The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1656: Revenge in Russia

Sanjivre, the Russian awakener, is also a Russian hero.

This is the hero that the outside world knows the most about Russia. Before the catastrophe, he was originally Russia's most representative power wrestler. He was a very violent man who was associated with power wrestling since childhood.

The loss of Sanjivre caused Russia to lose his right hand.

It's just that if Russia has no evidence at all, that Sanjivre’s loss is related to the survivor base in Iraq.

Cai Ruichen immediately thought of this. The sharp color in Nikolayev's eyes showed that he was not an impulsive person. At this time, he was not so simple to attack himself.

"The first time I went out, I didn't know who Sanjivre was, but if I was so slanderous, I would have to talk about it." Cai Ruichen shook his head and got up from the chair, facing Nikolayev Gaze.


Nikolaev snorted coldly, walked around the dining table, and walked directly in front of Cai Ruichen. His tall body was a whole head taller than Cai Ruichen. Compared with Cai Ruichen's slightly symmetrical body, there were almost three people from Cai Ruichen. So big.

"The last place to lose contact is at the border between Iran and Iraq. With the abilities of Lord Sanjivre, ordinary mutants can't help him..."

Speaking of this, Nikolayev suddenly grabbed Cai Ruichen's hands, and clasped them tightly on Cai Ruichen's wrists like steel fingers.

Natasha and others at the side seemed to have seen nothing, and did not move forward to help.

This made the corners of Nikolayev's mouth slowly curled up, and his hands became harder.

What only puzzled him was that Cai Ruichen's expression had not changed in any way. He felt that he had pinched the opponent's bones to death, and he was an ordinary person, now kneeling in front of him in pain.

"I saw the killing intent in your eyes, you want to take the opportunity to kill me." Cai Ruichen didn't seem to feel the slightest feeling about his pinched hands, and asked Nikolaev very plainly.

"If you can't give Russia an explanation, then there is only war." Nikolayev said very strongly, and he did not have any explanation for his inner killing intent.

Cai Ruichen didn't know what the Russians had planned, but it was obvious that there was a big plan to secretly plant an Awakener here in the Taliban base.

Although Russia has established a survivor base in Siberia, it is far from the area where mutants are active, but it is not absolutely safe.

Russia has only one or two Awakeners, a Sanjivre is in his laboratory, and there should be DiCapri in front of him.

If he is willing to send two awakened persons out, his plan must be nearby.

If it was said that Sanjivre was going for China, then sending an Awakener again would most likely be a survivor base for himself.

While talking, Nikolaev's hands broke through the poor suit instantly, and his hideous muscles emerged from the exploded suit sleeves.

Ahmed in the main seat didn't say a word. After seeing Nikolayev's swelling arm, there was a clear look in his eyes.

Cai Ruichen was a little surprised, his eyes caught the scarlet color flashing in Nikolaev's eyes. At this moment, the Russian ambassador before him felt more like a mutant.

However, this feeling was only a momentary matter, and the power that the other party showed violently was not an illusion.

The source of this power is pure muscle power, not the mysterious power from the body like the awakened one.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen seemed to be locked by a mechanical arm. The skin that was in contact with his wrist had no feeling of flesh at all, more like a cold steel alloy.

"I'm becoming more and more curious about you." Cai Ruichen looked at Nikolaev, whose body was swelling in front of him, with interest, and then turned back to DiCapri and asked: "You have seen him. One side?"

There was no change in DiCapri's face, but the gaze that looked at Cai Ruichen was full of vigilance.

Among all the people at the scene, the calmest ones were Cai Ruichen and the people of the Red Police Corps. DiCapri kept looking at Cai Ruichen, completely unable to understand the young Chinese in front of him.

As for DiCapri's silence, Cai Ruichen already knew the answer. Facing Nikolayev whose body swelled to nearly three meters high, the suit and pants on his body had long been split apart and hung one by one on his body.

At this moment, Nikolaev's body was full of violent auras, and the Taliban at the scene had already begun to guard.

"Biochemical transformation of people, it seems that I underestimated you." Cai Ruichen surely said After hearing Cai Ruichen's words, the frenzied Nikolayev smiled and opened his arms outward. , A pair of appearances about to tear Cai Ruichen apart.

In fact, his smile instantly solidified. The thin Chinese man in front of him had two thin arms, like two super alloys rooted in the ground. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move the other's arms.

His plan was very good, killing Cai Ruichen, but unfortunately everything in front went well. When he was about to perform his ultimate move, he was shocked to find that he seemed to have broken a superalloy.

This intensity has exceeded Nikolaev's power.

If it were a normal person, these two arms had already been torn off from the body.

When Nikolaev realized that the situation seemed to exceed his expectations, it was too late.

Feeling the strength of the opponent, Cai Ruichen's arm shook suddenly, and with the greatest strength he broke free from the grip of the opponent's hands, and held Nikolayev's thumb with his backhand, and Cai Ruichen's palm could just hold the opponent's thick Pinch the thumb and both hands firmly.

Everyone on the scene could clearly hear the sound of crushing bones, watching Cai Ruichen's fluttering movements and the terrifying lethality.

Many people at the scene couldn't help but swallow.

Looking at Cai Ruichen's gaze, it was really like looking at a monster.

This kind of gaze hadn't even appeared when he looked at Nikolaev just now.

"Ah..." The screams came from Nikolaev's mouth. When Cai Ruichen let go of the other's thumbs, the two thick thumbs had been completely pinched and blackened.

DiCapri at the side also suddenly got into trouble at this moment. With a sweep of his left leg, he kicked the dining table away from the middle, turned his body, and came straight to Cai Ruichen's door with his right foot.

(To be continued.)

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