The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1751: Cai Ruichen's enduring tactics

"The latest news from the Ghost Special Commando. All relevant Indonesian officials involved in the murder and robbery of Ahmed's father and daughter, except for Widodo’s nephew, the main criminal, and Widodo, all the accomplices have succeeded. The arrest, the current position of Widodo and the core team of the Indonesian government, the intelligence forces are doing their best to search. The search for Widodo’s nephew is expected to receive accurate intelligence within three days."

In the base console, Natasha reported to Cai Ruichen with the latest report.

"I will **** those people back to the country right away, and wait until Widodo and the main criminal are captured, and they will be tried together. I don't want to let any murderer go. I always need to pay back when I come out." Cai Ruichen said lightly.

"I will let the intelligence department step up its investigation of the two main targets, but for Widodo, is it necessary to capture it back?" Natasha nodded and asked.

"Determine the location of Widodo. If you can't catch the living, you can see the dead."

Cai Ruichen understands what Natasha meant. After all, Widodo is the President of Indonesia. It is not convenient to capture the Federal Trial back in the Middle East. Anyway, if he comes back for trial, he will end up dead. There is no need to let Widodo live and wait for the trial.

It's just an ordinary death. For Widodo, it's too cheap for him. A simple death is completely different from execution. Sudden death may be just a momentary thing. You know your own death date and then slowly suffer. When the one who is dying, the torture of the heart is the real punishment for the death sentence.

"The next information came from Tanya. Three hours ago, the Indonesian National Army launched an artillery bombardment at the Jakarta Embassy. Although the artillery position was immediately destroyed by the air force, two shells still fell inside the embassy. There were no casualties.

The Indonesian National Army has deployed hundreds of thousands of troops in Jakarta, but it has not launched an active offensive against our troops in Jakarta. It has only deployed defensive deployments in the city, and has not eliminated our troops in Jakarta. meaning. "Natasha talked about the latest situation in Jakarta sent by Tan Ya.

Cai Ruichen did not feel too surprised by the strange reaction of the Indonesian National Army. Although the Middle East Federation has only a few hundred people in Jakarta, the air supremacy of the entire Jakarta is in the hands of the Middle East Federation Guard, and the sky is continuous. Aircraft bombing, as well as missile strikes against key targets, although the Indonesian National Army has the advantage in numbers and home ground, it is unable to organize an effective large-scale force to take action against the small Middle Eastern federal forces entrenched in Jakarta.

Once a large force is assembled, it will immediately attract air strikes. What's more, in Jakarta now, the entire city is already under close monitoring. It is impossible to organize large-scale operations by the Indonesian National Army.

As for the penetration of small forces in urban street fighting, no matter how much the Indonesian National Army comes, it is almost equivalent to looking for death. The entire Jakarta and even the absolute commanding heights of the entire Indonesian country are in the hands of the Middle East Federation. It is impossible for the Indonesian National Army to see clearly. , More people wait to get bombed, fewer people are not good at it. Therefore, they simply abandoned the encirclement and suppression of the small Middle Eastern Federation forces in Jakarta, and switched to focusing on the defense of the city.

In the defense based on the subway and the main transportation lines of the city, the Indonesian National Army is fighting locally after all. It is naturally very skilled. The entire city has already fled millions of people, and more people will choose to flee in the future. It is impossible for all Indonesians to leave, and the Indonesians who remain will be the biggest boost for Indonesian national resistance.

Take off the military uniform, disguise as ordinary people with weapons, and launch guerrilla warfare against the Federal Guards of the Middle East in every corner of the city. The Indonesian National Army believes that the method of isomorphism can absolutely effectively kill the soldiers of the Middle East Federation and force the Middle East. The Federation could not afford the huge casualties of the war and withdrew its troops.

Therefore, the Indonesian National Army does not hesitate to use civilians as cover, and use means that will inevitably bring a large number of civilians to sacrifice to strike at the enemy.

But it is undeniable that such a method is also the most effective defense method of the Indonesian National Army at present. It allows soldiers of the army to change into ordinary clothes and hide in the city. There is no need to set any defense goals and facilities. There is no need to protect any place, the entire city is a battlefield.

Otherwise, if a regular urban street battle is carried out, the Indonesian National Army knows very well that the final result will be annihilated by the Federal Guards of the Middle East, so simply let go of the entire city, hide the troops among the people, shoot black guns, and erect the city’s traffic lines. Landmines bring the greatest damage to the enemy at the least cost.

Abandoning the inevitable frontal combat and replacing it with urban guerrilla warfare in all directions, I have to say that such tactics are really cruel.

Pulling tens of millions of people across the city to participate in this war, bullets do not have eyesight, will inevitably bring great innocent casualties.

Jakarta is only the first line of defense faced by the Red Police Corps. Only when Jakarta is safe and stable can the Red Police Corps use Jakarta as a relay point for the national offensive against Indonesia and launch a full-scale attack on Indonesia.

"The tactics of the Indonesian National Army are obvious, but they are very troublesome to deal with. This is a difficult test for our soldiers. The most important thing is that we cannot prohibit the participation of international media. Although the Western world is morally Kidnapped, but it does not mean that we are completely on the side of morality. Once a large number of civilian casualties occur, they will inevitably turn their guns at us, which adds to the difficulty of this war." Cai Ruichen's fingers lightly touched It tapped on the armrest of the seat, and said slowly.

Although Indonesia's overall military strength is very weak, if such a rogue style of play is adopted, the Red Police Corps really can only rely on its own strength to solve it, and there will be no better way.

However, one thing that Indonesians never expected is that the Red Police Corps is not completely without the means to deal with this tactic.

The Mind Detector is a completely different unit from the Mind Controller. One is just a pure high-level unit, while the latter controller is a super unit.

Although the mind detector cannot silently guide and change people's hearts, it has a super weapon-level ability, which is to detect the mind and understand ideas.

This is equivalent to the general dog's ability to perceive camouflage and lurking, using a huge transmitter as a signal to send out, and be able to identify whether everyone around is aggressive and malicious.

In layman's terms, everyone's general thoughts can be detected.

Of course, this kind of detection is not a mind-reading technique, but an advance mental calculation. It can find out those targets with a desire to attack in a dense crowd, and then notify all the soldiers of the Red Police Corps nearby.

Mind detectors cannot be moved. If you want to find out the lurking soldiers who have the desire to attack among the tens of millions of Indonesians, you need to build a mind detector in Indonesia to provide the maximum for infantry operations. Security guarantee.

This is also the best way to deal with the guerrilla warfare tactics of Tibetan soldiers in Indonesia.

As long as a soldier hidden among Indonesian civilians has a little idea to attack, the mind detector will instantly transmit the appearance and location of this person to all nearby soldiers, so that the enemy can take the initiative and attack first.

In fact, regardless of the response tactics adopted by the Indonesian National Army, the Supreme Staff of the Red Police Corps has also formulated a large number of response tactical plans. What tactics are encountered, the corresponding tactical plans are directly activated, without worrying about the Indonesian National Army. What a storm has been set off.

However, it is correct to have a tactical plan to deal with it, but it does not mean that the trouble is really solved directly. If you want to find the hundreds of thousands of hidden enemies in a large city with a population of tens of millions, you are still generally hostile. Even Cai Ruichen has no idea how effective the mind detector is when fighting in an urban environment.

"The Airborne Brigade suspends its airborne operation in Jakarta, and allows the Marine Corps to immediately land in Jakarta to open up a large landing field, preparing for the full landing operation of the First Armored Army." Cai Ruichen thought for a while and ordered.

Urban combat is not suitable for the deployment of jungle troops and mountain troops. It is also the most reasonable for mechanized troops with heavy armor protection to undertake the main tasks of urban combat.

On the Floating Island Fortress, the Marin Division of the First Armored Group Army has completed its assembly on the Floating Island Fortress. When the Floating Island Fortress approaches the edge of Indonesia, they can directly land in Jakarta with Thunder vehicles.

The Thunder Vehicle, a new first-class armed landing ship under the senior authority of the Red Police Corps, is said to be a landing ship, but in fact it is more like an air cushion landing craft with a magnification dozens of times.

The Thunder Vehicle is different from the armed landing craft of the Red Police Corps in the early days. It is a large air-cushion warship with ultra-long-range navigation in the sea.

The huge ships are all floating on the sea, and can carry a fully armed armored battalion at one time. It is a battalion-level combat unit that is fully loaded with tanks, armored vehicles and soldiers.

Xunlei vehicles are specially designed to serve the vehicles required for landing distances of hundreds of kilometers. They are especially suitable for loading tools for floating island fortresses to connect to offensive land platforms. At the same time, they can quickly transport a large amount of materials to any coastal area.

The Thunder Vehicle powered by a magnetic energy reactor can reach an astonishing 60 knots at its fastest speed when fully loaded. As long as the navigation distance is not deep in the ocean, there is no problem at all.

With a flat body, a painting that blends with the sea, and a good stealth design, there is almost no radar that can detect and lock floating ships such as Thunder vehicles, and such flat sea targets can often be seen with the naked eye.

According to the plan of the Supreme Staff, the floating island fortress will be moved to the entrance of the Sunda Strait, and the landing troops will directly take the Thunder vehicle through the Sunda Strait and land directly in Jakarta.

At that time, the First Fleet will also take the lead in passing through the Sunda Strait, eliminating the firepower points on both sides of the strait, and clearing all obstacles for subsequent landing operations.

If it were not for the Floating Island Fortress that could not pass through the Sunda Strait, it would be too far away. Otherwise, Cai Ruichen had planned to let the Floating Island Fortress directly rush into the Sunda Strait.

Fortunately, the floating island fortress close to the Sunda Strait has been able to provide full fire support for Thunder vehicles. Any exposed fire point will be ruthlessly hit by the electromagnetic railgun on the floating island fortress.

This kind of action is a bit risky, but it is the fastest way to bring heavy troops to the battlefield. The Red Police Corps is not the United States and does not have the advantage of stationing troops around the world, so it is not as fast as the United States.

In the future, this situation will improve with the completion of the construction of the floating island fortresses. At present, it can only be overcome as much as possible.

"First establish control of Jakarta, and then gradually cannibalize the entire Indonesia. This war does not matter for a year or two."

This is Cai Ruichen’s clearest attitude. He will not worry about Indonesia. Indonesia’s strategic defense space is too rich. The population base and military strength are very large. Therefore, it is completely impossible to achieve occupation quickly. Things.

It happens that Indonesia will also serve as the foundation for the Red Police Corps to maintain its long-term influence in Southeast is also an excellent training ground, which is equally important for the Red Police Corps.

As for the ongoing war in Indonesia, even if conditions occur in Africa, the Red Police Corps is capable of simultaneously dealing with two wars at different enemies and at different locations.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen is not worried that the Red Police Corps will be dragged by Indonesia, let alone being by his side and having his hometown involved.

The reason why he thinks this way is because the United States cannot be really indifferent to the war affecting Indonesia. It does not necessarily have to directly support Indonesia, or even intervene in Southeast Asia. It only needs to cause trouble for the Middle East Federation in other parts of the world. It is equivalent to helping Indonesia indirectly.

Surrounding Wei and rescuing Zhao is not new. Politicians are often best at roundabout tactics and good at benefit exchange. Even if there is no benefit, they can create a benefit for exchange.

The only thing that can be of concern to the Middle East Federation now is Africa.

The United States is quite clear about this. Although Trump is forced to be unable to support Indonesia, he can still disrupt the situation in Africa, causing the Federation of the Middle East to transfer some of its energy to Africa.

This is why Cai Ruichen doesn't want to contain too many troops in Indonesia. Otherwise, he only needs to be willing. Any coastline in Indonesia can become a landing point. There is no need to choose Jakarta. Landing directly from the west coast of Java Island can also achieve a ground military attack on Indonesia.

For a small Indonesia, Cai Ruichen didn’t plan to start a team like this. He would slowly play with the Indonesians, fight a protracted battle, advance step by step, cannibalize the entire Indonesia, push further, and expand a part directly in Indonesia. Domestically recruit soldiers and build war factories to supply weapons and equipment. In two years, Indonesia can almost be disabled.

(To be continued...)

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