The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1620: 0 Crane is missing


After busying the development and deployment in this world, Cai Ruichen returned to the wasteland world. This year's wasteland world, the cold winter has not yet come.

The wasteland world seems to be unchanged for thousands of years, and it feels as if it has never changed.

This time the cold winter came very late, which also means that the next cold winter will last longer.

The next cold winter is expected to last for nearly a year.

For this kind of spooky weather, even the base's phased array weather warning radar can't develop any clues.

Before the arrival of the cold winter, the temperature will continue to drop for a while, and the weather will be getting colder every day.

In the coldest time, the temperature will be close to one hundred degrees below zero, and even in high-altitude areas, the temperature will be colder.

At this low temperature, it is difficult for humans to move outside, and even sturdy mechanical equipment is difficult to operate at this low temperature.

Therefore, the cold winter is a very cruel test for the wasteland world. Human beings can't come out for activities at all. To survive, you must ensure that the human body needs enough calories to stay in a place that can isolate the low temperature outside.

It’s not hard to find such a place. The real difficulty is how to persist until the end of the winter in such ultra-extreme weather.

Food reserves are the key, so how to ensure that you will not starve to death.

This may not be a problem for cannibals with high cloning technology, but for normal humans, unless they have a complete survival cycle system, it is difficult to find enough food to last for a year.

When Cai Ruichen returned to the wasteland world base car, she saw Yuriko slammed down on her body, hugged tightly, showing no sign of letting go, on her slightly tilted head, bright eyes It was covered with mist.

"Well, my fault, I shouldn't have not come to see you for so long." Cai Ruichen stroked one of Yuriko's long hair. When he asked to stay in the wasteland world, Yuriko was obviously wronged.

After all, this stay lasted more than a year. Cai Ruichen also rarely came over because of too many things in this world. Yuriko was very tired of him. The first time he was separated for so long, she was still a very young Yuriko. It makes me feel pitiful.

However, when Yuriko heard Cai Ruichen's comfort, the mist in her eyes didn't mean to dissipate. She shook her head, did not speak, but buried her head on Cai Ruichen's stomach... She was not tall enough to reach Cai Ruichen's chest.

At this time, El Yessel, who had been in the wasteland world, also walked in, his face was not very good, and asked Cai Ruichen: "Commander, did General Yuriko send you a message?"

Cai Ruichen was a little strange when asked, "What's the matter?"

Seeing Cai Ruichen's appearance, Al Yessel knew that he had guessed wrong, and hurriedly said: "Miss Qianhe disappeared, I am about to report to you..."

Before Elle Yessel finished speaking, Cai Ruichen let go of Yuriko and rushed to his room in the wasteland base. Even he himself couldn't control this impulse, everything was so natural.

When he came to his room, Qianhe on his bed had disappeared without a trace. There was a large white ribbon left on the bed, and the ribbon floating in the room did not change at all, but Qianhe on the bed Crane, just disappeared.

For no reason, Cai Ruichen was worried. The reason why he asked Yuriko to stay in the wasteland was to protect Qianhe's safety.

He didn't know why Qianhe would attract other high-level mutants over, but one thing is certain, this is definitely not a good thing.

Yuriko plus the presence of the base can also prevent those high-level mutants with ideas from approaching.

But now, Qianhe doesn't seem to be taken abducted, because the ribbon on the bed is more like Qianhe waking up and then leaving.

But why did Chizuru leave?

A few days ago, El Yessel reported that Qianhe was very likely to wake up soon. After Cai Ruichen settled the affairs of the world, he hurried over to wait for Qianhe to wake up.

"Tell me, what's the situation?" Cai Ruichen didn't blame Yuriko and Al Yessel who came over.

"It's my dereliction of duty. We didn't discover when Miss Qianhe woke up or left." Al Yeser lowered his head, as if he was ready to take responsibility.

"Yuriko, have you noticed that Qianzuru is leaving?" Cai Ruichen asked Yuriko, who was rubbing her little finger, looking back.

Yuriko didn't say anything, but shook her head, showing me a little grievance.

"The base..." Cai Ruichen did not continue to ask the two of them, but directly asked the base.

"Miss Qianhe woke up half an hour ago and walked out of the base by herself. The current map function that is about to go out of the base ~ The base's answer is very simple, and she also determined where Qianhe is. , Projected in front of Cai Ruichen's eyes.

In the augmented reality picture, Qianhe is dressed in a long silver-white dress, and his long silver moon-colored hair is **** with a ribbon.

In half an hour, he is about to walk out of the border of Iraq, and Qianhe’s speed is indeed very fast, but he does not use walking. The figure is constantly changing, more like using a short distance to move. mobile.

After looking at the familiar Qianhe appearance in the picture, there was no danger, and there were no injuries on his body, Cai Ruichen's hanging heart finally let go.

"Prepare the plane now." Cai Ruichen didn't have time to think too much, and told Al Yeser beside him. At the same time, he said to the base: "At the same time, the outpost on the border will stop Qianhe, but you cannot use force against Qianhe. "

Cai Ruichen's only thought now is to see Qianhe. As for why, he is not very clear in his heart.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen didn't want to blame anyone, but why Qianhe had to leave the base in a hurry, which made him extremely puzzled.

"Yuriko, follow me." Cai Ruichen took Yuriko's hand and walked directly outside.

Al Yeser was very fast. When Cai Ruichen came to the landing platform outside the base, the engine of the peacekeeping transport aircraft that had been on standby for a long time had already begun to warm up.

The first time he took Yuriko into the peacekeeping transport plane, Cai Ruichen ordered the driver: "Hurry to the border post No. 75 at the fastest speed."

The peacekeeping transport plane took off immediately, the afterburner opened, and the speed soared to nearly Mach 5 in just ten seconds, and it was still accelerating.

(To be continued.)

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