The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1691: Annihilate the Youth Army

When the airborne brigade combined the navy assaulted Mogadishu, in Somalia, a special assault operation covering almost half of Somalia also began in full swing.


The Youth Army has very hidden secret camps throughout Somalia. Some are responsible for fund operations, arms and drugs and human trafficking businesses, and some are intelligence stations dedicated to communication. The more important places are the secrets of various places. Training Camp.


   These training camps are all well-disguised, or they are located far away from the crowds. After all, the youth army has made too many enemies, and there are also many countries where the youth army is destroyed.


   The United States has also been carrying out targeted operations against the senior level of the Somali youth army. It only requires ground intelligence personnel and drones to work together to fully deter the youth army’s actions.


However, the Youth Army did not fully provoke powerful forces. In fact, the foundation of the Youth Army in Somalia is not as good as those of terrorist organizations in the Middle East. The Arabs are different.


   The most important thing is that there is no garrison in Somalia, so although the youth army is more careful and concealed, relatively speaking, there is basically no security pressure in the country.


   Therefore, compared with the secret bases of various extremist organizations, much of the intelligence of the Youth Army is not considered top secret.


   When the Red Police Corps banned. The guards started to act and failed. They already had a lot of factual intelligence on the youth army.


   Spies have been active in the Horn of Africa several years ago. Somalia is also the first stop for intelligence agencies to penetrate the African continent.


   Bulgabo, the first city to hit Mogadishu to the west, is also an important transportation line for Somalia's once national highway network connecting the Mogadishu port and the western highway.


   This place has always been the first stop of assistance to Somalia by the United Nations Food Program, the International Humanitarian Organization and the Red Cross.


   The medicines and food for aid were transported to Bulgabo at the first stop after they landed at the port of Mogadishu. Therefore, this place has gathered many refugees, and armed forces from all over the country also have strongholds here.


   It is naturally impossible for the Somali Youth Army to miss such an important rescue transfer station in Bourgabo, so in Bourgabo, the Somali Youth Army also established a secret stronghold, and this stronghold is in the center of the city.


   Bulgabo is said to be a city, but compared to the real city, it is like a relatively large village with low residential houses, and traces of war can be seen everywhere...


   collapsed houses, ruined walls covered with gunpowder smoke, crumbling houses with bullet holes, and even danger warning signs everywhere, reminding that there may be mines ahead...


Chaos is the constant rhythm here. There are refugees who go to the streets every day to find work. The value of an adult labor force here is not even two dollars a day, but two dollars can make a family not Was starved to death.


   In addition to international assistance, the only way to avoid starvation is to have a job every day, suffering and exhaustion. In addition, at least not to starve to death.


   And all the armed forces like this place. They just like the population mobility and concentration. They can recruit many militiamen who are willing to take up arms for an income of thirty or forty dollars a month.


Taking up arms has almost become the only choice for most people in Somalia, because ordinary jobs are not so easy to find. There are waste laborers everywhere and a large number of rescue workers. On average, it actually falls into the hands of every refugee. , Are also very few.


   And joining a certain armed organization, no matter how you say it, you can guarantee that you will not starve to death, and you will have money to support your family.


   Therefore, many people have also chosen to take the road of carrying their arms to live. Even many teenagers are willing to join the Boy Scout training camp for simple food.


   Compared to children in other countries, their experience can be described as sad.


  The fate of the future is completely determined in such a choice. The Somali Youth Army is also wonderful to recruit soldiers here, and children are no exception.


   Compared with the young and middle-aged, the Somali Youth Army prefers children who are bought out at one time. In Somalia, it is a very common thing for parents to sell their children.


   Selling a child is not worth a lot of money. On the contrary, many parents hope that the child who is sold will not be starved to death.


   As for right and wrong, in this kind of environment where there is really no pause, there is no right or wrong. How much is the bottom line of morality in the face of hunger?


   Burgabo at night is not quiet. In this city, many jobs are non-stop 24 hours a day.


   Many cargoes shipped ashore from Mogadishu will be reloaded and unloaded here. Therefore, there are multiple freight yards, which are basically brightly lit around the clock, and a large number of workers are loading and unloading goods.


   For most people, it is now a normal bedtime, especially those refugees. After all, sleeping can forget about hunger.


When the fighting in Mogadishu was about to break out, two guard squads sneaked into the city from east and west. According to the intelligence given by the spy, the youth army base in this city, It is a very important base with important personnel stationed there for a long time, and the person who kidnapped Hua Meixue is very likely to pass here.


   Therefore, the above request, the two forbidden and guard squads act at the same time, sneak in quietly, first detect and clear the kidnappers of Hua Meixue, whether they have passed here, once the news is confirmed, they can completely destroy this place.


   At that time, there will be two invader fighter-bombers assisting the guard team to launch a full-scale air attack on the target camp.


   The two teams that confirmed the order, after sneaking into Bulgabo, were also locked out of the youth army station for the first time.


Said to be a resident, it is actually a large courtyard with a high wall. The area is not small. The wall is as high as three meters. The surrounding is a spacious street. There are many collapsed houses. There are few commanding heights to see the inside of the wall. .


   The few commanding heights of the few two-story small buildings are also secret strongholds controlled by the Youth Army. There are also hundreds of armed personnel in the strongholds, all of which are elites of the Youth Army, and their morale is good.


   After the two guard squads arrived in the predetermined area as planned, they were immediately ready to act.


   The two team captains began to report on the intelligence of the last mission target, and at the same time issued the order for the first action: "The first step of the action, the assault team is divided into two groups, controlling houses No. 1 and No. 3..."


   (To be continued.)

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