The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1804: I want 0 crane

"You can't run away."

Seeing Wu Ji's discolored face, the overlord bared his white teeth and said.

"How did you do it?" Woji asked unwillingly.

"The reason is very simple, I have controlled the world, even if you run to the end of the world, it is useless." The overlord said lightly.

Among the people present, only Cai Ruichen could understand the words of the overlord and control the entire world. There is only one explanation, that is, the overlord’s base vehicle can cover the whole world and lock the teleportation over time, and the base can do it.

Cai Ruichen's base vehicle can also achieve this ability, but he can only control the area covered by the base vehicle, and still cannot control the world.

"I admit it, but I have a few questions?" Shao Ji said to the overlord unwillingly.

Hearing this, the overlord nodded, meaning to ask.

"Who are you two? Human beings can't exist like you." The first question of Shao Ji pointed to the core point. Even the Zhai Si beside him looked at them seriously.

And Cai Ruichen doesn’t know how to answer this question. The overlord has no problem. He only listens to him saying: “We and the guy who made you are strictly the same kind of people, but we are fundamentally different. Two completely different people."

Regardless of whether it was misfortune or Zhai Si, their expressions changed when they heard this answer. Obviously, what the overlord said made them quite shocked.

For the guy who made his own race, the mutant high-level only has a vague outline, and the overlord obviously knows the roots. The most important thing is that now they also know why the mutant is always suppressed by these two people. It is not that the mutant is not strong. , But the height that people are at, from the very beginning they have been looking down at the mutant.

At the same time, it is not difficult to hear from this sentence that the two people and the maker are in a hostile relationship.

"Since you know so clearly, what do you think we are?" WoJi asked earnestly and sincerely again. He knew that he could not be kind today. Asking a few more questions would be regarded as repaying the priest, worthy of the entire mutant race. Up.

"This answer is very cruel to you, but since you asked, I have nothing to hide." Hearing this, the overlord shook his head and said: "You are just a bunch of experimental products, a bunch of research materials that will be recovered sooner or later. , What awaits your fate will be endless white, sliced ​​research again and again."

After the overlord finished speaking, looking at the misfortune and fasting that he didn't understand, he went on to say: "It is not God who made you, but Satan. Whether it is human or mutant, it is a devil-like existence. Having created the destruction of trillions of lives in the world, trying to obtain the genes of the most perfect life form, the producer is willing to believe that the trillions of life forms in the world, including humans, will definitely be able to evolve a life form with a perfect gene. The research on the perfect genetic life body has resulted in genetically modified drugs that comprehensively enhance human strength, so that every soldier has a human body quality comparable to that of a superhuman, so as to have the power to rule the entire world."

Having said this, the overlord looked at Zhai Si and continued: "So I made it very clear that you will not be able to escape the fate of the test product. Tenth-level mutants can be called infinitely close to perfect life forms. You will be them. The most research-worthy test product."

Regardless of whether it was a sacrifice or misfortune, all their faces changed. This kind of answer was not acceptable to them, and it was completely different from the result they had imagined.

"You nonsense, they want to rely on our individual strength to rule more of the world and plunder more resources." Shao Ji yelled at the overlord in a frantic manner.

"That's the message they gave you. If you know the combat strength of their army, you will know that they don't need a group of troops that won't obey the command, let alone you, they are constantly invading one. This world is constantly plundering a lot of resources." The overlord shook his head and said.

"We will also resist, and it is impossible to be at the mercy of others." Bane took a deep breath and retorted.

This kind of rebuttal directly shows that Bane has almost believed the words of the overlord. In fact, the overlord is not deceiving the mutant. What he said is the truth, and the facts are always cruel.

"Then what if you guys are controlled?" The overlord asked directly.

Suddenly, the misfortune was silent. Others did not know. He knew very well. If he combined his behavior as the guy in front of him said, he knew very well that the future of the mutant was really almost destroyed by him. Hands.

Seeing that Bane Ji did not continue to speak, the overlord glanced at Cai Ruichen and continued to speak: "What do you think of my friend's personnel, how effective is it?"

"Very powerful." Hearing the words, Wu Ji confessed straightforwardly. There is nothing to deny. He has played against Cai Ruichen a few times, and he has fully understood it. Otherwise, he would have gone to Cai Ruichen for revenge. It's not that there is no movement at all.

"Then do you think my friend is capable of completely destroying you?" the overlord asked again.

This time, Zhai Si and Mi Ji were all silent, because they didn't know the answer. They didn't have a specific concept of Cai Ruichen's understanding and strength.

Seeing this, the overlord said to Cai Ruichen: "Tell them!"

Cai Ruichen heard the words, nodded and said: "If I want to destroy this place, unconventional means will only take a moment. With conventional means, all mutants above level 5 in this city will not survive."

Hearing what Cai Ruichen said, whether it was a sacrifice or misfortune, his face became very ugly. In their opinion, although Cai Ruichen's words were not lacking in confidence, they were more bragging.

The overlord continued Cai Ruichen's words and said: "You may think we are alarmist, but I just want to tell you that your maker is stronger than us now. If they come, your so-called resistance is simply utterly ridiculous in their eyes. Shaking the tree, no matter how strong your individual strength is, in front of the large-scale sea, land, and air force, you are only ants, ants that can't even splash a little water."

The words of the overlord pointed to the least self-confidence of the two of them. Although the mutant is strong, they know very well that in fact there are too many defects in the mutant.

Even if they are very intelligent, a large number of special mutants also have long-range strike capabilities. Facing a conventional army, they can be said to have a crushing advantage, but the mutants have a fundamental shortcoming, that is, they are too mobile. Slow, except for special mutants, mutants below level 4 are completely cannon fodder on the battlefield and are useless.

Bane of the Middle East assembled hundreds of millions of mutants in the Middle East to attack Cai Ruichen. The final result is enough to explain everything. Although special mutants are very powerful, and advanced mutants are comparable to superhumans for ordinary humans, they are ultimately defeated. It was extremely miserable, and even the opponent's city wall was not breached. On the contrary, there were close to 100 million mutants, no one would survive.

This war directly sounded the alarm for mutants around the world. Although the mutants are powerful, their actual performance can be described as tragedy.

Before getting close to the enemy, more than half of the dead and wounded had been killed, and almost dead when approaching the enemy, and the enemy was waiting for work and quickly slaughtered the remaining mutants.

Moreover, mutant people are also very clear that even if humans wear equipment, they can kill high-level mutants, even if they are just ordinary humans.

Humans also have many weapons and equipment with super lethality, and these weapons can easily deal with special mutants.

Therefore, mutant humans also started to face the human opponent squarely from that time, learning all human knowledge, mastering human technology, and strengthening the strength of the entire race.

"Then what is your purpose?" Wu Ji took a deep breath and asked the overlord seriously.

And this question is what Zhai Si most wants to understand. If the guy who made the mutant is a devil, then for the mutant, are these two humans good people?

"Guarding this world, but because we are not fully prepared yet to deal with the enemy's large-scale invasion, we still need time to prepare." The overlord said simply.

"Should you take the opportunity to destroy us, lest we become guinea pigs, make your enemies stronger, and lead to your defeat?" Wo Ji asked again.

"Haha..." Hearing the words, the overlord seemed to be amused, he laughed suddenly, and said: "Do you think they can gain something just through you?"

"Isn't it?" Wuji asked.

"You think the problem is too simple, and you don’t think it too important. For them, the existence of mutants is only one of a thousand attempts, and I can say that it is impossible for them to learn from yours. They get what they want in their genes, so this is destined to be a fruitless experiment."

The voice of the overlord was full of chill, and Cai Ruichen beside him could fully feel the emotions of the overlord at this moment, because he also had the same emotion.

At the expense of billions of human lives in the entire world, a group of monsters was created. The result was just an experiment that was destined to be fruitless. Whoever is a member of this world will have such emotions.

How can one be called a human being able to do such an act of extinction of humanity.

At this moment, the overlord didn’t care whether the two of them believed, and continued: “In fact, even your maker doesn’t know that you will be what you are now, because your maker is just forcibly changing the genes of the living body. The genes of the living body are in constant mutations until the change stops, so you may become anything. Believe this, you have a clearer feeling than the two of us."

If the two of them were suspicious in front of the overlord, then when they heard these words, both of them were shocked.

In fact, there is no accurate path for the evolution of mutants. These high-level mutants know that, so they can use a large number of ordinary mutants to create various special mutants, swallow and fuse a large number of mutants’ genes. In the process of gene mutation, they merge into a whole, which is a special mutant.

"Do you still have any questions?" the overlord asked, staring at Bane.

This question is tantamount to the final sentence of the death penalty. Wu Ji asked himself from the bottom of his heart, and asked the last question: "What will be the final fate of the mutant?"

"No one can really control the destiny of oneself and others in the future. I don't know the future of the mutant, because the choice of the outcome of the destiny is in the hands of the mutant." The overlord replied.

Hearing the words of the overlord, Zhai Si, who had been silent all the time, said, "Do you have to kill the bogey?"

"Of course you can also protect him, but this will lead to our full offensive." The overlord looked back at Zhai Si and said.

After hearing this, Zhai Si suffocated and watched his opponent come to his house to kill his subordinates. This is unacceptable to anyone. Even if this subordinate does something that is infuriating between humans and gods, it should be handled by himself. .

Such a domineering behavior can almost be said that has not put all the mutants in its eyes at all. The clay figurines have three points of anger, let alone mutants.

"Since the destiny of mutants is doomed to tragedy, what can we worry about..."

Zhai Si had already planned to forcefully protect the misfortune, no matter how big mistakes Bane made, and let outsiders come to punish him, he would also sweep away his majesty, and there is no prestige to continue to become the leader of mutants.

It’s just that the words of Zhai Si were not finished, and they were interrupted by the overlord’s words: "Of course, the catastrophe does not necessarily mean death, if you are willing to pay some price."

Zhai Si didn't care about the overlord's interruption. Hearing that there was a turning point, he said, "You said, what price do we need to pay?"

"I want to be alone." The overlord said with a finger up.

"Who do you want?" Zhai Si asked with some confusion.

In his opinion, the overlord had assumed a tough posture from the beginning, and now he is so easy to talk, and he actually made such simple requirements.

Even the curse on the side didn't understand it, and just now he had an attitude of having to die by himself, how did he suddenly change so much.

Could it be that the opponent is bluffing, afraid that the mutant is really fighting?

When this idea came together, it was thrown away by the misfortune, because there is no such possibility. Not to mention the two terrible guys in front of them, they will be able to bloodbath the entire mutant headquarters, and the troops under Cai Ruichen are enough. Let the mutants everywhere pay a devastating price.

The situation is entirely that others are strong, and the destiny of the mutant at this moment is no less than that of a human being with a knife and me as a fish. To be honest, there is no room for rejection.

Even Cai Ruichen was quite puzzled.

At this moment, the overlord didn't care about the inner thoughts of the two mutants, smiled at Cai Ruichen, and then said to Zhaisi: "I want a thousand cranes."

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