The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1598: Star Guards Weapon

Natasha's exclusive Black Star super sniper rifle is simply a bug in the sniper rifle. It has a striking distance of more than six kilometers and can accurately hit. No one can avoid Natasha's sniper.

With the support of valid data, Black Star can even kill fixed-wing fighters in the sky in Natasha's hands.

This can be called an ability against the sky, and it is also Natasha's greatest strength.

Tanya’s white ivory and ebony wood are the absolute kings of pistols. Not to mention that each pistol has a hyperspace magazine with 300 rounds. The lethality of that special bullet is comparable to a heavy machine gun. The penetrating power of the continued shooting overlapped, killing the mutants of rank five and six in seconds, it was all right.

If Tanya is faced with a group of infantry, the killing effect displayed will not be inferior to the setting in the game.

The infantry on the opposite side almost didn't have time to shoot. Tan Yana's super shooting speed and 100% aiming ability, as if he could control the time, slowed down the flow of time, and then took aim with one shot calmly.

With such ability, Cai Ruichen has not yet reached Tan Ya's level.

The world's fastest record of pulling a gun is 0.017 seconds. At this speed, the moment the gun is pulled, two consecutive grabs were made, hitting a watermelon 20 meters away.

And Tan Ya's speed is faster. If it's just a double grab, then even if you count the time to reinsert the holster after shooting, it probably won't even take 0.017 seconds.

This has exceeded the limit of human speed, but Tan Ya has this ability, and he has nowhere to go for reason.

And Boris is a comprehensive assaultman. When it comes to tactical evasion and assault, it is simply incomprehensible. Even Cai Ruichen is not sure that a single shot can definitely hit Boris. With the range and rate of fire of the exclusive equipment Akha rifle, even There were ten heavy machine guns on the opposite side, and he couldn't even catch up with him.

Ling Liang didn't have too good personal combat ability, because she didn't have exclusive equipment, and Yuriko relied on her own mental power, and there was no exclusive equipment.

Super Yuri’s exclusive equipment is an amplifier that can quickly spread Yuri’s abilities.

And Lie Yan is the fifth superhero with her own exclusive equipment among the ten generals, and is the only superhero with three at once.

In addition, the base appraised him as the most powerful superhero in the Red Police Corps, and Cai Ruichen naturally wanted to get a glimpse of her powerful strength as soon as possible.

At the same time, he was extremely interested in those three pieces of equipment, because there was another space equipment inside.

Cai Ruichen had seen space equipment before. Tan Ya's white ivory and ebony wood, and space magazines were also considered space equipment.

The space is integrated into the weapon, which is equivalent to the means of the gods, and touches the forbidden zone of the gods.

"Commander, wait a minute." Lie Yan nodded, and reached out to take out the box pinned behind her.

This is a long box, and it looks like an ordinary wooden box, and there is no danger in it.

The wooden lines on the top are clearly visible, and the lines are like waves, spreading on the surface of the box, no regularity can be seen.

"This is the space box for my equipment. The fixed inside can only prevent Xinghui and Xingyao, and it is also the equipment that provides energy for Xinghui." Lie Yan briefly introduced the humble box in her hand.

The box is completely sealed, and there are no gaps or places that can be opened.

"How to open this thing?" Cai Ruichen asked with some confusion.

The boxes are naturally opened. This is common sense that every normal person has.

However, when Lie Yan heard Cai Ruichen's words, she shook her head and shook her fingers slightly. The box in her hand disappeared in an instant. In her hand, there was a door that was nearly one meter long and was a bit like a large cylinder.

The one-meter-long cylinder has two-thirds of the place, as if cut into the center of the round cross section of the cross knife, behind it is a wider running device.

Lie Yan’s palms are grasped on the two handles on the large circle circular device. The two-thirds of the cylinder is almost 30 cm in diameter, and the back one-third of the length should be 30 in diameter. Take five centimeters.

"Commander, this is Xinghui. When I need to use it, the space cartridge will disappear and be replaced with it." Lie Yan explained.

"I have seen equipment similar to Xinghui, but the appearance is a little different, so I should have seen the space box." Cai Ruichen naturally recalled the woman who had been with the overlord in Tehran in the wasteland. The amazing flash of laser cannon in the room.

That shot Cai Ruichen is still fresh in his memory. Not only did he kill a Level 6 mutant on the spot, the heavy glass on the tall building also collapsed instantly, and the destructive power caused by the attack was extremely terrifying.

"Let's go to the shooting range to test its power." Cai Ruichen suggested when he thought of this.

Lie Yan didn't ask where Cai Ruichen saw two things like Space Box and Xinghui, but nodded, put away Xinghui, followed directly behind Cai Ruichen, and walked towards the shooting range.

Soon the two came to the shooting range in the base. There was also a built-in shooting range in the base. The space inside was very huge. According to the setting, many targets could appear.

Even if it is to give the base some time, there is no problem at all if a tank or an airplane appears.

"Assistant, set up two targets, one is one-meter-thick tempered glass, and the other is one-meter-thick bulletproof glass. The distances are both 400 meters." As soon as he arrived at the shooting range, Cai Ruichen confronted the young man next to him. The elf ordered.

The little elf beside Cai Ruichen nodded immediately, and two seconds later two pieces of one-meter-thick glass rose up in the shooting range.

Seeing that the target had appeared, Cai Ruichen said to Lie Yan, "Take a look."

Lie Yan did not act immediately, but asked Cai Ruichen for instructions: "Xinghui has two attack modes, one is instant and the other is charge mode. After a maximum of 1.5 seconds of charge, the lethality is instant. Tripled."

"Then use the instant shot first." Cai Ruichen remembers clearly that when the woman next to the overlord attacked, it was completely instantaneous, which was equivalent to an instant shot.

Cai Ruichen didn't know whether the individual laser cannon in that woman's hand could be charged to achieve greater lethality, and at that time he didn't get the attack intensity data, so it was difficult to compare.

But Cai Ruichen just wanted to see how defying Xinghui was.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users, please read. )

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