The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1673: The mysterious powerhouse in this world

Ignoring Ling Liang who was starting to plan military operations in South Sudan, Cai Ruichen quickly returned to the console and immediately contacted the guards in South Sudan.

However, the guards did not report any valuable information, which Cai Ruichen had expected.

They didn't even know the process of Lianna being knocked out and Clark's injury, nothing happened, and it was not surprising.

"Connect the Ghost Special Commando."

After ending the communication with the Forbidden Guards, Cai Ruichen immediately put his hopes on the Ghost Special Commando. The Ghost Special Commando as an external support, do you know something about it?

"I am Cai Ruichen, report where you are now." As soon as the communication was established, Cai Ruichen immediately stated his identity.

"Report to the commander, I am Brother Xiang, the captain of the Ghost Special Commando. We are currently looking along the banks of the White Nile River on the edge of Malakal. I suspect that the attacker is most likely to sneak in through the White Nile River. Evacuate along the White Nile." Brother Xiang, who is in South Sudan, reported to Cai Ruichenhui.

"Don't let go of any clues."

After hanging up the communication, Cai Ruichen immediately received a detailed report from the South Sudanese troops. The disappearance of Hua Meixue was a huge event for the entire Red Police Corps. The first lady was kidnapped, which has been deeply irritating. To the nerves of everyone in the Red Police Corps.

For Cai Ruichen, it was not the case. The two newlyweds did not get together for a few days, because their affairs were separated from their ideals, but they did not expect such an accident.

From a personal emotional point of view, Cai Ruichen really has the desire to kill people now, but he has tried to restrain it. The root of the problem is not punishment and revenge, but at all costs, first find Hua Meixue.

As a man, Cai Ruichen is more anxious than anyone else.

On another level, in terms of the national image of the Middle East Federation, such things are absolutely forbidden.

The kidnapping of the First Lady of the Middle East Federation is a big deal. Once the news spreads, it will inevitably cause a global uproar.

The Middle East Federation has risen strongly, but the first lady was attacked and disappeared in another country. This is a huge diplomatic incident, and it cannot be handled simply.

Hua Meixue represents a part of the national image of the Middle East Federation. It also represents the dignity of the country when going out. This is not a simple attack or disappearance. From the beginning, it has reached the height of inviolability of national dignity.

At this height, all Cai Ruichen's anger is understandable, and he did not impulsively give Lingliang an order to declare war on South Sudan.

Once South Sudan obstructs this matter, the Red Police Corps will have no chance of giving up on the South Sudanese government.

Of course, if South Sudan is interested, then everything is easy to talk about. It is naturally best to fully cooperate with the Red Police Corps. After all, Cai Ruichen does not want to use force in Africa now, and his first goal is to find Hua Meixue.

At this moment, the report that came up was dictated by the injured Clark.

At around 8 pm in Marin city time, Hua Meixue, who completed his inspection and condolences to a refugee camp, returned to the Intercontinental Hotel in Malakal under the protection of the ban.

The Intercontinental Hotel in Malakal is an industry under the global intercontinental hotel chain. In most countries around the world, there are intercontinental hotel chains, which are high-end luxury hotels.

Because in Malakal, the Future Technology Group did not set up a branch, and because of the war, it did not invest in the construction of the Future Hotel, so Hua Meixue and his party arranged to live in the InterContinental Hotel.

Due to the war, Malakal is not very safe. It is close to the edge of the power and there are often military conflicts. The security work of the hotel itself is not bad.

The hotel has specially hired security forces. There is also a high fence outside the hotel, on which is an electrified wire fence, and the monitoring system covers the entire hotel.

For 24 hours, there are hundreds of mercenary security personnel armed with live ammunition patrolling the hotel, and even set up a 24-hour uninterrupted sniper spot to protect the safety of all passengers in the hotel.

It is also because of such a good security level that the InterContinental Hotel is very well-known in the local area. In addition, the local power, government and military will not cause trouble in the hotel.

Of course, staying in such a hotel is not cheap, after all, security is priceless.

Money is naturally meaningless to Cai Ruichen. Even the InterContinental Hotel learned that Hua Meixue was going to stay and almost avoided all expenses.

After all, there is no better publicity effect than Hua Meixue staying in. Unfortunately, the problem still arises.

However, it is not the first day that Hua Meixue lived in Malakal’s hotel. In the original plan, Malakal’s itinerary was nearly a week, and there were nearly 20 refugee camps and slums nearby. Hua Meixue Have to walk around to see the situation.

This is already the sixth day, and it is also the first destination for Hua Meixue to leave the Middle East Federation.

But just before the last day came, the attack happened.

For the safety of Hua Meixue, Lianna personally protects Hua Meixue, while Clark guards Hua Meixue's door without rest when Hua Meixue is resting.

Such security measures are among the best in the world.

But things still happened. Just half an hour ago, at 11:30 PM Marin city time, Clark suddenly heard an abnormal noise in the room.

When he quickly rushed into the room, he saw Lianna had The room was pitch black, the airflow from the high-rise buildings poured in from the broken windows, Hua Meixue was already disappeared.

There was only one person wearing a black combat uniform. When Clark was about to control this person, he realized that the other party was not a simple character.

Just as soon as he touched, Clark was completely downwind, and within a few seconds of the fight, Clark was completely defeated, both hands and legs were broken, and his chin was removed.

The other party didn't take Clark's life, and after completely controlling all Clark's actions, he left directly from the hotel window.

At the same time, the guard's patrol personnel became abnormal. When they came over, the attacker disappeared completely.

The news was reported to the Supreme Command at the first time. Clark’s situation has now been brought under control. It is very likely that the opponent heard the footsteps of the guards and left in a hurry, and did not kill Clark.

Clark's description of the other party is very powerful with only a few short words.

To be continued.

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