The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1678: Vigilance of Obama and Ma

It appeared in the middle of the night in northern South Sudan!

This news soon appeared on the network of Africa’s 20 continents and spread quickly.

On the news, there are clear pictures and videos. The so-called appearance is also very clear.

However, this so-called UFO is obviously an aircraft with the flag of the Middle East Federal Air Force on it.

It was quickly pointed out that the aircraft landed at the Intercontinental Hotel, which was the hotel where Hua Meixue and his party lived.

At this time, more relevant news began to appear on the Internet. Although South Sudan is a very backward country and only some cities have network coverage, mobile Internet access has begun to become popular.

Future Technology Group has established social platforms in various countries, and the social platforms in South Sudan are all changes in South Sudan this night.

A large number of troops have begun to appear in the city at night. Even the police in Malakal have all been dispatched to block every street. All hotels and hotels in Malakal have been double-blocked by the South Sudanese army and police.

These news have been spread on the Internet, and the mysterious aircraft painted with the Middle East Federal Air Force appeared on the Internet, and it also attracted attention. Some people even filmed it in the residential rooms outside the hotel. A person suspected to be Cai Ruichen, from In the lower elevator cockpit of the aircraft's head, I got into the aircraft and flew away from the hotel.

It's just that the picture taken in this shot is very blurry. Although technically processed, it is difficult to conclude that it is Cai Ruichen.

Cai Ruichen is very likely to appear in South Sudan, and the police and troops throughout Malakal in South Sudan have taken action. Some people have discovered that the hotel has been completely sealed off and phone calls cannot be made.

For a while, there were speculations on the Internet, and they were all discussing whether something major happened.

So far, neither the Middle East Federation nor South Sudan has made any external statements.

However, for all countries, this news has been confirmed, and Hua Meixue is missing.

In the office of the U.S. President, Obama and Bama, who had left halfway through the cabinet meeting, entered the office and Yang Ruidu, the head of external intelligence of the CIA, went forward to report:

"According to our confirmation from the South Sudan Intelligence Division, the first lady of the Middle East Federation, Hua Meixue, was indeed kidnapped in the Intercontinental Hotel where she was staying. The kidnappers stunned Hua Meixue’s bodyguard Liana and wounded the ace bodyguard Clark at the same time. During the kidnapping process, no one in the hotel was alarmed, nor was it alarmed by Cai Ruichen to Hua Meixue’s nearly fifty security guards.

After Cai Ruichen got the news, he took the second special plane to Malakal as soon as possible. At the same time, the Federal Airborne Division of the Middle East has now set off and is expected to land in northern South Sudan in two hours. The South Sudanese government has also agreed with the troops of the Middle East Federation. Entering, South Sudan’s President Kiir departed from the capital Cuba an hour ago on his way to Malakal"

Yang Ruidu quickly reported the current situation in detail to Austria and Bama.

After listening to Austria and Bama, they only had a look of shock, even a little incomprehensible, and asked: "Who is it and why did you kidnap Hua Meixue?"

"It is still unclear. The Middle East Federation and South Sudan have not yet identified the suspect, but Cai Ruichen should be very angry at this moment." Yang Ruidu said.

"This is understandable, the UFO on the Internet should be the mysterious fighter that shot down our Aurora?" Ao and Bama glanced at the blurry super MiG on the table and asked.

"Yes, this is a very large fighter, four times the size of the 22. The estimated total combat weight is more than 80 tons, no less than a bomber." Yang Ruidu said.

"It seems that Cai Ruichen is really anxious, you go down first." Ao and Bama waved their hands and said.

Yang Rui both nodded and exited the offices of Austria and Bama, and then the chief of staff Robert walked in.

"Do you think Hua Meixue was really kidnapped?" Ao and Bama asked Robert.

"Cai Ruichen will not use such a thing as an excuse. This is not a trivial matter." Robert understood what Ou and Bama thought, and said.

Austria and Bama worry that this is just an excuse for Cai Ruichen to formally intervene in African affairs. After all, in northern and northeastern Africa, many countries are also members of the Arab League.

The Middle East Federation has become the core of the Arab world. Iran and Saudi Arabia, which were once the most powerful in the Arab world, are members of the Middle East Federation. At present, Egypt and Turkey are left.

The relationship between Turkey and the Middle East Federation is ambiguous, and three of the four powerful Arab countries have almost come together.

There is only one Egypt left, and Egypt has close relations with it, and its military is supported by the United States.

The relationship with the Western world is very good, of course, this is also because of the relationship with the Suez Canal and the relationship of the community of interests.

Therefore, Egypt is also one of the smoothest countries in the world, and it will not easily offend anyone, nor will it easily fall to any force.

So in the eyes of Austria and Bama, Cai Ruichen may want to bypass Egypt and spread his influence directly to northern and northeastern Africa.

The Future Hope Foundation, in the eyes of Austria and Bama, is just standing in the front, but the United States has no reason to stop such humanitarian behavior, and even has to do its best to facilitate it.

"Cai Ruichen is ambitious. Although it is very likely that he was not directed by him, he could not miss such a good opportunity. I believe he will take the opportunity to expand his influence in Sudan To actually allow the troops of the Middle East Federation to enter, in the end, it must be easy to ask God to send it out.” Obama and Bama said with some worry.

"But we can't stop it," Robert said.

When the big boss of Huaxia Kyoto heard the news, he was taken aback.

"What's the situation now?" the big boss asked.

"Cai Ruichen has gone to South Sudan in person. There is no obvious clue about Hua Meixue's disappearance until now."

"This is a bit weird. Who is the one who ate the guts of the leopard?" The big boss is very incomprehensible. In his opinion, it is impossible for all countries to be so stupid to attack the first lady of the Middle East Federation, and those extreme organizations Although it is possible, one thing is certain, they simply don't have the strength to complete such a sophisticated hijacking operation.

Moreover, such behavior, if it is only for revenge, is completely hostile to a head of state, but it is not as simple as offending a country, let alone the system of the Middle East Federation, which is simply an act of seeking death.

To be continued.

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