The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1744: The beginning of the riot

For the Internet era in general, especially the mobile Internet era, once the power and cheap water resources are lost, for many people, it will be a disaster, and even life will not be able to survive.

The Red Police Corps’ strategic strike against Indonesia is the same as the original attack on Israel, completely destroying Indonesia’s national war potential, including destroying all power facilities, industries, finance and transportation.

Without electricity, there is no running water in the city, the traffic is generally in the middle section, and goods cannot circulate. Even if cities all over Indonesia open emergency storage warehouses, it is still no less than the end of the world for people in Indonesian cities.

Living standards are getting higher and higher, and the living environment is very convenient. When there is no supply of anything, it is enough to make countless urban residents slowly collapse.

The social contradictions that are already prominent will cause complete chaos in Indonesia.

The huge gap between the rich and the poor is an inherently unfair society. Once it loses the power of sanctions and supervision, the generally lazy and greedy Indonesian monkeys don’t need Cai Ruichen to urge them. Many civilized societies can’t see the gloom. , Will naturally breed.

Cai Ruichen, who has no feelings for Indonesian monkeys, also attacked the inferiority of Indonesians. He attacked from the enemy’s weaknesses and caused Indonesia itself to become confused due to external forces, constraining a lot of energy of the Indonesian police and military, and waiting for the Red Police Corps to land. In Indonesia, it can reduce a lot of trouble.

This plan can also be regarded as disintegrating the enemy from within.

In Cai Ruichen's hands, there is the location of most of Indonesia's domestic strategic emergency reserve warehouses. This is an important material reserve for Indonesia's strategic defense. All major cities in Indonesia also have emergency reserve warehouses.

Cai Ruichen will not only destroy Indonesia’s electricity and industry, paralyze the flow of goods, but also destroy these storage warehouses. Once Indonesia, with a population of 250 million, has no electricity, no running water, and no emergency food reserves, what will happen? thing?

It may not be obvious in a short time, and for Indonesia, Cai Ruichen lacks patience, not to mention having to wait too long.

In just one week, the food reserves in Indonesian households and the food in markets and supermarkets will be almost consumed.

After a week, the Indonesians will collapse on their own, the goods cannot be circulated, the food cannot be transported to the cities, and the food in the township and rural plantations is useless.

Therefore, the Red Police Corps will occupy Jakarta while watching the complete collapse of Indonesia.

In this world, there are only a few ethnic groups that can make Cai Ruichen hate. Unfortunately, the Indonesian monkey is one of them.

When the second century bomber made a circle in Indonesia, all major cities in Indonesia were also bombed to varying degrees.

The war has spread wildly throughout Indonesia. Indonesia without an air force and effective air defense means is like a girl with an open door and no clothes. The ending is understood by everyone.

Three hours after the outbreak of the war, the air force of the Red Police Corps was basically ready, and the air combat platform of the Middle East Federation could be seen almost everywhere in the sky of Indonesia.

The Aurora bombers and the Century bombers all take off directly from the floating island fortress, and will launch high-intensity bombings on all major cities in Indonesia for a week.

This kind of bombing is an attack at all costs and costs. It is not an attacking one or two targets casually with fighter jets, but an ultra-high-density and ultra-high-intensity bombing operation with the core objective of completely paralyzing a country.

Compared with previous NATO air strikes on the Middle East, there is really nothing comparable. After all, the military expenditure is too heavy.

The Red Police Corps is completely different. Cai Ruichen is not at all distressed about the consumption of weapons and equipment. If it weren’t because the floating island fortress could not carry more bombers, he would like to send all the bombers of the Red Police Corps to Indonesia as soon as possible. Paralyze the entire Indonesia directly.

However, the current bombardment of this intensity has paralyzed Indonesia in only a few days, and these few days are enough time for the Red Police Corps to start a large-scale landing in Jakarta.

This war was not a premeditated war, and Cai Ruichen had never thought of launching a war in Southeast Asia beforehand. Therefore, the rhythm of the war could not be quickened all at once.

The first target, Jakarta, was still on the Java Sea on the Pacific Ocean. The navy needed to pass through the Sunda Strait before landing in Jakarta on a large scale.

However, the Sunda Strait is not a place that can be passed casually. After all, the Sunda Strait is a strait operated by Indonesia for many years. It is an international waterway. Although mines cannot be placed on the waterway, the strait is not spacious. If the fleet passes blindly, it is dangerous. The degree is too high.

On the coast of the strait, you can directly bombard the middle of the strait by setting up artillery directly. The Indonesian army is also equipped with a lot of artillery, and it is very tragic if it is fired.

What's more, the Sunda Strait Bridge that Indonesia has just completed spans directly in the middle of the strait and brings many dangerous factors to the passage of the fleet.

There is also the Indonesian navy. Although the Indonesian navy is not very good, it also has many missile boats for offshore defense. Once these missile boats are hidden in the Sunda Strait, it is the most deadly danger to the fleet.

In the narrow strait, the fleet cannot form a battle formation at all, and large aircraft carriers cannot move flexibly. Once attacked, especially close-range attacks by missile boats, it is quite dangerous.

Cai Ruichen would not bet on the lives of his soldiers. Only when he was as safe as possible would the fleet pass through the Sunda Strait and enter the Java Sea to fight.

Cai Ruichen, who has been at the console since the beginning of the war, did not give any instructions to the troops. He just came with his ears to listen to reports.

"Commander, the First Fleet has sent news that they have destroyed the headquarters of the two major Indonesian fleets. So far, a total of 26 Indonesian warships have been confirmed to have been destroyed, including only a few old submarines in Indonesia."

Tan Ya opened the news notification, took a look, and immediately reported to Cai Ruichen.

"How is the situation in Jakarta now?" Cai Ruichen nodded and said he knew, and asked.

"Tan Ya sent a message in five minutes. The situation in Jakarta has become more chaotic. There have been many civilian deaths, including many foreigners." Natasha said that, after hesitating for a while, she continued:

"There are also many Chinese. The situation in Jakarta is worse than we expected. The inferior nature of Indonesian monkeys has exceeded our expectations..."

Before Natasha finished speaking, Cai Ruichen waved her hand to stop her, and asked, "Where are the special forces now?"

"We are landing in the Chinese settlement in Jakarta as planned." Natasha replied.

When Cai Ruichen heard the words, he did not continue to say anything, but sighed in his heart.

This is also where Cai Ruichen miscalculated. He didn't expect that Jakarta would become chaotic so quickly just after the war began.

Cai Ruichen’s original plan was that the ghost special commandos and the vanguard of the special forces would take the long gun mini submarine from the Akula submarine that dived into the Java Sea according to the plan, and sneak into the Chinese gathering area in Jakarta, which happened to be the gathering area for the Chinese. It happens to be close to the Arab gathering area. Once Indonesian retaliation against the Chinese and Arabs breaks out in Jakarta, they must protect the Chinese and Arabs in the two gathering areas at all costs.

What I didn't expect was that chaos appeared from the beginning of the war.

The originally planned time has become a bit slow, but now there is no way to advance it.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen is slowly clenching his fists. On the central display of the console, a slide show of the Chinese people's painful experience during the Indonesian riots is playing. Every picture on it is a real scene and can be seen everywhere. To the Indonesian monkey carrying a blood-stained machete, standing beside the Chinese corpse, laughing wildly and arrogantly, as well as the happy and indifferent gaze of countless Indonesians nearby.

Cai Ruichen has watched these pictures in turn for three hours. He is hypnotizing himself, reminding himself not to have mercy. Indonesian monkeys do not need any pity or sympathy.

Cai Ruichen rarely feels hatred. He will not let the Red Police Corps specifically slaughter Indonesians, because he is not an executioner, let alone a butcher. The most important thing is that he prefers to see infighting between Indonesian monkeys.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen's mind is constantly thinking about whether it is necessary for Indonesian monkeys to exist in this world.

Cai Ruichen doesn't have an answer to this question now, because he dare not think about it in depth. He is worried that he can't control himself and will really kill the 250 million Indonesian monkeys.

Now, what Cai Ruichen wants to do most is to board the Super MiG and go directly to Jakarta to slaughter all the Indonesian monkeys who are raising their butchers against the Chinese...

Jakarta, the heavy bombing, made the entire city a mess. Although it hasn't reached a devastated situation, it's not much worse.

A large number of Indonesians were killed and injured in the airstrikes, and it also allowed more Indonesians to accurately target the Chinese and Arabs.

Many Indonesians are all approaching the Chinese and Arab areas.

A few days ago, the Huaxia Embassy had notified all Chinese not to go out and stay as much as possible in the Chinatown in the Chinese-populated area to prevent possible chaos.

Fortunately, with this notice, most Chinese also understand the greed of Indonesians and consciously hug together. Only a few people cannot come back in time because of the sudden emergence of war due to work.

In the first time of the chaos in Jakarta, the China Labor Association in Jakarta immediately realized that the situation might be out of control, so it organized all the Chinese youths and blocked all the entrances and exits of Chinatown directly with trucks. The young Chinese also carried weapons on their bodies and notified the embassy for help.

There are tens of thousands of Chinese living in Jakarta's Chinatown, but it is nothing compared to Jakarta's tens of millions of people.

If it weren't for the Chinese labor force, they would take precautions in time, preventing Indonesians outside Chinatown from coming in at any time, I am afraid the situation would have been out of control.

But this situation has been difficult to maintain. At the exit of the main street of Chinatown, a large number of Indonesians have gathered, almost controlling most of the street, and all of them are very bad eyes. If not for several earth-moving trucks, the whole street is covered. Blocked, and sealed those gaps with cement piers, the current Chinatown is probably already bloody.

In the Arab gathering area on the other side, this situation has already occurred. A large number of Indonesians have already rushed in to burn, kill and **** things that the Arabs have not realized yet.

The idea of ​​these Indonesian monkeys is very simple. A small number of people have targeted revenge because of Cai Ruichen's identity as a Chinese and the relationship with the Middle East Federation. The vast majority of them are greedy, because Arabs and Chinese are very rich.

Coupled with the incitement and secretly commanding, the situation in the Arab gathering area has almost lost control.

There were too many Indonesians following the looting and smashing. The Arabs in the Arab gathering area were not able to organize. The scene at this moment is already very tragic.

At this moment, all the Chinese in Chinatown are very worried. Many people have fear in their eyes. Those Indonesians outside are already preparing alcohol burners in their hands, which means that the attack is about to come. Up.

On the embassy side, they can only keep them as calm and united as possible, take force to protect themselves, and at the same time inform all the Chinese that the Chinese fleet has come here at full speed.

But far away can’t quench the near thirst. In the fear of the Chinese and the arrogant screams of Indonesian monkeys outside, a huge forklift rushed towards the corner of Chinatown amidst the crazy shouts of Indonesians. This roadblock was violently opened.

On the buildings on both sides of Chinatown, a large number of women, children and elderly people all looked at the situation below with concern. When the big forklift appeared, many people's faces had already appeared desperate, thousands of miles away in a foreign country. Is the tragedy going to repeat itself?

"Mom, I'm so scared."

On the balcony, a young girl hugged her mother's thigh tightly, looking at the Indonesian man shouting in horror below, strangling the little hand of her mother's thigh, shaking slightly.

"Don't be afraid, Dad will protect us." While mother comforted her daughter, her fingers kept trembling because of fear. She knew very well about the fate that followed, and her fingers touched the dagger in her arms with fear in her eyes. I took a decisive look at the genealogy map on the wall of the hall. The circled name was drawn on it. It was a family member who was killed in the last riot, and her father and mother were on it... (To be continued.)

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