The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1724: National Super Aircraft Carrier

If Cai Ruichen is to put a label on Trump, Cai Ruichen will only give Trump three words-not him.

The reason is very simple. The Middle East Federation now does not want to be an enemy of the United States, but whether the United States has the courage to come forward and target the Middle East Federation.

Can Trump think about it? Cai Ruichen doesn't care. Cai Ruichen, who has already fought with the United States, doesn't mind playing the second game with the United States.

It's not that Cai Ruichen has begun to swell. When the base's authority reaches a high level, he really doesn't think much of the United States.

Although the strength of the United States and NATO is very good, and it can also bring a lot of trouble to Cai Ruichen, Cai Ruichen is now fully confident to defeat the United States completely, and NATO is just like that.

But Trump didn’t think so. Trump took the position of president of the United States with ambition. As the world’s leader, the United States, how can it be ranked second? This is something that Trump cannot tolerate, or that is, now No matter who is the president of the United States, it is impossible to accept this fact.

However, no matter what the United States thinks, the launch of the supercarrier has indeed attracted countless eyes. It is an indisputable fact that the glory of the United States is gradually fading.

But for the whole world, it's more about watching the excitement, unable to appreciate the coolness of America's heart.

In this regard, Trump's response was also very simple, that is, scolding his mother: "If those **** politicians didn't let Cai Ruichen go, why bother to give me this mess today."

The atmosphere in the future shipbuilding base of Basra has also reached its peak.

The naval military band began to play the navy military anthem, and amid the vigorous music, the flag naming ceremony was carried out in an orderly manner.

A young lieutenant stepped forward to Cai Ruichen, took the flag awarded by Cai Ruichen, and then passed it to the flag soldiers behind him. The four corners spread out on the spot, and a huge flag appeared in front of the world.

The naval flag of the Federal Guard of the Middle East is only the blue part on it representing the ocean, with an additional national emblem, which is the national emblem of Iraq.

At the same time, fireworks bloomed on the edge of the bow deck of the super aircraft carrier, and a banner rolled down, and it was written in Chinese: Iraqi.

It may seem weird to use Chinese to write the names of warships in the Middle East Federation, but none of the citizens of the Middle East Federation feel that there is something wrong, and almost most of them can understand the above words.

The reason is very simple. The official languages ​​of the Middle East Federation are now Arabic and Chinese. The Middle East Federation now starts from elementary school and also learns these two languages ​​at the same time.

Moreover, in the personal cult of Cai Ruichen, countless citizens of the Middle East are proud to speak Chinese, and even most of the road signs and text are in Chinese.

This kind of change is quietly changing the world in the Middle East. The outside world does not seem to feel much about this kind of change. After all, these are voluntary by citizens of the Middle East Federation, and the government has never made any mandatory requirements.

Even the representative books representing many civilizations in the Middle East have become more popular in Chinese.

Therefore, when the four Chinese characters of the Iraqi number appeared, there was only warm applause at the scene, and no one felt that there was anything abnormal.

Over the years, the role played by the mind controller has made the entire Middle East Federation even more terrifying, and even Cai Ruichen felt a little scared.

This kind of personality cult throughout the country has evolved to a kind of extreme, even anything, as long as Cai Ruichen doesn't like it and let the outside world know it, then the whole country will not like this thing.

For example, Cai Ruichen thinks bananas are delicious. If this news comes out, bananas in the country will be out of stock.

And if something is not good, then this news is absolutely impossible to sell well in the Middle East Federation, and no one even cares about it.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen himself has to pay attention to one thing, this kind of almost pathological personality cult is really terrible.

This is a double-edged sword. Of course, if it is used well, it is a killer weapon, but if it is not used well, it will hurt yourself.

But for Cai Ruichen, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

Under this kind of personal worship, Cai Ruichen can almost be said to have been deified. In the hearts of most people, he is the living God, even surpassing God.

If Cai Ruichen is not forbidden by fame and fortune, and don't do personal worship to him, I am afraid Cai Ruichen has begun to replace God's religious status in the Middle East Federation.

The Iraqi aircraft carrier represents the first of the federal state-class aircraft carriers in the Middle East. This class of aircraft carrier can also be called the Iraq-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

Iraqi President Idris, who followed Cai Ruichen, was very excited to follow the flag soldiers step by step through the aircraft carrier's elevator to the aircraft carrier's deck, and personally presided over the grand flag-raising ceremony.

With the flag of the exclusive fleet of Iraq flying there is no Western ceremony such as smashing champagne. When the flag of the warship and the flag of the First Fleet are raised, the huge Iraqi aircraft carrier is facing the fixture in Cai Ruichen With a light touch, the super aircraft carrier, which was fully loaded with a displacement of 150,000 tons, slowly slid to the sea.

The speed of the slowly gliding aircraft carrier was obviously carefully controlled. When it entered the water, it did not arouse too much spray, but I don’t know if it was an illusion. Everyone at the scene felt that it seemed flat. Elevated a bit.

The extremely large super aircraft carrier entered the water smoothly and just reached the marked draft water level.

The atmosphere at the scene also reached its zenith, but just when everyone felt that the launching ceremony had come to an end here, there were more than a dozen docks near the No. 1 dock, and the front door was slowly opened. .

The augmented reality screen was switched over immediately.

This reminds countless people that the picture of the aircraft carrier Baghdad when it was launched seems a bit similar to the present.

Sure enough, as the doors of other docks slowly opened, a warship with an incomparably sci-fi shape glides out of it.

The meaningless class warship, a new class of new warships, has slowly appeared under countless eyes, but at this moment, most of its light has been concealed by the super carrier.

And the shots of Wuwu-class battleships are not many. Perhaps everyone can just remember its elegant streamlined body and the extremely smooth inwardly inclined hull on the upper part of the ship, and then there is no more.

In other countries, warships are launched one by one, while Cai Ruichen is launched from fleet to fleet.

The entire Western world is very hurt, really hurt, and there is no such thing as bullying.

(To be continued.)

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