The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1708: Build a lunar base



  Because the solar wind on the front of the moon is obscured by the earth, the lunar sea on the back of the moon will have the highest concentration of helium on the surface of the moon. Relatively speaking, this isotope is very rare on the earth, and it is a good fuel in nuclear fusion reactors.


  Helium III, the most important fuel for the Red Police Corps in the future, will begin to be used in various weaponry and industrial equipment of the Red Police Corps.


  The era of nuclear fusion energy has come, and one thing that must be solved is the long-term operation of nuclear fusion.


   The energy driven by nuclear fusion reactors will be able to completely change the current human energy demand structure.


   To give the simplest example, the preliminary detected reserves of helium three fuel on the moon can satisfy humans on the earth, squandering electricity for tens of thousands of years.


   The full exploitation of helium-3 on the moon will also completely change the way of life of mankind. Sufficient electricity can be maintained for a long time at a very low cost.


   Petrochemical coal power generation, nuclear fission power plants, and natural power generation can almost be replaced, and can greatly reduce the pollution to the earth's environment.


   Of course, if he can freely mine the helium on the moon, then human beings can already get out of the earth and enter the solar system.


   Cai Ruichen is naturally impossible to wait for other countries. He needs a lot of helium III to meet future demand, and dozens of kilograms of helium III are just a capital to start this plan.


   Walking straight for three hours, the Future One Space Shuttle has disappeared from the eyes of all the detectors on the earth and successfully reached the back of the moon.


   At the same time, the Future One Space Shuttle and the ground command center are completely in contact with each other, but they are still in contact with the base.


   Cai Ruichen will also solve this problem in the future, that is, to solve the problem of communication signal interference on the back of the moon, just like satellite communication, connecting global communication.


   When the moon is in orbit, communication satellites will begin to be scattered, connecting directly to communications on the moon, and then connecting to the earth.


   Delay is inevitable, even light has speed, let alone radio waves.


   The connection between the base console and the Future One Space Shuttle is still being maintained. The neutrino is not blocked by the moon, and the connection data is not too delayed.


Because the speed of neutrinos is more like the speed of space transmission, exceeding the speed of light, it is only the speed relationship of neutrinos, and it is only a theory in humans. When Cai Ruichen has not announced this fact, humans still need a long time. The path of neutrinos has to go down to determine the true usefulness of neutrinos.


   The Space Shuttle Mirai, which arrived on the back of the moon, also began to move as close as possible to the surface of the moon. The moon has no atmosphere, so it can easily enter places very close to the surface of the moon.


   Maintaining the balance of the space shuttle's power and the moon's gravity will maintain a fixed position.


   Regarding the choice of landing location, Cai Ruichen did not choose those well-known moon seas, nor did he choose those large craters, but directly chose the darkest center point of the moon during the day of the earth.


   This central point is also the area with the most helium III reserves.


   As Space Shuttle One slowly came to the sky above the airborne area, the hatch in the abdomen of the Space Shuttle also slowly opened.


   Inside the cabin door, several three-ton technology expansion station mobile vehicles are suspended and fixed. These mobile bodies are all equipped with buffer propulsion devices, which can buffer the pressure when falling.


  Because the gravity on the moon is smaller than that on the earth, a simple buffer can completely offset the huge pressure caused by the airdrop.


   Accurately reached the sky above the planned construction base, and the first technology expansion station was dropped from the Future One Space Shuttle.


   Ranging radar was activated at the same time. When the distance from the earth's surface was 500 meters, the buffer thruster was activated, and the thruster reduced the falling speed of the science and technology expansion station to a very slow level, and then slowly landed on the surface of the moon.


   The whole process is like gently stroking the lover's cheek, soft and delicate, only a touch of dust is raised.


   The subsequent technological expansion station was not airdropped, and the space shuttle No. 1 will be on standby in the future.


   Cai Ruichen in the base, a little excited, opened the technology expansion station that was airdropped on the surface of the moon, following Cai Ruichen's operations in the base.


   The science and technology expansion station on the surface of the moon was also slowly unfolded, and the crawler went directly under the moon's surface. Just like the earth, the science and technology expansion station was smoothly expanded on the surface of the moon.


   After unfolding, the base control panel also showed a reminder of the technology expansion station. The reminder indicated that construction work is already available on the moon, and the buildable area is still 30 square kilometers.


   Cai Ruichen has a comprehensive construction plan for this. The first technology expansion station will mainly build electric power and prospectors, comprehensively explore the mineral resources on the moon, and carry out a comprehensive data reserve for subsequent real large-scale mining.


   At the same time, the mining of helium III on the moon will also start in an all-round way. Whether to migrate to the moon in the future, an overall assessment and calculation will also be carried out based on the mineral reserves on the moon.


   But it is certain to establish a lunar base. Military bases with active and passive defenses will be arranged on the moon. This is also in Cai Ruichen's plan.


   Therefore, in the first phase, a basic survival base will be established on the moon, which must be able to meet simple life needs, and then continue to expand the scale of the survival base.


The construction of the lunar base will start together with the Mars base, and on Mars, it is determined to immigrate ~ because water resources can be obtained directly on Mars, but it is difficult on the moon, so migration on the moon, Water is a very serious problem.


At the side of the    science and technology expansion station, with Cai Ruichen's finger moved, the first unit magnetic energy reactor that was truly built on the moon began to move.


   The closed construction module was launched on the moon, and the construction has entered a six-hour countdown. As long as the magnetic energy reactor is completed, Cai Ruichen will also start the construction of the tank factory.


   Then prospectors appeared and began to explore the energy sector on the moon. After all, ore extraction wells cannot be built casually. If there are no minerals below, the construction is just a waste of time and energy.


   locked the location of the mineral, then the construction of the ore extraction well can be carried out, and then the hyperspace mining vehicle will start to go back and forth between the moon and the earth, and transport the helium 3 extracted from the ore extraction well back to the earth.


   Prospectors will also select new launch areas for other technology expansion stations.


   (To be continued.)

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