The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1605: Future Security Company Entering the World


The Middle East Federation is going through the process of joining the United Nations. Once this process is completed, it will formally become a member of the United Nations and will assume the responsibilities of the United Nations as soon as possible.

Before the establishment of the Middle East Federation, Saudi Arabia and many other Middle Eastern countries had peacekeeping forces in Africa.

The peacekeeping forces in the Middle East have completely withdrawn from the Middle East.

When the Middle East Federation joins the United Nations, it will not need to go through any procedures, and it will be able to directly shoulder the mission of the federal member states in the United Nations.

Sending peacekeeping forces to Africa is also within the mission.

International **** operations like the Gulf of Aden **** can also participate at any time.

At present, the peacekeeping forces of the member states of the Middle East Federation in Africa do not intend to withdraw. They will eventually be replaced by new peacekeeping forces from the Middle East Federation, and then return to participate in the reorganization of a unified garrison force.

Therefore, this matter will be implemented soon, and the foreign news of the Middle East Federation at the banquet hall has been confirmed by several generals of the Middle East Federation that all garrison troops will not participate in international operations, and all foreign international military operations. , Will all have the Federal Guard, a regular army unit that truly represents the image of the country.

In addition to this news, there is another news. Related to the humanitarian aid material assistance program launched by the Future Hope Fund in Africa is that the Future Hope Foundation will fully employ the security forces of the Future Security Company to be responsible for the Future Hope Fund. Association members and the safety of materials transported in African countries.

Although many countries in Africa have relatively complete regimes, the countries that really need help are generally chaotic.

Many of the African heads of state present at the scene actually have very few places under their control at home. Warlords are fighting in melee, conflicts between tribes, and most of them are innocent civilians at gunpoint.

In the future, the Hope Foundation's assistance to Africa is very likely to cause African warlords to **** them. After all, warlords also need to eat.

In order to ensure the safety of supplies, it is understandable to hire Future Security Company to assist in traveling to Africa.

And this news was told by the heads of African countries to other people on the spot. It happens that these heads of African countries are also the busiest in the banquet hall. Not only should they have a good relationship with the developed countries, but also with the VIPs present, maybe. You can also get additional assistance and investment and help from all international companies.

Therefore, the news spread quickly, and at the same time, many people's attention was slowly focused on the future security company.

Speaking of the future security company, the whole world has heard of it and is relatively familiar.

This was a security-focused company established by Cai Ruichen when he rose in Iraq. It was also the first armed force established by Cai Ruichen.

This armed force has a legal status in Iraq. Every security personnel in it has a gun license and various advanced weapons and equipment, not inferior to the regular army of the Middle East Federation.

And this armed force was also the only legal security company in the entire federation when it was in the Iraq-Syria Federation, and it was also a security company that never recruited people from outside.

Every security personnel inside is an elite soldier who has been on the battlefield and has rich experience. They are all battlefield veterans who have rolled through more than three laps from the fire and blood.

It was only when the Iraqi-Syrian Federation was getting stronger, this company was a bit out of sight, because until now, this company has only undertaken security work in the Federation, and even undertook logistics support tasks for the federal army.

The company has never performed any external operations alone, and has never accepted external security orders.

When this company really became famous, it was the cooperation between Future Security Corporation and the United States in the Middle East anti-terrorism and maritime anti-piracy.

When the cooperation was stopped, the company suddenly became very low-key, but the whole world has not forgotten that this is a military company that can cooperate on an equal footing with the United States.

It has private military and global communications satellites, as well as its own air force and navy warships, and they are even much stronger than the armies of many small countries.

At this moment, when talking about this future security company, everyone thought that within the Middle East Federation, there is such a national military organization.

In terms of the armed strength of the security company in the future, it is no longer a simple security company. It is simply a three-armed army outside the federal regime in the Middle East.

Although Cai Ruichen has never held any position in the future security company, there is also some relevant information in the intelligence of various countries.

The person currently serving as the military chief adviser of the Future Security Company is the chief instructor of the Special Operations Forces of the Middle East Federation at the moment, and Lieutenant General Zhang Xuchen of the Middle East Federation Army.

Some intelligence pointed out that this Lieutenant General Zhang Xuchen is still undertaking any major military operations to command the entire future security company.

This time the Future Hope Foundation’s humanitarian assistance in Africa hires Future Security Company, which is an obvious signal that the future Security Company will enter the international market.

As the world's leading security company, the outside world does not know how many people are in it, and the outside world does not know how to strengthen its armaments.

But one thing is certain, this is definitely an extension of Cai Ruichen's external strength, and it is a powerful usable force.

If there are African armed forces who dare to deal with such a security company, it is not much different from looking for death.

The most important thing is that once an excuse is made for Cai Ruichen to intervene in African affairs, the situation is completely different.

In fact, this is also a plan that Cai Ruichen has prepared long ago. Africa is bound to go, but how and when? It depends on how things will develop.

The future security company currently has more than 20,000 navy, land and air forces. It has a security navy consisting of an amphibious assault ship, an amphibious landing ship, and an Aegis ship and two destroyers, and it is suspended by the Middle East Federation. The national flag and the maritime power flag of the Future Security Company.

This navy has 8,000 men and has the strength of three reinforced battalions of the Marine Corps.

The air force also has dozens of invaders and Black Hawk fighters, as well as a paratrooper unit of an airborne regiment.

Thousands of personnel of various types capable of taking on special operations or ground security protection forces.

The total number of direct combat personnel of the three services is 20,000, and the rest are civilian personnel or logistics and intelligence personnel.

It also has three global communications satellites and two high-precision monitoring satellites, and can borrow the satellite system of the Red Police Corps at any time to conduct global reconnaissance, communications and deployment operations.

(To be continued.)

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