The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1565: The killer that forced the United States to make concessions

Cai Ruichen did not care about the threats of Austria and Bama, because the tone is clear. Even if Austria and Bama did not say threats, Cai Ruichen also knew very well that once he moved the global position of the dollar, the United States would not be able to give up.

And now the United States is indeed capable of achieving a full-scale war.

But after five years or ten years, the relationship between the forces of the two parties will be completely different after the earth-shaking changes.

Austria and Bama also understand, but he has no choice. At present, the United States needs to use such lies to paralyze itself, otherwise the United States will immediately collapse.

If it can be delayed for several years, it is equivalent to having several years to make rectifications.

Moreover, the United States is currently undergoing economic transformation, and it is not impossible that in the future it will be able to get rid of this status quo where the economy is controlled by others.

At this moment, the first bargaining chip exchange between the two sides can be regarded as reached.

Seeing that Cai Ruichen is so intrigued, Cai Ruichen did not raise the intermission at this moment, but directly started the next bargaining chip exchange topic: "Will the United States be willing to withdraw from Iran and give up all military bases in the Middle East?"

Now that the big problem is finished, it is time to talk about the big problem.

At present, the US military power in the Middle East has basically been destroyed, and the US has lost its foothold in the Middle East.

The most important thing is that once the Middle East Federation is established, the entire Persian Gulf will become Cai Ruichen's back garden pond.

The United States no longer has the conditions and basis for garrisoning troops in the Middle East, but a complete withdrawal from Iran is very difficult to accept in the eyes of Austria and Bama.

At present, the Eighth Army of the US Army and the Iranian regular army also control a large number of key cities and regions in Iran. The US still has a bargaining chip in its hands.

"The United States gave up its military presence in the Middle East, and Iran established its own government based on the area currently controlled by both sides." Obama and Bama said.

This proposal is quite vicious to Iran. The United States regards Iran as the Korean Peninsula and wants Iran to become two countries.

Of course, Cai Ruichen could not agree to such a proposal, but he did not directly say his refusal, but suddenly said: "Turkish President Mr. Mozabi also proposed the idea of ​​joining the federation. Isn’t it Mr. President that he does not intend to agree with Will Europe discuss it?"

Turkey's entry into the federation has changed the faces of Austria and Bama drastically. Once this event comes true, it will be a bolt from the blue for Europe.

A part of Turkey's land is in Europe, which is a strategic channel between Europe and Asia, and controls the Russian Black Sea. It is the most important part of Europe's strategic security interests.

Once Turkey joins the federation, it is equivalent to the future federation, and part of the territory will be in Europe.

Once this news becomes a reality, a major crisis will inevitably arise across Europe, and the whole Europe will probably begin to fidget.

This is not in line with the US security strategy in Europe. The most important thing is that the loss of Turkey as an ally has made it difficult for the US to accept. Once Turkey becomes an enemy, it will be even more a disaster.

When hearing this incident, Austria and Bama directly said without even thinking: "This matter is absolutely not allowed. There will be riots throughout Europe."

Cai Ruichen is very satisfied with the reaction of Austria and Bama, because the bargaining chips have been formed.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Obama and Mr. Bama. I have not yet responded to President Mozambi’s request. However, I think that if Turkey joins the federation, the federation will directly connect to Europe, which will completely help the trade and exchanges between the two sides.” Cai Ruichen said .

How can Austria and Bama believe that Cai Ruichen can't understand the situation inside, trade and exchanges, in the face of security strategy, they are simply insignificant.

In the eyes of Austria and Bama, once Turkey joins the federation, it will be a catastrophe for the whole of Europe.

What's more, Turkey also controls the Republic of Armenia, which is directly related to the security of the situation in the Caucasus. These are things that have to be considered.

However, Austria and Bama also understand that Cai Ruichen's statement of this incident is obviously to increase the bargaining chip in his hand.

But Ao and Bama are helpless, Cai Ruichen has grasped everything too well.

And now, Austria and Bama can't understand why Mozabi, who has been controlled by the United States for more than ten years, suddenly fell to the Syrian Federation.

As for Mozabi's proposal to join the federation, it seems to the United States that it is extremely possible. Turkey used to need Europe and NATO, but now Turkey needs Asia and a powerful friend like the Islamic Federation.

This caused Austria and Bama to be very injured and took one step wrong. Now every step is wrong, and it has reached the point where it is irretrievable.

Now, only when everything is restarted can it be ensured that it will not continue to be restricted by the Islamic Federation in the future.

However, Austria and Bama are too unwilling to let the United States give up its overall interests in Iran.

From the time the United States sent troops to Iran, the war has lasted for more than half a year. As a result, none of the benefits have been obtained. In the past six months, the war expenditures have exceeded 600 billion U.S. dollars, and the value of lost weapons and equipment has been hundreds of billions.

After a war, the United States spent nearly one trillion U.S. dollars, but ended up in a desperate defeat.

Agreeing with these two words is almost half the weight for Austria and Bama, and it is really difficult to open this mouth.

"I need a complete Iran, Europe needs Turkey to continue to be independent, blocking the Iran-Syria Federation and Europe. The United States wants to liberate its strength and focus as much as possible, in response to Europe's biggest crisis since the Cold War~www. Can this not allow Mr. President to make a decision?" Cai Ruichen asked very seriously.

Obama and Bama did not answer. He could not weigh this matter at all. This was a lot different from the conditions he made before the negotiation.

The United States is unwilling to give up its current power in Iran. How can Austria and Bama also guarantee control of parts of Iran.

At this point, Austria and Bama are indeed ready to play with Cai Ruichen, but Cai Ruichen's take out of Turkey is simply a killer trick, making Austria and Bama extremely uncomfortable for a while.

I kept weighing in my mind, but there was no accurate answer, so Austria and Bama couldn't answer Cai Ruichen's words.

"Since Mr. President is so embarrassed, then I think the truce will end here. I will order the army to resolutely fight a complete Iran." Cai Ruichen seemed a little angry, and his tone was extremely tough. When he finished speaking, he stood up To leave the negotiating table.

Austria and Bama also became anxious all of a sudden, and hurriedly stopped: "Mr. Cai, wait."

(To be continued.)

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