The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1792: The Far East is back

In the initial stage of Cai Ruichen's space mining, the wind and clouds of the Far East gathered, as if there was a stormy posture.

The big boss who returned to his hometown didn't know how to persuade everyone around him to make a financial lean job that was not publicly disclosed, and he quickly set the tone.

At the same time, in my hometown, all conscripts who had retired five years ago, no matter what they were engaged in, were not self-employed or farmers. On this day, they all received a text message at the same time.

The content of the short message is very simple, and the last paragraph is exactly the same, that is, the first time you receive the message, go to the nearest armed forces to report.

This is a soldier who retired five years ago. In the active army, all soldiers and officers who originally planned to retire this year, or military officers who are specialized in the local area, have all been notified. From now on, all troops will be stopped from retiring until new The order was issued.

I don't know what happened, but as a soldier of the Republic, everyone felt a sense of urgency from these two orders.

Something seems to be brewing in my hometown, causing nervous tension in neighboring countries.

The changes that took place in the army in Japan, separated by the sea, immediately attracted great attention from the Japanese side. Even the Japanese Prime Minister hurried back from his visit to foreign affairs.

This kind of behavior in my hometown is not a trivial matter for neighboring countries.

If it is just to recruit soldiers who have retired in recent years, to re-forge, and to regain the rhythm of being a soldier, this may be justified.

However, this incident, combined with the military's order to stop the retirement from home, had to make neighboring countries vigilant.

The world today can be regarded as an era of peace, and the sudden arrival of the era of peace does not make people nervous.

As for the war in Indonesia, it doesn't matter at all. With a standing military strength of one or two million in my hometown, plus the Middle East Federation, it is not the turn of my hometown to make such a big fight. This move must have targeted goals and plans.

This makes Japan, as a neighboring country, naturally nervous and highly vigilant. What exactly is the hometown doing?

With this question in mind, as soon as Japanese Prime Minister Abe returned to Japan, he immediately convened the entire team of staff, brought all the intelligence information, and analyzed the matter in detail.

Many things are difficult to conceal, and the Japanese side has also obtained a lot of relevant information, which is summarized and analyzed from a macro perspective.

"Your Excellency, all the intelligence is summed up. This time, China Huaxia convened soldiers who had retired five years ago to re-enlist for restorative military training for three months. After three months, these soldiers will return to society and continue their previous work.

However, according to the information we have obtained, two months later, the second batch of retired soldiers will be called. This time, the soldiers who retired four years ago are anxious, and there are five batches of retired soldiers in two months.

These five groups of retired soldiers total 1.3 million, most of whom are conscripts. Starting next year, these conscripts will participate in military training for one month each year.

At the same time, the original plan to disarm the assembly of 300,000, some intelligence indicated that the plan may have been suspended, but the retirement of old weapons and equipment is abnormally accelerated. "

"According to another piece of information, China’s military industry companies have received a large number of military orders in the past two months, forcing all military industry companies to expand their production lines on a large scale, especially the production lines of new weapons and equipment. Enter into saturated production.

In this regard, we have to doubt that China is rapidly accelerating the deployment of new equipment to the army, and the planned disarmament of 300,000 units may also be stopped, instead replacing old equipment with the latest weapons and equipment. To improve the overall combat effectiveness of the troops. "

"There are also intelligence reports that the Huaxia Reserve Forces have also begun to gather reserve and militia personnel on the case for long-term military training. From all aspects, we have every reason to suspect that Huaxia is preparing for an event that may reach the whole country. A war-level military plan."

Abe frowned as he listened. No one thought that Huaxia would come to this hand suddenly. This made him really confused. He asked, "Tell me your opinion?"

"Once all of China's plans are implemented smoothly, if China breaks out a foreign war in one or two years, there will be five million combatable troops. The size of the five major war zones will reach the level of one million. Equipped with the latest weapons and equipment, the size of the navy and air force will also reach an unprecedented scale. This will be a force we cannot resist."

"However, such a crazy plan will inevitably bring about serious financial consumption. It is estimated that from this year, China’s annual military expenditure will exceed one trillion US dollars, mainly focusing on the purchase of large-scale new equipment and replacing old weapons. equipment."

"China has the world’s largest population resources and the world’s second largest strategic advantage. In addition, in recent years, the people’s hearts have been united and the national strength is strong. It has already possessed the powerful strength to challenge the United States on its own. However, China’s move is totally engaging. I don’t know what the situation is, what spurred Huaxia? Why did it suddenly make such an amazing strategic change? My opinion is that there is no wind without waves. I suspect that the THAAD system that the United States is about to install in South Korea has caused Huaxia to make such a drastic change. Reaction."

Is a THAAD system really so powerful?

All the staff present at the scene did not say well. The core point of analysis is to grasp the hearts of the people. If you can't understand the psychological activities of the other party, the analysis will be impossible.

The THAAD system is currently the biggest stimulus to China, and it has repeatedly stated that once the United States does install the THAAD system in South Korea, then China will take resolute action to deal with this matter, which does not rule out the use of direct military Means to destroy the US THAAD system in South Korea.

This can be said to be China's toughest attitude towards the United States since the 21st century.

However, the United States did not stop its plans to deploy THAAD missile systems in South Korea, and completely ignored China’s warnings.

Therefore, at this time, the Japanese staff believes that this is because the United States has stimulated China, and it is also very normal. There is no wind and no waves. There must be a reason for things.

Hearing this, Abe also made a decision in his heart, saying: "Give this information to the United States. This matter is not our family's business. Let the United States handle it by itself. It is enough for us to do our own thing."

Having said that, there is no pressure on anyone's heart. With China's move, Japan feels that the crisis is imminent. The United States is bound to be unable to leave Japan alone. If Japan wants to run, it can't escape.

Thinking of this, Abe became extremely angry with Cai Ruichen. In the Indian Ocean naval battle, Japan lost half of its Maritime Self-Defense Force, which caused Japan to fall from its position as an Asian naval power. If it hadn’t had a certain wealth, Japan might already be. Depressed.

In recent years, it has finally recovered its military strength, but in contrast, Huaxia has already had six aircraft carrier battle groups, and two more aircraft carriers are undergoing sea trials. Soon China will have eight aircraft carrier battle groups.

Such a powerful force is already on par with the United States in terms of the size of the aircraft carrier. Although China's aircraft carriers are smaller in tonnage, it is undeniable that China's aircraft carriers are technically higher than those of the United States. Nimitz-class aircraft carrier.

And all of these are the changes brought by Cai Ruichen, otherwise it would be impossible for China to have such a terrifying military strength in the past few years.

This has also greatly affected the situation in the Far East. Japan is no longer able to compete with the superpower of China. It can only stand on the side of the United States and play a beat.

The United States, if it were not for its strategic advantage in the Pacific and its many allies, would not be able to maintain its strategic advantage in the Far East.

We all depend on each other, coexist with each other, and jointly resist the same threats.

Before, what has always excited the Japanese is that with the defeat of the United States in the Indian Ocean and the Middle East and the loss of four aircraft carrier battle groups, the United States has also been catching up.

The second Ford-class aircraft carrier has joined the U.S. Navy, and the third Ford-class aircraft carrier has also been launched and is about to enter the stage of sea trials. The fourth and fifth Ford-class aircraft carriers will start construction together.

Japan also received more technical support and naval equipment support from the United States. Two Wasp-class amphibious assault ships were sold to Japan at a suitable price, and Japan agreed to produce lightning fighters in Japan.

In recent years, Japanese military industry companies have also been catching up. Two more Izumo-class quasi-aircraft carriers have been launched, and a brand-new 60,000-ton-class so-called Yamato-class helicopter carrier has been launched and one has been outfitted. On the slipway.

However, facing the pressure of Lao Tzu's hometown, Japan is naturally unable to do what it wants. After all, Japan is unable to compete with China in all aspects.

The most important thing is that Japan is not a fool. Japan cannot handle this matter at all. It will leave the problems and troubles to the United States. As for the future of Japan, the Japanese will also dominate.

Abe is not a fool. It is completely impossible for him to be an American gunman.

The relationship between Japan and the United States has always been mutual use.

From the perspective of the United States, Japan is a pure-bred white-eyed wolf that can never be fed.

But the United States needs Japan in the Far East, so it has been raising Japan to contain its hometown.

On the other hand, Japan is also very clear about its own position. From the Japanese perspective, becoming stronger is the last word.

Especially to get rid of the peaceful constitution, Japan was able to realize it only through the United States.

But for the United States, Japan loves and hates it. What I love is that Japan needs the United States, and it really needs it too much.

What I hate is that the United States has always restricted Japan. Japan has always wanted to achieve independence of military technology and localization of weapons and equipment. However, the United States has always restricted Japan.

Up to now, many of the technological cores of Japan's weapons and equipment are still in the hands of the Americans.

Of course, because of this, the United States can safely raise Japan. When it is needed, the United States does not worry that the Japanese dog will not bite people.

However, the United States is underestimating Japan. At this moment, Abe’s heart is very simple. If things are imminent and impossible to do, then Japan is definitely watching the fire from the shore, even if China’s missiles fell on the US military base in Japan, Japan would also There will be no action.

The reason is very simple. Japan cannot afford to be injured, and it is impossible to ruin the entire Japan for the sake of the United States.

Of course, if the United States has a huge advantage and defeats China steadily, then Japan does not mind standing by the United States and taking a share.

Regarding China’s reaction now, in fact, Abe is still a little bit happy, because since then, the United States has to face the most severe challenge in history, which gives Japan a chance.

At this moment, Abe’s heart has basically determined a tone. Unless it is a direct attack on Japan, this time, Japan will not rely on which side Even if the United States jumps and protests, it adopts means to sanction Japan. , Japan will also remain unmoved.

Of course, this refers to the outbreak of war. If the war does not break out, then the posture that should be done is still to be done. After all, if there is a chance to benefit from the United States, it must be grasped.

It is not surprising that Japan has such an idea. It is commonplace to seek good fortune and avoid evil.

At the same time, the Blue House in South Korea was also a gathering of staff at this time, and the core of the discussion was the same as in Japan.

Although the successive actions of the Chinese military are calm on the surface, the intelligence agencies of various countries are not incompetent. How could they have never heard of such obvious things.

Similar to the results of the Japanese analysis, in the eyes of the Koreans, it may be an incident in the THAAD system that stimulated China.

In addition, the current China has a strong military strength, six aircraft carrier battle groups, and the combat effectiveness is not weak. Maybe it is really preparing for a big battle.

Although this is incredible, there are no other possibilities.

The analysis made by the method of elimination eliminates all the impossible, and the remaining one is possible, even if it is unbelievable, it is the final answer.

After the analysis, the South Korean side naturally became more nervous. Is China planning to send troops to South Korea?

This answer scared the Koreans, because it does not rule out the possibility, and even this possibility is still very high.

For any country, there is no tension at this time.

And also nervous, many countries in Southeast Asia, especially those in the southern waters and their hometowns, are all nervous at this moment, and they are all worried about which side China is targeting.

The tension in many countries has both pros and cons for my hometown.

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