The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1604: Red Police Admiral Team Appears at Wedding Banquet

PS: I am extremely grateful to the book friend "hjz666" for today's one hundred thousand starting point for the hegemony of the book's hegemon. Because on the basis of the five chapters updated today, five more chapters have been added, ten more for him.


One billion euros of wedding spending budget, this news immediately went viral all over the world.

Before this wedding, among the super luxury weddings held in the world, the most expensive wedding was the wedding of Indian steel tycoon Mittal for his daughter, and the cost of that wedding was only five thousand five hundred. Million euros.

This compares with Cai Ruichen’s budget of one billion euros for this wedding, which is only equivalent to five percent.

As soon as the news came out, the world truly realized why such a wedding would become the core point of global attention throughout the day.

But when I think about the scale of 100,000 people in the banquet hall today, there are tens of thousands of waiters, and tens of thousands of bodyguards outside are already security personnel, this expenditure seems normal.

Just the 100,000 people in the banquet hall would have to eat so many things. Not only is each meal made by the world's top chefs, but each ingredient is also the most expensive in the world.

This makes the grade of the banquet hall from the beginning, doomed to not be low.

This banquet lasted from the evening to 9:30 in the evening. Almost no one had left early. The circles naturally traveled in the course of time. Countries also took this opportunity to deepen their relationship.

This is a huge stage, not only for Cai Ruichen and Hua Meixue, but also for everyone.

Because in the future, it will be difficult to reappear such a comprehensive venue that can gather the world's top social classes and put together such a complete collection.

Because I can come in and receive Cai Ruichen's invitation, it already represents my lofty identity.

At this moment, people from one circle after another gathered together and talked loudly, which also represented a circle of influence.

At this moment, the appearance of a group of people from the venue quickly attracted great attention from the outside world.

The superheroes in the base, except for Yuriko in the Wasteland, all appeared on the scene wearing their general uniforms.

The five generals of the Middle East Federal Guard came together, which naturally attracted great attention.

At the same time, countless men on the scene all have the most instinctive impulse.

The five generals that came out not only represent the highest-ranking generals of the Middle Eastern Federation Army, but the most important thing is that apart from the man Boris, the remaining four female superheroes, each of which can make any man emerge The urge to commit a sexual crime.

This impulse is like poison, eroding the resistance of every man on the scene.

It's just that as a representative of the military, it appears in military uniform at this moment, and naturally there are specific circles belonging to this field.

Many entourages around the heads of state, all with the approval of the heads of state, began to approach the generals of the Middle East Federation who entered the banquet hall.

Cai Ruichen, who was still the core of the banquet hall, was very satisfied after seeing the sensation caused by Lie Yan and others.

"Hua Meixue, let me introduce another right-hand man to you." Cai Ruichen pulled Hua Meixue's little hand and whispered.

Among the rooms on the third floor of the base, there is another room to be used. Naturally, Hua Meixue knows it, and she also knows that she is a pretty woman, a senior military general, and Tan Ya, Natasha, Ling Liang and others. Both are very familiar with each other and are also a female general.

But for this female admiral, Hua Meixue has been busy with this wedding all day and has never seen it.

And she also knew that there were ten people at the level of Natasha, but there were only six beside Cai Ruichen, and one more came last night. These ten people are Cai Ruichen's most important assistants.

Hua Meixue is also very clear that Natasha and others are not vases, but they all have real talents.

Holding Hua Meixue's little hand, Cai Ruichen quickly met with Natasha and others in the banquet hall. When they met the two, all the generals were wearing military uniforms, so they all solemnly paid a military salute.

And Hua Meixue's gaze naturally locked Lie Yan, Lie Yan's charm, even Hua Meixue was sincerely shocked at this moment, especially when she was wearing a military uniform, which gave her a strong feeling of being a female beauty.

"This is Lieyan, General of the Federation." Cai Ruichen introduced to Hua Meixue, and this introduction was meant for all the ears around.

In fact, without Cai Ruichen's introduction, the three gold stars on this female soldier who has never been seen by the outside world are obvious enough.

Obviously, it is impossible for anyone to dare to cross-class military uniforms on such occasions.

Therefore, this woman who has never appeared in public view must indeed be the general of the Middle East Federation.

As we all know, the military ranks of the Middle East Federation are very strict. So far, only the few people in front of them, and even these few people, have been awarded the generals.

It is difficult for the outside world to obtain information about these generals, but intelligence shows that the right and left hands around Cai Ruichen are very powerful, and they are not promoted by relationships.

At the same time, the outside world also knows that Cai Ruichen has absolute dominance in the entire federal army, and no one can shake this.

In such an army of complete faith and individuality, these generals must also be the people Cai Ruichen trusts most. There is no doubt about this.

After Hua Meixue and Lie Yan discussed, Cai Ruichen also spoke to the generals present: "Help me greet the guests well."

The rest of the time will be very casual, and the performance will begin immediately, but most people are also trying to get closer to other people, so there is no time to watch the performance on the stage.

All kinds of popular stars around the world have attracted a lot of attention when they make their debut.

But below the stage a lot of related news is also spreading rapidly.

The Future Hope Foundation, which has been receiving much attention, finally has results. The Future Hope Foundation will provide humanitarian assistance worth 30 billion U.S. dollars in total to more than 15 countries in Africa within the next year. Among them are food aid.

At the same time, they also promised to provide some assistance to some countries in South America, mainly to improve the environment and change the power equipment, which can be regarded as a kind of friendly investment.

The Future Hope Foundation will also establish the Future Red Cross Organization, which is under the jurisdiction of the Future Hope Foundation and will mainly focus on medical assistance for African personnel and medical and pharmaceutical assistance during global natural disasters.

But another news also followed. At the invitation of the United Nations Peacekeeping Command, the Middle East Federation will send a peacekeeping force next year to many countries in Africa to conduct peacekeeping operations.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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