The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1717: Time flies 1 year later

The next year, with Cai Ruichen owning the base, slowly passed the ninth year and reached the tenth year.

During this year, the international community has been very peaceful, and even the extremist organizations that have been active in North Africa seem to have disappeared.

On the contrary, lone wolf-type terrorist attacks around the world have become more and more intense, especially in Western countries, where there is often a shadow of terrorist attacks.

On the contrary, internationally, the whole year has been quite calm, and the situation and reports of international terrorism have been much less.

The former extremist paradise in the Middle East has become the end of extremism. In the past year, the Middle East Federation has launched the highest density and most intense anti-terrorism military operations in the surrounding areas and near Somalia. The tissue also had to disappear, slowly licking the wound.

However, in the past year, many major events have occurred in the world.

The Middle East Federation also seems to have replaced the United States and dominated the international headlines this year. A large number of media have no longer been reporting around the United States during the year. More attention has been placed on it. The body of the Middle East Federation.

Hua Meixue’s disappearance was only mentioned once or twice during this year, and it was quickly drowned in other reports. Time is the cure for everything. Hua Meixue’s complete disappearance, one year later, It can almost be said to completely fade out of people's realization.

The world is like this. Any news has a past day, and there will always be more attractive news to replace it.

The achievements of the Federation of the Middle East this year and the development of the Future Technology Group this year can be described as optimistic.

First, the infrastructure construction carried out by the Middle East Federation across the country, with a jaw-dropping speed, proved to the world what is truly rapid development and what is called a miracle.

In one year, the main transportation lines and high-speed railways covering the entire Middle East world were all opened to traffic. Three submarine tunnels through the Persian Gulf were officially opened. The plan is to directly connect Iran, Saudi Arabia and the UAE next year.

And the wireless power transmission technology of the Middle East Federation gradually covering major cities has also brought to the world what is called science and technology to change lives, and a strong intuitive feeling has made countless people exclaim that life can still be like this.

All the wires in the city have been cleaned up. Each household needs only one wireless interface to enjoy the convenient life brought by electricity. All electrical appliances are also upgraded, without any wiring and sockets, personal mobile devices And electronic devices have all realized real-time charging capabilities, and even Future Technology Group plans to launch new personal electronic products for domestic users.

Private cars that do not require refueling, high-speed rail trains that do not require high-voltage lines, and the new home environment that almost completely eliminates plugs and sockets and decoration electricity. The world also suddenly discovered that the Middle East Federation has already lived in the future without knowing it.

This strong feeling has made many pilot tourist residential cities of the Middle East Federation attract countless curious tourists from all over the world to experience this new life mode in the future.

This change is of milestone significance for the change of human life mode.

Even a large number of scholars have said that the full application of wireless power transmission technology is the greatest invention since the 21st century, and there is no one.

This technology will change the overall pattern of human life and all the rhythms of life.

This more convenient and faster life mode will definitely change the world completely, and the impact it will bring can even last into the next century.

But unfortunately, although countries and many companies around the world have begun to conduct research on such technologies, one year has passed, and almost no results have been achieved. The Future Technology Group has always only installed the technology in the Middle East. No matter how much money the country pays, there is no plan to install it.

This apparently deliberate technical blockade has made countries and global companies quite uncomfortable. Of course, it is more of a deep helplessness.

No way, the Future Technology Group belongs to Cai Ruichen, and the Future Technology Group naturally needs to serve the Middle East Federation itself. The changes brought about by this technology are not only about life, but also will completely change the form of war.

All parties have already deduced the future mode of warfare and the development direction of weapons in the promotion of this technology, which has put many weapons and equipment under research in various countries in danger of dismounting.

The reason is too simple. Once wireless power transmission technology is fully used in the military, many weapons and equipment under research are now completely obsolete.

However, relatively speaking, there are still many difficulties for such a technology to be fully realized in the The first one is that anti-interference is very important.

Therefore, almost all countries in the world with a certain degree of strength and national defense scientific research technology, all secretly conduct technical research on wireless transmission technology interference. They all adhere to the truth, and they must do everything they can to destroy what the enemy has.

Especially in the United States, many individual laboratories and important military laboratories have all received a large amount of funding. There is only one purpose. At all costs, find the transmission principle of the wireless transmission technology of the Middle East Federation, and then develop targeted interference methods. .

In fact, the whole world’s worries are superfluous, and wireless power transmission technology has limited ways to change the mode of war. At least for the next ten to twenty years, such changes will hardly affect the direction of war.

The weapons and equipment of the Red Police Corps rarely use wireless power transmission technology as the main source of power. The development of weapons and equipment has not changed too much because of wireless power transmission technology. For example, tanks and large combat equipment are the main sources of power. It is relying on its own power heart, not relying on wireless power transmission technology to get power.

This is not that the base is not capable of making weapons and equipment that does not require its own power. On the contrary, the design and construction of weapons that do not require its own power source are too simple.

However, the transmission of electricity by micro-waves can be completely disturbed. Once disturbed, the result is almost a dead rhythm. Otherwise, a combat weapon platform that can get a steady stream of power and energy will really change it completely. The form of war.

However, the survival revolution of wireless power transmission technology is real. No one can deny this. The current Middle East Federation has even gradually eliminated many oil-related industries.

(To be continued.)

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