The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1765: Cai Ruichen's way of thinking

On the first day of the defense exhibition, the curtain gradually came to an end as the sunset fell. The heads of state of various countries left the defense exhibition as early as noon, and some even left the Middle East Federation directly.

As for the kind of exchanges between countries, I am afraid that only the countries know best. The Middle East Federation, as the master, cannot and will not interfere and monitor the contacts between the heads of states. Of course, for the leaders of individual major countries, the contacts Someone will record it.

Before the dinner started, Cai Ruichen received a detailed report. In his office, Natasha was reporting to him the intelligence of the major heads of state during the defense exhibition.

"Putin invited Trump to visit the Russian exhibition area, and personally introduced the performance of many new Russian weapons and equipment to Trump. The contact time between the two was 26 minutes, and the conversation time accounted for 80% of the total contact time. With lip language recognition, the two did not talk about any political or national issues. They greeted them purely."

After Natasha finished speaking, she closed the folder gently and waited for Cai Ruichen's response.

Putin invited Trump, which is a very interesting signal.

In fact, Cai Ruichen is not surprised at all about this. He believes that no matter who sits on the seat of the US president, the first thing to consider is definitely not what policy to adopt to the Middle East Federation, but how to strengthen its strength. , Reduce enemies and make more friends.

In this world, apart from India, which the United States is trying to win over, there are no other countries that can attract the attention of the United States except Russia.

As a long-term enemy since World War II, the United States, which has also pitted Russia, wants to regain the trust of Russia and improve the relationship between the two parties. This is not a very simple thing, and it can even be said to be a thorny road.

Without the existence of the Middle East Federation, the relationship between the United States and Russia is almost impossible to improve. The three-corner relationship and the relationship between camps are the best relationship to maintain global political balance.

Regrettably, this balance has been broken. It was originally political compromise and the balance of interests was broken, which means that interests must be redistributed and a new global balance point must be established.

The United States has been unable to grasp the balance of the global political situation, because the United States itself is very clear that it is completely impossible to use its own strength to confront the Middle East Federation and China.

Once Trump came to power, the policy policy was quite obvious, that is, to improve relations with Russia. After all, a Middle East federation alone would allow the United States to Alexander, not to mention a China. If there is no help from Russia, then the United States would even sing. The stage is gone.

Compared with the choices made by the United States, Putin, as a master of strategy, naturally sees it very clearly. Although Putin did not explicitly respond to this statement of the United States, in actual actions, he has gradually responded to the actual actions of the United States.

Cai Ruichen sees this very clearly, and the big boss already feels the pressure of coming to the north.

There is no eternal friendship between countries. In the Western world, interests are paramount. Only eternal interests can bind eternal relations.

Putin naturally does not talk about friendships. In his eyes, national interests are above all else. All decisions that conform to national interests are correct.

The United States has not given any bargaining chips to win over Russia, so Putin is not very excited.

Because in Putin's view, the Middle East Federation and China and NATO have caused both losses, and that is the most in line with Russia's interests.

However, it is almost impossible to realize the calculation of watching the fire from the shore and fighting the fisherman's profit with the snipe and clam. However, Russia, which is outside the core of the struggle, can judge the situation, find a camp that is most beneficial to itself, and strive for the greatest. the benefits of.

Regardless of the fact that the relationship between Putin and Trump is not stiff, it is almost impossible for Trump to really draw Putin in without paying major interests and practical actions.

Just in case, whether it is Cai Ruichen or the big boss, they are already preparing for a rainy day. The game between the big countries is higher than the political struggle, and the vision must be long-term and every detail must be handled well.

"Don't stare too closely."

Standing up from the office chair, Cai Ruichen tidied up her clothes, and after giving an order to Natasha, he walked directly out of the hotel office.

The Future Technology Hotel in Jerusalem is also the eighth seven-star hotel built by the Future Technology Group. It is also the designated hotel for this defense exhibition to entertain dignitaries from all countries around the world.

Every future technology hotel will prepare a special suite for Cai Ruichen. Only Cai Ruichen can stay in this suite. Without Cai Ruichen's advice, it will not open to the outside world.

The entire suite has two floors, an open-air swimming pool, a variety of game facilities and complete living facilities. Combined with the prices of luxury villas around the world, the quality and style of the decoration inside is no problem at 500 million US dollars.

The open-air swimming pool was built on the balcony of the second floor of the suite. It is a flowing water swimming pool. The water keeps flowing in and then flows out from the edge of the swimming pool. The clear pool water does not see any impurities.

The setting sun slowly fell, the dim lights lit up around the swimming pool, and the dim lights illuminated the entire swimming pool. Rows of leather lounge chairs were placed on the edge of the pool. The long dining table for six, all kinds of exquisite The dishes and cups are neatly placed.

On the grill, two chefs are turning over and roasting a large leg of lamb. From the leg of lamb, it gradually exudes an attractive fragrance.

When Cai Ruichen walked to the balcony, the invited guests also arrived on time.

Jerusalem is in the spring, and there is surprisingly no coldness. There is only a slow cool breeze on the high attic.

The big boss who was invited did not bring any bodyguards, and went to the banquet alone.

Putin, who came next to him, only symbolically brought a bodyguard and greeted the two cordially. Trump also stepped on the time to come to the banquet.

This is the first meeting between Cai Ruichen and Trump. After the two simply shook hands, Cai Ruichen, the host, said: "When you come to the Middle East, how can you not taste the specialties here? Climbing goats and leg of lamb are the best. It's delicious, but the cooking process is quite cumbersome, and time has to wait a bit."

The four people who represent the world's most powerful and powerful people are rarely gathered together. The opening remarks actually meant food. Obviously, today's dinner will not talk about politics, but is more like a gathering between friends.

This is Cai Ruichen, the host, and the keynote of the banquet theme. The three people on the side are all clear, and at Cai Ruichen's invitation, they all take their seats.

The waiter brought fresh juice, and Cai Ruichen spoke again: "The sunset is slowly falling and there is clear water in the pool. Is anyone willing to take a swim with me and relax."

When it comes to swimming, the sunset is warm and warm, and only Putin nodded among the three, while the remaining two shook their heads and refused.

It’s not summer at this time. It’s almost equivalent to winter swimming. Big boss and Trump don’t have this hobby, and the body may not be able to stand it.

Cai Ruichen took Putin in and changed into swimsuits, and the big boss accompanied Trump, half lying on a beach chair, chatting slowly. This was the first time the two met after Trump came to power. In a formal meeting, there is no state affairs to say, so it is only to talk about personal hobbies and use communication to understand each other.

After changing into bathing suits, the two people dressed in yukata walked out at the same time. After a brief warm-up, Cai Ruichen was the first to take off her yukata.

Cai Ruichen rarely exposes his body to the outside world. Under normal circumstances, a man's body is completely unattractive to other men, let alone Putin, Big Boss, and Trump.

But when they saw Cai Ruichen's body, the three of them couldn't look away.

Cai Ruichen's figure can be called perfect, with well-proportioned muscles, clear lines, and slightly bronzed skin, no matter the angle, it is very durable.

However, the three of them do not look at their figures, but instead look at the dense scars on Cai Ruichen's body. The additional gunshot wounds are clearly visible. There are also a large number of knives. It is like a storybook full of legends, which makes people unconsciously attracted. In it.

These scars were left by Cai Ruichen deliberately. The original intention was not to show off. At his height, there is no need to show off.

The reason why these scars are left is that Cai Ruichen always reminds himself that he always keeps in mind the price paid for achieving today's results, that is the wound left by the thorns.

Even the big boss was surprised. He hadn't seen so many scars on a person, especially the bullet holes, one of them was even in the position of the heart.

Putin next to him is no exception. Looking at Cai Ruichen's wounds, he was quite emotional for a while.

"With your skill, how can there be such a scar?"

When the two went into the water together, Putin asked Cai Ruichen.

Cai Ruichen's skill, then the whole world is no secret. Back then, a group of Hillary's bodyguards were quickly defeated by Cai Ruichen alone, and this incident also caused a sensation.

As a person with good skills, Putin naturally admires Cai Ruichen. Of course, he is more confused. When has Cai Ruichen suffered so many injuries?

And Cai Ruichen's answer made the three people present quite speechless.

"These wounds were caused during training." Cai Ruichen, who replied, did not forget to add another sentence afterwards: "Of course, I am not a masochist."

"What kind of training should be so desperate?" Putin asked speechlessly.

"Practical training how to avoid bullets and empty-handedly." Cai Ruichen replied naturally.

At this moment, the same reaction occurred in the minds of the three people, that is this guy, is it a madman.

However, reason tells them that it is completely impossible. If Cai Ruichen goes crazy, there are not many normal people in the world.

However, in the hearts of the three people, Cai Ruichen was also given a brand new label, and he was classified as a stranger by the three at the same time.

In the next second, completely different feelings were born in the hearts of the three people. The wounds in Cai Ruichen's body gave them a deep insight. From the level they stand on, the insights they see on the problem are at a different height.

In the eyes of the three, Cai Ruichen's wounds are like the development road of the Middle East Federation. It is full of wounds and he stands on the top of the world.

And this kind of desperate spirit also happens to reflect the global political strategy of the Middle East Federation.

This is an extremely tough person who will not admit defeat.

At this moment, the hearts of the three people suddenly understood that the Middle East Federal Guard's wars over the years were not entirely due to Cai Ruichen's ambition, but also his character.

It's like the Indonesian war now.

When the Federation of the Middle East launched a war against Indonesia, no one could understand why Cai Ruichen started a war against Indonesia because of this trivial matter.

Although controlling Indonesia is tantamount to controlling the traffic between the Pacific and Indian Oceans, there is absolutely no need for the Middle East Federation to be so anxious, so this step that Cai Ruichen took makes many people unable to understand.

Even Putin has always had some doubts. Judging from Cai Ruichen's layout, the focus should be on Africa, but why has it suddenly shifted to Southeast Asia.

But now, Putin thought clearly in an instant that sending troops to Indonesia was definitely not within the plan. Everything was because of Cai Ruichen's unwavering will.

On the contrary, this is not accidental, starting from Cai Ruichen's character, it is an inevitable result.

In other words, it is impossible for any country to start a war far away because of such a thing.

Especially for wars that are not planned, and without any preparations, the United States will not make such a decision.

Therefore, the war in Indonesia makes many people unable to understand.

In fact, the reason is that it is so simple. It makes Putin a bit If it weren't for today's private banquet, I am afraid that the three of them would not be able to truly understand Cai Ruichen's personal privacy character, and of course he A way of thinking that has been ignored.

What the three of them didn't know was that Cai Ruichen's way of thinking was not as complicated as they thought. Everything was simple, straightforward and violent.

Perhaps this will be misleading again, or the three of them can really grasp Cai Ruichen's certain way of thinking and personality.

In fact, as long as the three people still use the way of thinking of politicians on Cai Ruichen, they cannot really grasp the direction of Cai Ruichen's consideration.

Sometimes they think too comprehensively, but they will be farther away from the core of the incident. The reason why they can't see Cai Ruichen through is because they have never used a simple way of thinking to consider issues from Cai Ruichen's perspective.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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