The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1663: Mysterious mutant Ji Xue

On the top of the mountain, the wind was bitterly cold and snowy, but these did not stop Cai Ruichen and the others.

As they approached, the roar on the top of the mountain became denser.

However, along the way, I just heard the roar, but I never saw the source of the sound.

And along the way, what made Cai Ruichen puzzled was that there was not much snow on the top of the mountain under the wind and snow, and there was no trace of any mutated creatures' activity.

In the shallow snow all around, there was not even a footprint.

There were no obstacles along the way. When it was close to nearly 300 meters from the top of the mountain, the personal terminal was ready for use.

This point also thoroughly confirmed Cai Ruichen's inference.

But now, what Cai Ruichen wants to figure out most is what is on the top of the mountain.

The top of the peak of Chogori is very steep, but there is a height of nearly 100 meters from the top of the mountain, that is, at an altitude of more than 8,500 meters, there is an artificially developed platform.

On this platform, there are buried many challengers who want to challenge here, but never return.

Climbing high peaks often requires a price, and most of the costs are quite heavy, even lives.

When Cai Ruichen and others moved to this platform full of stone tombs, they still couldn't see any so-called mutant creatures.

On the steep mountain top, you can see the top of the mountain, and there is no sign of any mutant creatures.

However, just when everyone was on the top of the mountain platform, a roar that blew in everyone's ears came out.

The snow on the top of the mountain was shaking, and the stones were shaking and rolling off the graves that were piled up.

"Take off your backpack and be on guard..." Cai Ruichen didn't hesitate to throw away the rucksack on his back and became fully alert.

The feeling given to him here is very bad, and the entire platform is full of danger.

The most important thing is that the source of this dangerous breath is very scattered, and it is impossible to lock a certain point, or even determine the direction of the source of danger.

But one thing Cai Ruichen can be sure at this moment is that there are no so-called mutant creatures on it.

The voice is very different from the mutant, but it should be a mutant creature.

Just as everyone took off their backpacks and guards, from the wind and snow, at the end of the mountain top platform, a curvy figure walked towards everyone.

The wind and snow on the top of the mountain obstructed most of the sight. Cai Ruichen could vaguely see that the one walking towards them should be a woman, a woman in a white dress.

No, it should be said that she is a woman among mutants, with long silver-white hair fluttering in the wind, giving him a feeling like a thousand cranes.

"Everyone, this is not where you should be, please leave immediately."

In the wind and snow, the woman's faint voice came.

This voice was like profound ice that never melted, as if it was about to freeze everyone in an instant.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen felt the opponent's powerful mental power, which was simply not something humans could possess.

Mental power, something very illusory, to be explained with a little science, that is brain waves.

Mutant people have super long-distance contact, relying on mental power, just like signal transmitters and receiving sensors.

Cai Ruichen has only experienced such a powerful mental power in Qianhe. That time, he was a mutant under Qianhe's ultra-long-distance command and demonstrated it when he attacked the cannibal safe area.

In Cai Ruichen's view, the mental power of Bane is inferior to Qianhe, and even worse to the woman in front of him.

This made Cai Ruichen extremely cautious in his heart. The woman walking towards them was at least an eighth-level mutant.

In Cai Ruichen's view, a high-level mutant, a mutant above level seven, in fact, can no longer be called it, but him/her.

They are completely indistinguishable from humans in terms of thinking and IQ, and possess the same means as gods.

When the woman in front of him came to a place nearly 20 meters in front of the crowd, Cai Ruichen could clearly see the woman in front of him, a very beautiful woman, graceful as a princess, giving people a strong feeling of not daring to offend and blaspheme. Unconsciously, bowed his head in front of it.

"Humans, didn't you hear what I said? Get out of here right away." The woman said again.

"I'll just ask a question, and then leave right away." Cai Ruichen didn't intend to have any conflict with the other party. The woman in front of him felt like Qianhe was almost in equal measure.

"Humans, leave here now." The woman had no intention of communicating at all, and drove away again.

"Have you seen Qianhe?" Cai Ruichen asked directly, unmoved.

At the moment when he said Qianhe, Cai Ruichen clearly felt that there was a slight fluctuation in the spirit of the woman in front of him. Although it was only a moment, Cai Ruichen could be sure that he was just a matter of being a dead horse doctor, but unexpectedly. The question is right.

Without waiting for the woman to speak, he hurriedly asked: "If you know, please tell me, I came out to find her."

"My name is Ji Xue." Ji Xue (a guest star in the book friends group) did not answer Cai Ruichen's question, but introduced herself, and then said coldly again: "Leave here now."

This was the fourth time that she had said that Cai Ruichen and others had left, and her tone became colder than ever.

But this time, Cai Ruichen shook his head very simply and said: "I finally found some clues to Qianhe. I can't leave like this, unless you tell me where Qianhe is?"

"If you insist on then I have to convey the news of your death to Qianhe." Ji Xue shook her head, with a look of helplessness on her cold face.

As soon as Ji Xue's words fell, the tombs on the top of the mountain trembled. An unprecedented sense of crisis suddenly struck, and Cai Ruichen's expression instantly became extremely cautious.

He now finally knew why he could not perceive the specific source of danger, because there was more than one source of danger.

These people buried on the top of this mountain have been frozen in ultra-low temperature all year round. Under the stimulation of the virus, I am afraid they have mutated.

Moreover, the breath from these tombs was very violent, and it felt that it was not as simple as a pure mutant.

This was completely different from what Cai Ruichen felt to the mutant who claimed to be Ji Xue in front of him. Obviously, Ji Xue was not one of these tombs.

"Prepare to fight." At this moment, Cai Ruichen didn't think about retreating. Whether it was Ji Xue or the things in the tomb on the top of the mountain, it felt very difficult for him, and it seemed that there was a huge secret hidden. (To be continued.)

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