The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1608: Eternal supreme leader


Jinbang title, bridal chamber huazhu, long-term drought and rain, old know from a foreign land.

There are four great blessings in life, but such blessings are not appropriate for Cai Ruichen.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen is definitely the envy of countless men around the world, and Hua Meixue is also the envy of many women around the world.

Cai Ruichen has so far been young and rich. Money is only one component of the halo that surrounds him.

He is also one of the most powerful men in the world, which can reflect the charm of men more than Wanguan family wealth.

On Forbes Global, Ruichen Cai’s personal assets exceed US$300 billion. Although US$80 billion has been allocated to the Future Hope Foundation, Forbes will also announce that Cai Ruichen’s personal assets have been Latest research data report.

After transferring 80 billion U.S. dollars to Hua Meixue's name, Cai Ruichen's personal assets may exceed 400 billion U.S. dollars in the seventh year of his rise.

This money is not even considered as working capital that the Future Technology Group can use.

The data released by Global Forbes on the evening of Cai Ruichen’s wedding also includes the current global assets of the Future Technology Group. In the coming year, the Future Technology Group ranked first in the world last year, and the total assets ranked second. Four times as much as the Wal-Mart Group.

This year, the value is even greater. The war has not caused the future technology group's global turnover to decline. Countries still cannot resist the temptation of the large tax revenue brought by the future technology group.

In the coming year, Mirae Technology Group's global turnover exceeded US$8 trillion, nearly double the US$4 trillion in last year.

Most of this huge turnover comes from China's electric vehicle sales and China's national automobile fast-charging power project, and there are also a large number of orders for environmental governance and clean energy from the hometown.

The hometown alone has created a turnover of $1 trillion for Future Technology Group.

In addition, the sales of electric vehicles and electronic products in Russia, the United States and South America are also the main sources of business performance of Future Technology Group.

The war did not disappoint global customers with Future Technology Group, and the United States did not completely fall out with Cai Ruichen in this regard.

With global sales of US$8 trillion, the Future Technology Group is crazily occupying the mainstream market of all high-end electronic products in the world in the form of at least one or two new products each year.

At the same time, driven by this powerful technology product, the companies that cooperate with Future Technology Group have also brought huge benefits.

And next year, everyone knows that the sales performance of Future Technology Group will get better and better, because starting next year, Future Technology Group’s electric energy vehicles will be sold in a wider area of ​​the world.

According to the next year's strategic development plan announced by Future Technology Group, next year will continue to launch new electronic products. These electronic products will also begin to upgrade the first generation of machine butlers, and will also launch the second generation of more humane Machine housekeeper.

All these have brought endless aura to Cai Ruichen, and the global market has not yet reached the level of saturation, so there is still a lot of room for sales of the technology group in the future.

All of these will further promote the development of the Future Technology Group in the next few years. It has been predicted that the future technology group with extremely comprehensive coverage will probably exceed most of the world’s annual turnover and financial capital operations in the future. country.

One thing is certain for next year. With the rapid growth of sales every month and every quarter, by August next year, the sales of the future technology group will most likely exceed 10 trillion US dollars.

Ten trillion U.S. dollars, we must know how many countries in the world have total fiscal revenue exceeding ten trillion U.S. dollars.

So far, there are six countries. Among the top five rogues in the world, except Russia, Germany and Japan are added.

Among them, the United States is the strongest, with annual fiscal revenues about to reach 36 trillion U.S. dollars, and the hometown is not far behind, with annual fiscal revenues approaching 30 trillion U.S. dollars.

The subsequent Germany is still hovering at more than ten trillion dollars, and it will be difficult to get close to twenty trillion dollars in the next few years.

Below the ten trillion dollar barrier, Italy is the closest country to ten trillion dollars.

However, last year's Iran-Syria Federation has risen extremely fast. After a large amount of infrastructure construction and rapid development of light industry, fiscal revenue has soared at a rate of 20% every year.

Last year, it had reached five trillion US dollars.

This year the Islamic Federation has disappeared and replaced by the Middle East Federation. Some people have even predicted that the annual fiscal revenue of the Middle East Federation next year may reach 10 trillion US dollars.

But the same thing is that this year's fiscal expenditure for the Middle East Federal Plan is likely to exceed 15 trillion US dollars.

The extremely serious fiscal deficits are almost all dependent on the excessive fiscal expenditures of the Future Technology Group under Cai Ruichen's support for the entire development.

This is almost exactly the same as the original development model of the Iraq-Syria Federation, with a large amount of capital investment, crazy investment.

The government provided loans to the Future Technology Bank for infrastructure construction. With the participation of Palestine and Lebanon last year alone, the government loaned $5 trillion to the Future Technology Bank.

There will be more loans this year, and only future technology banks will be able to support such a huge loan.

Of course, this kind of loans is at very low interest. In the future, the Federal Government of the Middle East will use highway tolls, income from transportation operations, and pay the principal and interest of future technology banks.

After all, money does not come in vain. This kind of development has its merits. The biggest advantage is that the nation’s infrastructure can be improved as soon as possible, and the living environment and quality of life of citizens can be immediately and practically changed, and the basic social security is improved.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen's current personal assets will barely reach 400 billion U.S. dollars, and the profits of the future technology group are extremely crazy. The turnover is almost equal to the profit.

But he has to invest the money in infrastructure construction, and it can only be said that the more the better.

Of course, the outside world doesn't know, everyone just knows that Cai Ruichen has rights that are rare in the world.

Future Technology Group is the world's largest business empire, and five people can win the winter.

What's more, the constitution of the Middle East Federation has never established the reign time of the supreme power leader, which means that Cai Ruichen can hold this supreme power leader until his death.

(To be continued.)

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