The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1753: First fight

The crisp sound of gunfire broke the calm on the street. The running child sprayed a blood mist on his chest. The young body was shot forward for nearly a meter before it reached the end. An apple in his pocket rolled down. On the side of the road, blood rushed out of the body slowly.

The gunshot came from behind the child, but also from the other side of the street, and all this was too sudden.

"Ah!" The woman behind, seeing this scene, seemed to be stimulated by something, and hurriedly ran towards the place where the child fell on the ground, seeming to be extremely sad.

The sniper team on the container also reacted quickly. The shot just came from the house at the end of the street, but when the observer searched, they found nothing.

At this moment, everyone's attention was focused on the source of the gunfire outside, and they all instinctively ignored the woman who ran to the child's body.

No matter who you are, you will search for the source of the gunfire immediately, instead of paying attention to a mother who has lost a child. However, the danger is often so unpredictable.

The woman running towards the child also showed almost exactly the reaction a mother should have. However, when he came to the child, he did not stop, but took out a mortar shell from under the black robe. He threw it directly at the checkpoint at the corner of the road. All of this was in the light and flint. No one thought that this was a bitter trick.

Everyone knows that the Middle East Federal Guard is the world's top force that emerged from the war in the Middle East. In the Middle East world, the most indispensable are all kinds of unpredictable attacks. They are just normal means of attack and it is difficult for the Middle East Federal Guard to work.

And this kind of attack was too unpredictable. He killed the child himself, and the real attacker was the woman behind, and the acting was also very well done. It was definitely a carefully planned killing.

However, the designers did not expect that the Middle East Federal Guard is actually more difficult to deal with than they thought.

Although this woman’s attack came suddenly, someone was faster than this woman. Before the woman threw the mortar shell out of her hand, the bullet had penetrated her head and brought out a **** mist. The mortar shells hit the ground immediately, and the moment the impact fuse touched the concrete floor, it exploded violently. The world swallowed the woman’s body, and many of the debris from the explosion hit the two Apocalypse tanks in front. .

The whole process was absolutely thrilling for every soldier on the checkpoint.

A mortar shell, although unable to injure the main battle tank on the checkpoint, is a great threat to the soldiers in the warrior assault vehicle behind. The huge power of the shell, with powerful penetrating shrapnel, It can penetrate the armor of the warrior assault vehicle at close range, causing great damage to the personnel inside.

Fortunately, someone made a timely move to prevent this tragedy from happening in time.

On the container behind the checkpoint, Bai Jiayu flicked the white hair draped in front of him, and the muzzle in his hand was slightly lowered. The other party seemed to be bluffing. After an attack, there was no further action.

"Captain, what shall we do next?" someone next to Bai Jiayu asked.

"I have a feeling that it's just the beginning, we just hold on here, look at the Indonesians, what are they trying to do?"

This apparently tentative action also contained a certain gambling element. Bai Jiayu knew very well that if the mortar shell exploded in the middle of the checkpoint just now, according to the hidden Indonesian soldiers, it would have rushed in a swarm long ago.

The reason why he is calm now is that the opponent hasn't found a breakthrough to attack, so there is no obvious action yet.

The checkpoints of the Red Police Corps, especially the armed checkpoints at the landing point, have very good defensive strength. They must bring two Apocalypse tanks that are always on standby. The artillery shells have been loaded. Once there is any armed vehicle that wants to force a collision into the checkpoint The main gun of the tank can be destroyed by the attacker in the first time.

At the same time, it can also greatly deter the armed personnel of the other side. After all, the killing ability of tanks is simply a nightmare-level existence for infantry.

The Haifeng Special Commando, led by Bai Jiayu, currently has the only task to help consolidate the defense of the port. After all, there are special forces in the Indonesian army, and the combat effectiveness is not too bad.

Haifeng's twenty people directly strengthened a line of defense at the checkpoint, while other troops in the port are speeding up their retreat and dealing with battles that may break out at any time.

This dull and quiet atmosphere did not last too long. The Red Police Corps was not in a hurry at all. It consolidated the defense of the port step by step and waited for more troops to arrive.

On the Indonesian National Army's side, it seemed that they couldn't wait any longer. The checkpoints were all defensive like iron barrels, and the snipers could not find the target.

Without warning, on the roofs of the two houses on both sides of the street, two anti-tank missiles flew out of the houses and flew directly towards the two Apocalypse tanks in the checkpoint.

The vertically-climbing anti-tank missiles drilled down towards the two Apocalypse tanks in a vertical attitude. However, before the two anti-tank missiles fell, the vertical launch device on the unmanned turret of the Apocalypse tank opened and the two anti-tank missiles The guided interceptor launched into the air and directly stopped two anti-tank missiles that appeared suddenly.

At the same time, the turret of the tank began to rotate, and the deep muzzle was aimed at the two houses.

"Bang, bang"

The main artillery of the Apocalypse tank roared at the same time, and the barrel spewed out a burst of fire. The bloated shell came out of the flame and directly penetrated into the third floor of the two residential buildings. The huge explosion exploded on the third floor of the two residential buildings at the same time. .

A large amount of debris and the wreckage of the house wall were scattered on the ground under the explosion. A large number of Indonesians around were shocked, and they all quickly avoided.

The 120-mm caliber anti-personnel grenades were very powerful. The glass of the two houses and surrounding houses were all shattered. A large amount of debris was almost paved in the middle of the road. When the smoke and fire of the explosion dissipated, the two Nearly half of the building structure was blown up on all three floors of a house, exposing a mess inside.

Burning and shattered furniture, and several burning corpses in the house, this scene caused all the Indonesian people who watched the excitement around to quickly escape from this place.

There is nothing to watch in the war, and there are no sightseeing spots on the battlefield. Some are just monuments of martyrs poured in blood.

The two tank guns seemed to have opened the curtain of the war in an instant. As the two anti-tank missiles were intercepted, a large number of firepower spots suddenly appeared in the large number of houses around the port.

A large number of single-soldier rocket launchers all covered the gate of the port, and the smoke of war instantly filled all the exits of the port of Jakarta.

Judging from the experience of the United States and the Middle East Federal Guards, it is too difficult to completely destroy the Apocalypse tank on the battlefield, but it can still be done to lose its combat effectiveness.

However, if you want to make an Apocalypse tank lose its combat effectiveness, it takes saturated heavy firepower to achieve it. At present, one or two anti-tank missiles equipped by various countries are completely unreasonable to the super strong armor of the Apocalypse tank.

This is the combat report released by the US military after the war. Indonesians naturally know that the Apocalypse tank is known as the world's strongest main battle tank, which is enough to make all armies around the world have to be careful.

It is as strong as the US military who hates countless under the tank of the apocalypse, let alone other countries.

Indonesian soldiers are also extremely afraid of the heavy combat equipment of the Middle East Federation. It can be said that the weapons in the Indonesian army have no ability to destroy the heavy weapons of the Middle East Federal Guard.

A large number of bazooka shells fell on the Apocalypse tank, only scratching the armor of the Apocalypse tank.

The two pilots in the Apocalypse tank looked very relaxed and prepared to counterattack. The joystick handle in their hands moved gently a few times. On the holographic display, under the microwave radar scanning, the outlines of the people in the surrounding buildings were also displayed. .

Under the microwave scanning radar, the two pilots in the Tianqi tank, one locked the target and the other attacked.

Although the two-barreled Apocalypse tanks cannot perform a salvo, they can aim independently and fire in sequence.

The two barrels turned at the same time, the left barrel just fired a shell, the turret immediately adjusted the turret according to the position and angle of the next target, and attacked.

The two main guns can be continuously fired until all the shells have been shot.

Two apocalyptic tanks, their firepower is no less than the firepower density of a howitzer battalion, to deal with targets in these cities, is far more effective than traditional artillery.

Almost all the houses where the fire point appeared were hit by tank artillery. The Indonesian National Army that had just risen fired again.

From beginning to end, the two Apocalypse tanks in front of the checkpoint did not move their positions, and they finished their work without moving.

When the Apocalypse tanks were showing their power, the warrior assault vehicles and multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles all rushed out of the checkpoints. The automatic weapons on the roof, under the operation of the weapon control system in the car, also began to attack the places where the Apocalypse tanks had attacked. Replenish firepower.

You don't need to see the enemy, just determine the enemy's location.

This time, most of the weapons carried by the Red Police Marine Corps are armor-piercing bullets, in order to be able to more easily eliminate the enemies hidden in the building bunkers in urban combat.

In particular, the multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle equipped with a sniper module, and the sniper turret on the roof, is a devil-level weapon that destroys humanity in urban warfare.

It has a sniper armor module with the same efficiency as a sniper rifle, and can even penetrate the side armor of most third-generation main battle tanks around the world. The frontal armor of some tanks can be penetrated directly.

And this kind of weapon is originally a long-range sniper weapon that can accurately strike the enemy's heavy ground weapons at a long distance. If it is used against humans, the scene can be called a **** situation.

To supplement the gap of heavy firepower of the tank, the multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle is the best candidate.

There is no need to be too close to the battlefield. Each platoon of the Marine Corps will have two armored sniper vehicles. The current two sniper vehicles have already targeted all the Indonesian soldiers hidden in the buildings and houses on the opposite side.

The war burned into the city, and there were firepower spots everywhere. In the results scanned by the microwave radar, no matter whether the people inside were innocent or not, they would all be the targets of the attack.

This is the action code specially formulated by the Red Police Corps for the Indonesians. The sniper in the multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle, like an operating device that controls a sniper rifle, quickly locked a target room with the most people according to the screen displayed in front of them.

This is a tall building located at a three-way intersection on the opposite side of the road. The goal is to be in the middle of the tall building, which is also the sixth floor of the building.

In this room on the street facing the port, the results of microwave scanning showed that there were seven or eight people inside, all of them holding guns.

The sniper in the car personally replaced his own car sniper gun with armor-piercing rounds, and the crosshair aimed at the outer wall of the target point is exactly the center of the eight people inside.

Aim, pull the trigger, no obvious sound came out. On the floor at the end of the road a kilometer away, a round hole almost as big as a bucket appeared on the exterior wall of the building on the sixth floor. It was clear in the microwave scanning picture Seeing the eight people inside, after the armor-piercing projectile penetrated the wall. The body was dismembered almost at the same time, and no one was spared.

Sniper guns are so terrifying in urban combat.

After the bullet penetrates the wall, the armor-piercing bullet bursts open after encountering pressure. The split bullet is still powerful and can easily tear the fragile human body.

All this was just a moment on the battlefield, but in this moment of kung fu, eight lives were completely terminated by a little finger that pulled the trigger.

The offensive came very suddenly, and the speed was fast. This was the first regular encounter between the Red Police Corps and the Indonesian National Army. Unfortunately, the Indonesian National Army did not affect the pace of the Red Police Corps’ landing in Jakarta.

Even the security of all the checkpoints around the port is not a real threat, and when the army is fighting head-on, there is no navy and air force involved. Otherwise, the Indonesian National Army will be even more of an opponent.

At the same time, the Indonesians also miscalculated a bit. The Middle East Federal Guard did not hesitate because there were civilians on the side. When it was time to fight back, there was no hesitation.

On the contrary, the Indonesian National Army itself, due to its innate fear of the Federal Guards in the Middle East, has always been restrained and tried to use construction hiding to launch attacks, but did not expect that this trick is equivalent to ineffective for the Red Police Corps.

After a brief confrontation, the Red Police Corps deterred the enemy very well, and at the same time, through this battle, it directly exposed the Indonesian National Army's attempt to cover its own despicable behavior with civilian lives.

(To be continued.)

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