The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1567: Philip Roth's Diary of the Isyrian Federation

"In 20 years, I have been in the Iraq-Syria Federation for half a year.

What I have seen and heard here has completely subverted my understanding of this place in the Middle East and subverted the information reported by the media.

I saw a completely different world in the Middle East, which is quiet and peaceful.

I believe that everyone who has come to the Iraq-Syria Federation now will not think of the civil war that has lasted for decades.

As an old person, standing in this young country, I was a bit out of place at the beginning. Now I feel assimilated by this place. I have found my youth and vitality, and the courage to pick up a pen again..."

"Twenty years, today has very pleasant weather.

Looking back on this trip, I didn’t think I would stay in this place for long, nor did I think about what unforgettable memories it would bring to me. Now I found that I was wrong.

I met a lot of Iraqis in Marin, as well as young people from Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria who came here to work hard.

When this new international city rises, there are too many opportunities, and many people are willing to come here to fight and fight, and these are too far away from me.

Every citizen of the Yixu Federation I know is humble, kind, and courageous, and a new temperament is born in them—confidence.

Here, I did not encounter the so-called hostility. I have visited many white people living in Marin. Here, the white people have not encountered the so-called colored eyes. This country is accepting and preparing to accept foreign cultures.

The city center of Marin City and the four sub-centers of the city are like an international epitome. Various international chain shopping malls can be seen everywhere here..."

"For 20 years, the weather today is still pleasant.

Today I went to Baghdad, which was once the number one city in the Middle East. The old buildings and urban areas have completely disappeared and are replaced by new commercial and fast-paced new urban buildings.

Baghdad is now squeezing into the new economic center of the Middle East at an alarming speed, and will soon become the new central city of the Middle East.

The high-speed subway takes only fifteen minutes from the city center of Marin to the center of Baghdad. There are five stations in the middle, each station stays for one minute, and the distance spans 50 kilometers in ten minutes. This speed is just the interpretation. The incomparably shocking development speed of the Yixu Federation..."


"For 20 years, the weather today is just like my heavy heart.

The war has not changed all the life and development pace of the entire Iran-Syria Federation. Upon hearing the news of the war, I thought that the Iran-Syria Federation will no longer be safe. It is very likely that there will be chaos here, and the streets will be empty...

But I was wrong. When I opened the window, everything was still the same and nothing changed. There was still a flow of people rushing to work on the road, and the vehicles on the street were still in order, without the army taking over as I imagined. Things such as cities appear.

However, many peacekeeping troops also appeared on the streets. They led huge military dogs, and were polite and full of gentleman style in getting along with people. Here, there is no sign of war.

I hope the atmosphere here will not be broken, because I hate war. "

"In 20 years, this is my most contradictory day.

I am a Jew first, and an American citizen second. After I visited a large number of Jewish communities in Palestine, my mood was full of ups and downs.

Without the asylum of the state, the life of the Jews in the Syrian Federation is fully guaranteed. I can see no discrimination here, nor can I see any dissatisfaction on the face of the Jews.

I admire Cai Ruichen very much. Putting aside all subjective prejudices and personal feelings, he is indeed a great leader. He has brought tens of millions of people in the Middle East a gradually prosperous life and saved countless people from deep waters and heat..."

"In 20 years, Goddess of Luck abandoned the United States.

The United States was defeated, and I had expected this result.

From the beginning of its participation in the war, the Iraq-Syrian Federation has never experienced any fluctuations in the country, nor has it affected construction and development at all, as if everyone believed that the victory of the war would definitely belong to them.

This kind of self-confidence has an unignorable national temperament. Once such a country needs it, no one can ignore the power that bursts out...

This is an extremely terrifying cohesion. When everyone talks about their supreme leader Cai Ruichen, the kind of worship and respect from the heart makes me feel horrified. I even deeply suspect that God is in Is their position in mind comparable to that of Cai Ruichen...

The status of a head of state in the minds of the people surpasses beliefs, and as an enemy to such a country, even the mighty United States cannot afford tens of millions of fanatical Arabs..."

"Twenty years, the peace talks have been lonely, and this war has officially ended.

This is a very memorable day. The relationship between the Islamic Federation and the United States has not been completely destroyed. This is a very fortunate news. The United States needs the land of the Middle East...

Today, the supreme leader of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation announced the imminent wedding, and I just remembered that this man who has already stood at the top of the human world is only twenty-five years old this year.

This is not my fault, but his talent has made people instinctively ignored his true age.

I can’t remember how many years ago when I was twenty-five years old.

But he is indeed the most watched young man in the world. Every outstanding person in the history of mankind cannot be compared with it. He is still too young, and the time he can dominate will be extremely long.

The future is definitely not something that a dying person like me can see. For the first time, I deeply felt I should have been born 60 years later. I really want to see the future world! "

"Twenty years, today I am extremely surprised, and even sincerely feel an indescribable honor.

The Islamic Federation will hold a grand military parade on Huangting Avenue on the day of the founding of the Federation.

This should have nothing to do with me, but I was surprised that I received an invitation today, the inviter-Cai Ruichen.

The content of the invitation letter is as follows:

‘My respected scholar, Mr. Philip Rose, I’m very honored..., inviter: Cai Ruichen. ’

I grasped the invitation card in my hand at the moment, and had to stop writing a diary every day. When I was preparing to participate in the Victory Day military parade of the Iraq-Syria Federation, I also published all the diaries and articles of the past six months. "

In the room of the Future Hotel in Marin, the world-renowned writer Philip Rose, who is over eighty years old, put down his pen and slowly closed the notebook on the writing desk.

(To be continued.)

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