The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1649: Cai Ruichen's identity exposed

"My hometown, I don't even know what it is like now."

Hearing Chen Kaiwen's words, Cai Ruichen just shook his head. How easy is it to pass thousands of kilometers away.

Of course, this is for ordinary people.

"As long as you work hard, there will be hope." Chen Kaiwen said as he picked up a 92-type pistol and a magazine full of bullets from the weapon shelf beside him, and handed it to Cai Ruichen, "As a fellow, this Give you the pistol."

Cai Ruichen took the pistol, loaded the bullet, and closed the safety. The bolt of the pistol was pulled several times quickly, and then he returned the pistol to Kaiwen Chen, saying: "Thank you, Major Chen, the pistol is very good, but I have used it. Weapon."

Seeing the doubts that appeared on Chen Kaiwen's face, Cai Ruichen continued: "I just saw the banner of my hometown, come in and take a look."

Chen Kaiwen put away the pistol originally given to Cai Ruichen, and invited Cai Ruichen and Lie Yan to sit down on the sofa next to him. Then he said: "I originally belonged to the 31st Army, and it happened to be in the capital at that time. There is no chance to go back, but I heard that the situation in Xiamen is fine. After all, there are tens of thousands of standing troops in the disaster."

"The situation in China is not very optimistic, right?" Cai Ruichen asked.

With 1.3 billion citizens, mutants should be one of the most serious places.

A country with sparsely populated areas like Russia and Canada should be much better under such a catastrophe.

From central Russia to Siberia, people are rare, mutants are relatively concentrated, and survival is not difficult.

But India and China are completely different. India has a population of nearly 1.5 billion and China has a population of nearly 1.4 billion. The pressure on mutants is certainly not small.

"It's not easy. At present, the survivor bases in various places are very difficult to connect together. It is difficult to survive." Chen Kaiwen shook his head and said: "But I believe that everything will be better, and pressure is also motivation."

From the bitterness that passed by Chen Kaiwen, Cai Ruichen knew that this was just a scene, and the situation was definitely not very good.

Of course, it shouldn't be too bad, and there should be a shortage of basic materials.

"Mr. Cai, where did you come from?" Chen Kaiwen glanced at the silent Cai Ruichen and asked.

"Iraq." Cai Ruichen said.

Hearing that it was Iraq, Chen Kaiwen's eyes flashed a hint of thinking, and then he seemed to think of something, his face changed, but he immediately recovered. He glanced at the two Taliban guards behind Cai Ruichen, and said nothing.

Chen Kaiwen's reaction made Cai Ruichen immediately understand that since the three Chinese Awakeners had traveled from here to Iran and passed through Iraq, they naturally returned from here on the same route.

Believe that the situation in Iraq, the Chinese side must already know, and their own name, the three awakened also know.

Since Chen Kaiwen is also a military adjutant stationed at the Taliban base, he must have learned some things.

Cai Ruichen doesn't know how much he knows, but one thing is certain, the other party may have thought of himself.

Just when Cai Ruichen was about to try Chen Kaiwen, Atdan walked in from the gate of the weapon shop and reborn the three children.


"Mr. Cai, our leader invites your team to have dinner together. At that time, there will be special personnel to welcome you to the leader's mansion. Please inform everyone when you go back. The monitoring of you will also end from now on." When he came in, he said to Cai Ruichen, and at the same time nodded to Chen Kaiwen on the side as a greeting.

"Okay, when I go back, we will notify our leader." Cai Ruichen stood up, nodded to Atdan and said, "But, don't we need to be monitored for 24 hours?"

Atdan's behavior made Cai Ruichen's heart full of doubts. Under such circumstances, how could Atdan inform himself? The hotel is just around the corner, shouldn't you tell Zhao Long?

And as I said before, it is safe after 24 hours of security surveillance, but it is a bit strange that the leader here is anxious to meet himself and others until the evening.

"This is not something I can know. I believe you will have an answer when you meet with our leader tonight." Atdan shook his head. In fact, he was also quite puzzled.

He just reported to the leader. After talking about the situation of Cai Ruichen and others, the leader did not even have time to listen to the battle report. He directly asked him to invite Cai Ruichen and others, and pointed out that the person invited was Cai Ruichen, not Zhao. Dragon.

These Atdan can't understand, but as a soldier, he can only execute orders.

The removal of security surveillance on Cai Ruichen and others was also an order from the After Atdan finished speaking, he left the weapon shop with two guards.

Cai Ruichen did not stay, but the doubts in his heart remained undiminished.

"Mr. Cai, can you talk to the quiet room." Seeing Atdan leaving, Chen Kaiwen immediately extended an invitation to Cai Ruichen.

Cai Ruichen nodded, took Lie Yan, and followed Chen Kaiwen to the quiet room. The so-called quiet room was a small reception room with elegant attire.

The two were seated face to face again, and Chen Kaiwen immediately said to Cai Ruichen: "I introduce myself again. I am the highest military officer of the Chinese Taliban Cooperative Force. My real rank is brigadier general."

Chen Kaiwen was straightforward, Cai Ruichen simply asked: "Why are you telling me this."

"Mr. Cai, it is true that I am a student of Master Zhenyuanzhai. On behalf of my teacher, I thank Mr. Cai for his assistance to China." Chen Kaiwen stood up and bowed to Cai Ruichen.

"I'm curious, how did you recognize me?" Cai Ruichen asked curiously.

Chen Kaiwen replied: "Our teacher gave me your portrait at the beginning, saying that you are very likely to pass through here and return to China. If you encounter it, you must treat it with care."

Chen Kaiwen's words caused Cai Ruichen to shook his head helplessly. At the beginning, it was indeed to clear all the equipment about himself, but it was not very difficult to destroy the other party's memory and draw himself.

"I heard that my husband came from Iraq. I immediately remembered the portrait left by the teacher, and thought of your identity." Chen Kaiwen explained again.

"It seems that I am still taking care of it. Maybe it is already a manpower in China." Cai Ruichen heard this and immediately felt quite boring. It seems that it is difficult to return to China in a low-key manner.

(To be continued.)

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