusually bright in the sky, but the missiles that fell from the night sky and the missile warheads that were intercepted did not even have a fifth of them.

Intercepting this kind of warhead with irregularly changing trajectory and speed exceeding Mach 7, combined with the air defense capabilities of the three US aircraft carrier battle groups, has an effective interception rate of less than 20%.

If so many decoy bombs are not released during the mid-stage interception, the overall probability of interception is expected to reach 70%.

But even if 70% of the warheads were intercepted, the remaining 30% of the warheads would be enough to kill the fleet.

The missile in the night sky, in the violent friction with the air, like a meteor with a long wake, falling towards the sea.

On a large number of US warships, several US sailors on the bridge, watching the warheads falling above their heads, all jumped decisively into the sea.

From entering the atmosphere again to detecting by radar and launching an attack, the entire process takes less than forty seconds.

If it were not for the need to adjust the trajectory, the entire process could be shortened to a shorter interval.

However, even forty seconds, the fleet has no time to make effective air defense methods to intercept the rapidly falling warheads in the sky.

Two Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruisers of more than 10,000 tons were simultaneously hit by the rapidly falling warheads.

The warhead weighing hundreds of kilograms, coupled with the speed exceeding Mach 7, the killing effect brought by the super impact force is terrifying.

The two Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruisers were hit at the bow and the middle of the bridge respectively. The first half of the ship that hit the bow was instantly shattered, and the entire warship was directly lost by one-third of its length. Most of the bridge is gone.

At the center of the other ship, you can see that the entire warship is like a single piece of steel plate, folded in the middle, and then the huge force directly tore the entire warship into two pieces from the middle.

When the two cruisers were killed, almost none of the other warships were spared. The missiles that fell, all aimed at the targets that had been entered into the computer very accurately.

On the surface of the entire fleet, there were exploded warship wreckage everywhere, slowly sinking into the sea.

When the second wave of missiles also began to re-enter the atmosphere, the entire fleet of air defense ships could not even be found.

The entire NATO Indian Ocean Fleet has less than twelve warships. In addition to four frigates and four aircraft carriers, there are still a few auxiliary ships and the command ship LaSalle.

The fall of the second wave of anti-ship ballistic missiles also officially sounded the death knell to ruin NATO's Indian Ocean Fleet.

On the LaSalle, Gertney silently unbuckled his style button, put on his military cap, and took out his navy command knife. However, the screen was over. A missile fell directly and hit the ship that was sailing at high speed. On the LaSalle, the small command ship was instantly engulfed by the explosion.

The powerful fleet that carried the hope of the US military has come to its end.

At this moment, in the entire fleet, the aircraft carrier is alone on the sea, facing more than 20 anti-ship ballistic missiles falling from the sky.

Only the stern air defense warning sounded a heartbreak for the fleet to perish in the open sea. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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