The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1775: Domineering is Cai Ruichen

As the overbearing said, intensive artillery fire destroyed everything on the mountain, all dense trees were destroyed, leaving only a piece of scorched land, burning tree remains, and wolf smoke everywhere.

The top of the 200-meter mountain has been flattened by at least one meter. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there are big pits exploded by artillery shells everywhere. In the mud turned out, you can touch the leftovers of the artillery shell explosion with just a hand. shrapnel.

However, the top of the mountain is still strong and there is no sign of collapse. In other words, the military fortress built in the middle of the mountain is still very healthy.

In fact, this is not surprising. If the construction standards of this underground fortress can't resist even the army's heavy artillery, it has no meaning at all.

What's more, there are heavy artillery in this fortress, and the protection capabilities must naturally reach a high standard.

Judging from the information currently possessed, I am afraid that even if the fortress smasher penetrates the bomb, it is difficult to threaten the fortress inside.

The mountain is more than two hundred meters high, and the fortress is just below the mountain. The fortress smasher's penetrating ability of bombs cannot penetrate such a deep mountain.

"Are we waiting like this?" Lu Xiao looked at the bare mountain and asked domineeringly around him. At this moment, the night had gradually fallen, and the burning trees on the mountain brought a faint light, so that the two of them could observe the situation on the mountain.

"Waiting for the arrival of reinforcements and preparing for the hunt in the dark." He said, still relying on the stone pit motionlessly.

Lu Xiao nodded, did not continue to speak, put on the sniper rifle, began to look for the surrounding locations as sniper points, and began to observe the situation on the opposite side.

The meaning of domineering is very simple, that is, hunting down enemies who are most likely to come out of the fortress at night, this kind of work is also very suitable for snipers to complete.

With the passage of time, night came completely, and the burning trees on the mountain gradually extinguished, and then the whole surroundings were dark.

And the other party didn't mean to come out, still deeply hidden in the fortress.

It was about ten o'clock in the evening, and the enemy still did not appear, but reinforcements had arrived.

A team of twenty people came to the battlefield.

The ghost special commando with a skull pattern painted on the helmet face, all the team members arrived around the battlefield.

Brother Xiang, who came to the stone pit, was quite respectful of the overbearing. If it were not for the battlefield, it was strictly forbidden to salute the chief, and there should be no obvious respect for him. Brother Xiang did not dare to be equal to the overbearing.

"Sir, please assign tasks?"

"Take a rest first," said the overbearing.

Brother Xiang nodded and gave orders to rest and guard his team.

Lu Xiao on the side was the first time he saw the Ghost Special Commando. In other words, he was also the first outsider to see the Ghost Special Commando. Anyone who had seen the Ghost Special Commando on the battlefield had already gone to hell. Up.

The ghost special commandos of several female soldiers are not the most arrogant in Lu Xiao's eyes. The heavy infantry is not surprising at all, but there are four girls with bows and arrows, who don’t even have a pistol. It seemed to Lu Xiao that it was really peculiar.

Judging from the opponent's individual armor, there are no men and women at all, but the long air kill behind him is extremely eye-catching.

On the modern battlefield, you can actually see people who specialize in using cold weapons, and Lu Xiao feels that his horizons have opened up again.

In the special forces, crossbows and bows are not too popular equipment, but special forces who use bows or crossbows and have no other weapons, he has not even heard of them.

It's just that Lu Xiao is inconvenient to ask. From the so-called reinforcements in front of him, he feels very uncomfortable and a bit dangerous.

"This is Lu Xiao, our comrade-in-arms." The domineering introduced Lu Xiao to Brother Xiang and the others.

"Hello comrade, my name is Brother Xiang, the brigadier general of the Middle East Federal Guard, the commander of this team." Brother Xiang also introduced himself.

"Hello sir." When he heard Brother Xiang said that he was actually a brigadier general, although the two teams cooperated on the outside, they were already quite allies internally, and Lu Xiao quickly saluted.

"You are a sniper, and you should be very clear that you are not allowed to salute anyone on the battlefield." Domineering said seriously.

The moment Lu Xiao saluted him, he immediately reacted. As the overbearing said, as a sniper, he knew exactly what he wanted to kill as a sniper.

On the battlefield, the value of the existence of snipers is often of strategic value. Ambushing snipers generally do not act on ordinary soldiers and specifically select those officers.

But on the battlefield, it is almost impossible to see someone wearing a military rank on the battlefield, so the current commander can only be inferred from the enemy's reaction.

If just now, there was a sniper ambushing in the distance, and had been observing the situation here, when Lu Xiao saluted Brother Xiang, the sniper had already shot Brother Xiang.

"I'm very sorry, I just didn't expect that a general would actually come to the battlefield." Lu Xiao lowered his head, a little ashamed.

Compared with the people of the Middle East Federation who have survived on the battlefield for many years, Lu Xiao felt that he still lacked the test of actual combat. Although he knew a lot of things, it was often too late to think about it, and he had not yet integrated into his instinct.

Brother Xiang didn't care, and said: "In our military system, military rank represents ability, and ability is not only the level of commanding troops."

Lu Xiao didn't understand it very well. In his opinion, a brigadier general was only the commander of a squad. From this, it could be seen that this squad was definitely not simple.

The most important thing is that a brigadier general actually went to the battlefield, but this brigadier general's behavior against dominance just now fully shows that this domineering military rank is higher than that of the brigadier general.

What a pervert is this!

Lu Xiao couldn't help but exclaimed.

When they met each other here, the Indonesian National Army soldiers on the mountain began to move out.

A few figures appeared on the top of the mountain, and then more people appeared. These people, all with individual shovel in their hands, began to clear the shooting holes of the fortress that were held down by the mud.

In the darkness, the sniper rifle in the overbearing hand was ready.

There was no light on the mountain in the distance, and all the soldiers of the Indonesian National Army were shoveling away the dirt.

Hunting in the dark is often unexpected. Several scattered Indonesian national troops are carrying the broken wood in pairs.

Gently squeezing the trigger, an Indonesian National Army soldier who had just put down the wood, his entire head disappeared from his neck.

When the other soldier standing opposite him saw this scene from the night vision goggles, he had not had time to issue a warning, and the overbearing second shot directly cut off his head.

The two grabs did not stop. The two Indonesian soldiers who had just put down the logs before they even had time to straighten up, fell to the ground at the same time within a few milliseconds.

There was no gunshot or flame from the muzzle. When the two Indonesian National Army soldiers were killed, none of the other Indonesian National Army soldiers on the mountain found anything.

At this time, there were already a few Indonesian National Army soldiers who came to the foot of the mountain, and seemed to be patrolling here.

Domineering gently put down the sniper rifle and said, "Cover me."

As soon as the voice fell, the overbearing figure left the stone pit and disappeared into the dense forest.

In the blink of an eye, I saw a few Indonesian National Army soldiers at the foot of the mountain, except for the one in the front, the few behind them fell to the ground at the same time.

When the Indonesian soldier in front heard the movement behind him and turned his head, the overbearing figure appeared from behind the tree, grabbed his throat and dragged it into the tree, less than thirty seconds before he saw the overbearing figure. As if carrying a chicken, he returned with the captive.

When he came to the stone pit, he overbearingly handed the captive to Brother Xiang, and said, "Bring it to the back and ask for the details inside."

Brother Xiang nodded and took the captive who had been knocked out, and walked towards the back, so as not to wait for the screams of the captives to be heard by the people on the top of the mountain.

When Xiang Ge left with the prisoners, the Indonesian National Army soldiers on the top of the mountain also developed corpses.

For a moment, there were shouts from the entire top of the mountain, and the soldiers began blindly firing at the woods at the foot of the mountain.

At this moment, there is no need to be polite. The snipers at the foot of the mountain also began to shoot at the Indonesian soldiers on the top of the mountain.

The Indonesian soldiers who fired indiscriminately did not see the enemy yet, but saw all their comrades in arms, quickly falling to the ground.

There was no gunshots, and no firelight from the shooting, which caused Indonesian soldiers to escape into the underground passage while shooting randomly.

Soon, no people alive can be seen on the top of the mountain.


Pushing the enemy into the underground fortress, the overbearing command immediately ordered a retreat.

As they left, a large number of shells shot out from the fortress, covering the dense forest under the mountain indiscriminately.

They are all mortar shells, which are not very powerful, but they are sufficient to frighten opponents.

It’s just that people with a little experience know that if you take advantage of it, you should leave.

The mortars struck wildly, the domineering and others had left hundreds of meters away and went directly to the rear to meet with Brother Xiang.

At this moment, Brother Xiang has already interrogated all the necessary information. Actually, there is no need for interrogation. When the captured guy saw that he had fallen into the hands of the enemy, he would just pour the beans in a bamboo tube and tell everything he knew. .

“This fortress is indeed left over from the Second World War. Due to its important geographical location, it controls the three main lines of communication between Jakarta and is close to Jakarta. Since Indonesia’s independence, this fortress has been in use. It has been maintained for more than half a century. And the expansion has never stopped."

Speaking of this, Brother Xiang's tone also became serious: "In this fortress, there are 18 large and small fortresses, and four missile launching systems. Stationed inside is an integrated infantry brigade with more than 8,000 men. .

The fortress has multiple exits, but they are all easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is not ruled out that there is a self-destruct system in the fortress, and it is very difficult to enter. "

I am afraid that even the domineering is a bit surprised. He just thought that there were at most one or two thousand people inside. He didn't expect to be stationed in a brigade, eight thousand defenders, plus a strong fortress. I am afraid that it will cost a lot to completely capture it.

"Is there a possibility of siege?" asked after a moment of domineering indulgence.

Brother Xiang shook his head and said: "I have already asked. The drinking water inside comes from the underground rivers in the mountains and forests, and it has an independent water purification system and an oxygen circulation system, sufficient food reserves, enough for the people inside to survive two or three. In years, there is no need to rely on any external supplies."

Such an important fortress has a tactical role. The contents inside are naturally fully stocked, from weapons and ammunition to food and drinking water.

"That is to say, it can only be forced to occupy here?" He said.

"There is another thing. According to this guy's account, it is very likely that there are chemical weapons stored in it. He has seen the delivery of extremely dangerous goods into the fortress." Xiang Ge said.

"In that case, forced destruction is still Then only regular attacks can be taken." Domineering frowned and said.

"From the current point of view, it can only be so." Xiang Ge said.

"Then let the Jungle Army take action. Before dawn, completely control this area and let the engineering troops come over and dig a road. We have time, let the heavy equipment come up." Domineering thought for a moment, and ordered.

There is a mountain road not far from the fortress. It should be the road used to transport supplies to the fortress, but the road is a bit narrow and the large main battle tanks are completely inaccessible. Therefore, engineering troops need to be widened and reinforced, and the battlefield terrain also needs to be arranged. Only then can heavy equipment such as tanks reach the attack position.

Before that, the jungle troops need to take the lead in controlling the surrounding areas to prevent the enemy from destroying the operations of the engineering troops, and also to prevent other enemies in the jungle. After all, this jungle is not only the enemy in the fortress.

Especially the hidden mercenaries, compared with the soldiers of the Indonesian National Army, these mercenaries are the real poisonous snakes and very dangerous.

At the foot of the mountain, Tan Ya, who got the latest situation, immediately notified Xu Zhichang and ordered him to lead the Jungle Army to set off.

The engineering corps of the logistics unit also began to gather in the wake-up call.

In the dense forest outside the fortress, after seeing the troops' action information overbearingly, he said to Brother Xiang and others: "You are here to watch the situation, I plan to enter the fortress again."

When Brother Xiang heard this, he immediately persuaded him: "Commander, you can't be in such a risk, let me go."

Lu Xiao at the side looked at the domineering strangely, gradually showing a shocked expression on his face.

Seeing that his identity was broken, Cai Ruichen glanced at Brother Xiang speechlessly, and then slowly took off his helmet to reveal his face.

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