The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1668: 7 Shaoshe of the Dry Land

For Cai Ruichen, the ninth-level mutant is completely insoluble.

At the moment Lucar launched the attack, Cai Ruichen's proud reaction ability saved him once.

In exchange, both arms can't be lifted at all.

Just a kick, a very ordinary side kick, Cai Ruichen, who blocked Lucar's kick with both hands, clearly felt that the bones of his hands had been slightly cracked.

The two of them are not in the same order of magnitude. After all, the current Cai Ruichen, even the eighth-level mutant is difficult to deal with, let alone the ninth-level mutant, which is a completely different height.

One kick was kicked into the air, so that everyone in the Red Police Corps behind could not take care of the others. Qin Chen was the first to throw away the snowman beside him, and suddenly jumped and fell directly between Cai Ruichen and Lucar, blocking him. Lucar.

"Let you retreat this rubbish." Lucar turned back and ordered Ji Xue.

Ji Xue didn't say a word, but the remaining ten or so snowmen all stopped, dragging the corpses of their companions, and evacuating from the circle.

On the top of the Chogori Peak that no one had noticed, two people stood quietly on it, watching everything on the platform below.

"Lucar is a conceited person, this characteristic is also fully exposed at this moment." The overlord said lightly.

After Lucar appeared, the overlord's eyes never left Lucar.

"Would you like to take the opportunity to get rid of the misfortune, his spatial teleportation ability is too difficult." The woman on the side whispered to the overlord.

"No need, we just need to ensure the safety of Cai Ruichen, nothing else is important." The overlord shook his head. If he really wanted to kill the misfortune, the graveyard grass of the misfortune, I don't know how old it has been.

In his eyes, Cai Ruichen's safety is fundamental.

The overlord said quietly: "The mutants are just a group of poor creatures, a group of tragic lives trying to pursue the meaning of life."

The people of the Red Police Corps immediately protected Cai Ruichen, and Qin Chen's angry fist had already hit Lucar's facade.

Lucar did not show any weakness, and also responded with his fists. Two fists, one large and one small, collided fiercely in the air, and the powerful air currents collided with each other, stirring up the falling snow in the air.

Qin Chen and Lukar backed two or three steps almost at the same time. In the first confrontation, Qin Chen backed three steps, while Lukar only backed two steps.

This made the misfortune and Ji Xue behind Lucar's face all moved. Although Lucar had the advantage, they all knew how terrifying Lucar was and could force Lucar two steps back. The two saw it for the first time.

Lukar gently shook his numb arm, looked at Qin Chen's gaze, and began to become serious.

But Qin Chen's reaction was very straightforward, he slammed his chest suddenly, and after a roar broke out, he rushed towards Lucar's door at a faster speed with the same punch.

Lucar returned the same punch, and the two fists collided again.

The result of this time made the face of Bane suddenly become very ugly.

In the second collision between Qin Chen and Lukar, the two seemed to have used their full strength this time, and at the same time each stepped back five steps, the same five steps.

"Leave it to me, I'm going to tear him apart."

Qin Chen was about to attack again, Wu Jie came to him, stopped Qin Chen's body, and said without looking back.

Qin Chen nodded when he heard the words and took two steps back.

Wu Jie walked towards Lucar with extremely cold eyes, and a chilling aura exuded from his body.

In the confrontation between Lucar and Qin Chen, his performance was quite relaxed, and he saw another person on the field, Wu Jie, who was still strangely shaped like a monster.

There was only a strong war spirit on his face.

However, at this moment, a dull voice appeared on the platform, it was the sound of footsteps, the sound of a person's footsteps.

Qisongshe, which had just been shot out, faded away from his mountaineering suit, revealing a white shirt and red warehouse, two black straps hung on his shoulders, and the white shirt short sleeves showing two thick arms.

The Qisong Society at this moment had no innocent expression on his face, and the gaze that looked at Lucar was full of profound killing intent.

Wherever it passed, the roads were cracked, and the Qisong Society at this moment made everyone present extremely strange.

"Get out of the way." Cai Ruichen instructed everyone.

The feeling that Qisong Society gave him was completely a mutant. There was no doubt about that.

If the former Qisong Society was a real human being, then the Qisong Society in front of us was a mutant with the same body.

This feeling is like having two completely different personalities in one person.

"The Qisong Society of the Dry Earth." Lucar looked at the Qisong Society that came by, his face became more serious than ever, and he uttered these words seriously.

After Ji Xue and Woji behind them heard Lucar say these words, their expressions became quite exciting.

"I thought you would have died a long time ago. I didn't expect that you would have missed it." Lucar walked directly towards the Qisong Society and said as he walked.

"To tell the whereabouts of Chris and Shirmi, I don't need to kill you." Qisong Society said to Lucar coldly.

"That's really a pity, I'm Lucar not the original Lucar, as for Chris and Sharma, I will send you to reunite with them soon." Lucar said murderously.

Hearing Lucar's words, the aura on Qisong Society became more violent, and the ground that both legs trampled on the ground broke more The snow falling from the water on the entire ground was instantly evaporated and disappeared. Without a trace.

In the next second, the two had already fought into a ball, **** and fisting, dazzling everyone present.

The sound of body collision was heard densely in the air, and the ground cracked where the two were fighting, as if the air was turbulent.

The airflow on the top of the mountain began to become turbulent.

"This Qisong Club is not bad. Like the Super Saiyan, it will be transformed." Wu Jie, who was about to take action, said somewhat jokingly when he saw the performance of the Qisong Club.

"It seems that Qisong Society should have completely remembered it. Obviously, there is an old grudge with Lucar." Natasha said.

"Lie Yan" Cai Ruichen motioned to Lie Yan with a look of ready to shoot, a ninth-level mutant must be killed.

And the only person who could find an opportunity to kill Lukar in one blow was Lie Yan.

To be continued.

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