The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1532: Destroy 4 NATO aircraft carriers

On the solitary sea, the falling U.S. forces were unmanned to rescue them. All four aircraft carriers sailed on the sea quickly, taking a completely irregular route.

On the four aircraft carriers, there is no longer any ability to defend and resist the warheads of ballistic missiles. The surrounding defensive forces are all destroyed in an instant, leaving the aircraft carrier truly floating coffins on the border.

Such naval battles made the US military too uncomfortable. The command ship was destroyed and the aircraft carrier struggled to meet the final judgment.

At this moment, the number of people watching the live broadcast of this war has exceeded 2 billion.

More than half of the more than four billion netizens in the world are watching this war, which is unprecedented in history.

From the beginning of the launch of anti-ship ballistic missiles by the submarine of the Syrian-Israel Federation, in just ten minutes, everyone followed the missiles lifted into the air, and their moods were one after another.

In order to perfectly show the entire missile attack process, the two news satellites in the sky plus Cai Ruichen and Natasha's super MiG perspective, completely show the whole world of the ballistic missile attack process.

This kind of actual combat attack has made countless military fans feel addicted.

After all, no matter how good the simulation technology is, it cannot fully show a panoramic picture of a war. The two interceptions of the US military failed, and the fleet was completely destroyed. It was like a military weapon propaganda elaborately designed by the Iraqi-Syrian Federation.

But everyone knows that this is a real war or a war that has just appeared.

However, for the United States and France, this is an unspeakable disaster.

It is unacceptable for anyone to watch one's own country's army fail in the war.

When they saw the missile hit the aircraft carrier, the entire Western countries fell silent.

The Ford aircraft carrier, which has just been in service for a few years, was hit by the falling warheads under the eyes of billions of people around the world. The high-speed warheads passed through the decks and exploded in the hangar...

The super aircraft carrier, costing tens of billions of dollars, was like a candle in the wind, burning everywhere, illuminating the surrounding sea.

After that, the huge power of the dignified aircraft carrier battle group was instantly disintegrated, and the powerful navy built with hundreds of billions of dollars was defeated like a landslide, and there was no room for recovery.

Of the four aircraft carriers, the most tragic was the French de Gaulle, but with a displacement of 40,000 tons, it was hit by two anti-ship warheads from top to bottom, and they all directly hit the center of the through deck, all the way through the aircraft. The depot and oil depot exploded near the ammunition depot.

The 40,000-ton aircraft carrier is very big, but it is still too small compared to the lethality of ballistic missiles.

The most important thing is that the hull structure of the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier has been cut open from the beginning, and it has undergone unclamping operations. No matter how good the technology is, it is far from being stronger than a warship with a complete hull structure.

The impact of the two missiles hit the runway of the through-deck, breaking an eight-meter-wide opening, and the entire deck was twisted.

The huge explosion and the damage caused by the sabotage of the ammunition depot caused all the watertight compartments of the entire hull structure to crack, and the hull directly tilted nearly fifty degrees.

The nuclear detection device on the ship continuously issued warnings that the nuclear reactor compartment was seriously damaged and there may be a nuclear leak.

The US aircraft carrier is much better, with a tonnage of 100,000 tons. Although it faces more warheads, the hull is relatively stable.

The century-old experience of American aircraft carriers makes American aircraft carriers almost the pinnacle of the history of human ship development.

The perfect watertight cabin makes the aircraft carrier feel like a floating island. Even when the explosives and fuel depots are all destroyed, the hull of the aircraft carrier is only slightly tilted, and the automatic damage pipe system on the aircraft carrier is also non-stop. The extraction of sea water to extinguish the fire on the aircraft carrier.

Among the sailors on the aircraft carrier, a few were not injured, nor did they escape from the aircraft carrier urgently, but were desperate to save the scarred mothership.

The war is cruel. Cai Ruichen, who completed the overall strategic offensive, also took advantage of the live broadcast and issued a statement to the world and to the U.S. carrier-based pilots in the Indian Ocean at this moment: "Stop the offense and save the drowned soldiers."

The simple ten words slowed down all the American pilots who were preparing to work hard. Communications were invaded and the fleet was killed. Is it necessary for the war to go on?

A large number of American and French navy soldiers fell into the water, and saving lives has become the current priority.

The Red Police Corps naval carrier-based aircraft that received the order of Cai Ruichen went back all the way on alert and immediately left contact with the US fighters.

Until now, unless all U.S. carrier-based aircraft are in a decisive battle, it is no longer necessary to kill them.

And Cai Ruichen knows very well that live broadcasts like this will bring too much shock to those who are far away from wars. The cruelty of wars is also revealed. The entire NATO Indian Ocean Fleet can survive, and how many people can survive. ?

Abandoning the pursuit of victory, Cai Ruichen also hopes to sell the world a face and save people first.

A naval battle came to an end. The whole process lasted for two hours, which was shorter than a movie.

And the shock of the whole process is no less than any special effects blockbuster, especially the entire attack process of the final submarine-launched anti-ship ballistic missile, the screen effect can be said to be insignificant.

Later, the missile was even reissued for the entire process of launching the decoy bomb.

Bright stars, cold weapons, beauty and death coexist.

Cai Ruichen believes that after this war, most people in the world can truly appreciate the cruelty of Especially for the western world, since World War II, the western world has been His memory has faded from generation to generation, and wars are all staged on the lands of other countries.

In this live broadcast, Cai Ruichen wants to tell the world and tell the entire Western society that the enemy you are facing is not an asymmetric opponent, but a military collective that can stand at the forefront of the world in terms of military technology. .

If the four aircraft carrier battle groups can be killed today, the wars of tomorrow may be ignited in the United States or Europe. In the end, it will inevitably be a nuclear war.

No words are more intuitive than the pictures seen by the eyes.

With the help of the whole world and the entire Western world, it is impossible to end this war as soon as possible. This is Cai Ruichen's most fundamental interest...

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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