The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1812: Tokyo disaster

The sound of dense guns echoed in the underground square. In the concentrated area of ​​fire, Yuriko was almost enveloped by the emitted black gas. Two ponytails floated high, and the two bright big eyes were completely dark at the moment, such as That endless and deep universe. "Le" Wen" Novel

This is not the first time that Cai Ruichen has seen Yuriko in this state.

In Baghdad, the wasteland world, the explosion of Yuriko instantly wiped out countless mutants and humans. At this moment, Cai Ruichen can still remember that scene.

However, Cai Ruichen didn't want to see this side of Yuriko, because it was more like a pure killing machine, not a human.

"Yuriko, recover." Cai Ruichen whispered in Yuriko's ear.

The gloomy color on Yuriko's face, who was originally enveloped by black air, faded a little, and the black air on her body faded a lot in an instant.

Yuriko, with black pupils, raised her head and glanced at Cai Ruichen, her face restored a bit of innocence.

However, at this moment, under Yuriko’s defense, a 20mm explosive projectile penetrated in and flew over Cai Ruichen’s arm, leaving a very shallow wound on his arm, overflowing from the wound. A few drops.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen's face suddenly changed, not because of the almost negligible wound, but because of the astonishing mental power of Yuriko who suddenly spread out at the moment the wound appeared.

The moment Yuriko looked up, she just saw the slight wound on Cai Ruichen's arm. Yuriko, who had just recovered a little, broke out completely.

Cai Ruichen still doesn't know exactly what mental power is. He only knows now that it will be over soon.

At this moment, Yuriko was radiating black light, nearly three meters above the ground, suspended in the midair of the underground square.

All the attacks in the surroundings hadn't gotten close to Yuriko's side, and disappeared invisible.

Yuriko is the most explosive of all the superheroes of the Red Police Corps. It is not too much to call it the most powerful superhero. The difference from Lieyan’s super attack power is that what Yuriko will cause will be super The full destructive power of terror.

Seeing Yuriko floating in the air and all the soldiers around, they all stopped their attacks unconsciously. Seeing Yuriko, they couldn't help retreating.

The lieutenant on the opposite side, although he could not see his face, his palm holding the katana actually trembled.

The air in the entire underground square seemed to be freezing, the alarm system was ticking, and the defensive weapons placed on the roof emitted black smoke one after another, and sparks flickered.

The overlord standing next to Cai Ruichen had a rare shocked expression on his face. Looking at Yuriko floating above his head, a faint envy appeared on his face.

In the freezing atmosphere, it may be a moment, or it may be a long time. The electronic equipment on the individual armors of all the soldiers on the scene are all emitting black smoke, and each soldier screams at the same time and throws them away. With the weapon, he planted the helmet from the top of his head.

At this time, Cai Ruichen saw the appearance of these soldiers, with Asian yellow faces, all wearing Japanese Bushido headscarves, and a bunch of moustaches that looked very disgusting.

At this moment, the faces of these soldiers were all pale, and hundreds of soldiers were almost all shaking. They knelt on the ground shaking, the facial features on their faces were distorted in pain, and they seemed to be suffering from incomparable pain.

Only the lieutenant general in the middle, despite the extremely ugly face, still supported, just looking at Yuriko's eyes, full of unspeakable expressions, and of course instinctive fear.

Only Cai Ruichen looked at Yuriko's gaze, showing a worried look.

Yuriko has always been the key object of Cai Ruichen's protection. Cai Ruichen has always tried his best to keep Yuriko from being hurt and stimulated, and at the same time let Yuriko sit in the wasteland world.

Cai Ruichen didn't want to see Yuriko in this way, he was more willing to see the carefree Yuriko, rather than a machine that would only destroy.

But now, no one can stop Yuriko in this state.

At this moment, even the original white princess dress on Yuriko was completely dark, and Cai Ruichen also clearly felt that the terrifying aura emanating from Yuriko's body, even his heart couldn't help but faint fear.

And the following picture can be described as super bloody, all the soldiers in the entire underground plaza, one by one, are distorted irregularly.

Cai Ruichen could clearly hear the dense cracking sound of the scene. It was the sound of bones breaking and breaking under twisting. Each intact soldier, the body was like dough, first stretched and then kneaded together, and then It has become a distant meat ball.

Then I watched the masses of meat balls, exploding like bombs, there was no bones left, every angle of the entire underground square was stained with blood, and countless internal organs and flesh and blood were sprayed everywhere.

Even the corpses of the soldiers that Cai Ruichen had just killed were spared. No complete corpse could be found at the scene, and each corpse was exactly the same size.

The three laser cannons in the left, middle and right branches of the square also directly emitted black smoke, the laser beams stopped attacking, all the light bulbs burst, and the underground square was instantly covered by darkness.

If there is indeed Asura Purgatory in this world, Cai Ruichen believes that this scene can be called the real Asura Purgatory.

And Yuriko, who finished all of this, landed lightly, and the surging evil spirit on her body quickly faded.

The difference from last time is that this time Yuriko did not faint, she was still very energetic, and the black light soldier on her body disappeared with the evil spirit. In just a few seconds, Yuriko returned to her original innocent appearance.

This caused Cai Ruichen's hanging heart to fall to the ground in an instant, and asked: "Yuriko, are you okay!"

Last time in Baghdad in the Wasteland World, Yuriko fainted directly after the outbreak. It may be that this outbreak was not as thorough as the previous one. After all, only a few hundred people were killed.

Yuriko shook her head and looked at the wounds on Cai Ruichen's arms that were about to heal. She stood on tiptoes and stretched out her dexterous tongue. She licked her head a few times on Cai Ruichen's wound, and licked all the blood on Cai Ruichen's arm. Only then smiled.

"What about now?" Cai Ruichen touched Yuriko's head and asked back to the overlord.

"Destroy the beacon." The overlord also put away the strange emotions, took out the beacon detector, and after determining the position, he said.

Cai Ruichen nodded. At this moment, his ears moved and said, "The Japanese Self-Defense Forces outside are coming in, let's go!"

Hearing this, the overlord raised his leg and stepped on the flesh and blood on the ground, and walked towards a gate at the end of the underground square.

At this moment, the entire Yasukuni Shrine has been taken over by densely packed police and Self-Defense Forces. The only surviving policeman in the Yasukuni Shrine is on the verge of collapse. People with dementia can't even speak a complete sentence.

The Japanese police and the Self-Defense Forces who surrounded this area immediately found the passage where Cai Ruichen and others had come down. This shocked the Japanese police and military.

There is still another world under the Yasukuni Shrine. Although this news was completely blocked immediately, it has already shocked the Japanese high-level officials.

Therefore, even the high-level Japanese do not know that there is a secret underground space under the Yasukuni Shrine.

What concerns the Japanese government most is that the assailant went straight to this underground space, and from the underground space, there was a intensive gunfire, and the flames flickered from the end of the passage, causing the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and The police were all extremely nervous.

After all, no one knows who is below and what is below.

Before the Japanese leaders had made a decision, the sound of fighting below stopped, and the lights soon went out.

The straight passage was completely dark, and the Japanese Self-Defense Force Command immediately issued an offensive order.

No matter who is under this passage, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces must control the situation. The two long ropes are lowered, and the two drones are about to hit the front stand, but they are not close to the end of the passage. Lost contact.

The soldiers who had been prepared could only descend blindly. When the two soldiers of the Self-Defense Force landed on the elevator platform, the expected attack did not occur, but the nose was full of blood.

When the flashlight was on, the pictures outside the elevator door made the faces of the two Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers pale in an instant. One of them was even directly responsible for the elevator door and vomited.

The picture in front of me can be described as a corpse yard. The floor is full of blood flowing. You can see eyeballs, fingers, and intestines...

More Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers came down. No one could face this scene calmly. In the huge underground space, the blood and the smell of gunpowder made all the Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers nauseous.

When the lighting device was placed in the square, the entire Shura Field was in front of you. However, all the Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers who came down hoped that their blind people would not have to see this chilling **** world in front of them.

Fortunately, as a soldier, these Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers have excellent inner endurance. Within a few minutes, they can almost adapt to the environment here.

More Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers came down one after another, and the images in front of them were also transmitted to the headquarters by wired communication devices, because under this, all wireless communications were infected and shielded, and the drones were useless.

The two groups of Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers who came down also surrounded the gate at the end of the underground plaza. When they opened the plaza gate carefully, they found that there was a straight passage in front of them. The passage was very wide enough to accommodate two trucks. Pass side by side.

Said it is a passage, it looks more like a straight underground highway tunnel.

In fact, all the soldiers of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces know that this is most likely a secret government base, otherwise anyone can build such a huge underground space on Japan’s soil, or even under the Yasukuni Shrine.

What these Japanese soldiers didn't know was that the entire Japanese government's senior officials were no less than a magnitude twelve earthquake after they got the news, because no one knew the existence of this place.

But they cannot say that it can only be a secret investigation. Therefore, more Self-Defense Forces have been mobilized. For the Japanese government, the existence of this underground space is far more serious than the invaders.

Of course, if the intruder enters this mysterious underground space with a clear goal, the two have the same significance.

At this moment, a large number of Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers have continuously entered the underground space. The most advanced Self-Defense Force soldiers have come to the end of this underground highway tunnel.

A round superalloy gate was half open, and outside the gate, a piece of corpses fell down. The cause of death of each corpse was exactly the same, all of which were pierced to death.

When they entered the gate in battle a huge underground warehouse that shocked all the soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces, appeared in front of everyone.

Compared with the underground plaza in front, the space in front of you can be regarded as a real underground world, with rows of strange vehicles neatly arranged, weapons and equipment that are completely unnamed, various tanks and aircraft.

The Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers who rushed in fully felt their own insignificance, because the underground warehouse in front of them was too large, and the rows of strange weapons and equipment placed all together made them almost shocked. chin.

And this picture was also passed to the headquarters of the Japanese Self-Defense Force through them, and the entire high-level Japanese were also deeply shocked.

Just as these Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers were about to explore this place further, the warning lights in the entire underground warehouse were all flashing, and the red lights were flashing quickly, giving people a very bad feeling.

Before all these Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers knew what was going on, they heard a Japanese electronically synthesized sound from the underground warehouse: "The countdown to self-detonation is ten seconds."

Hearing this sound, all the Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers rushed quickly and desperately, but ten seconds was too short.

The violent explosion erupted from the center of the underground warehouse, and in the underground plaza below the Yasukuni Shrine, the self-detonation device was also directly detonated.

This day is destined to be unforgettable for the whole of Japan. With the Yasukuni Shrine as the center, covering more than eight streets all around, all the mountains shook up, and under the violent shaking, the entire ground collapsed completely, together with all the streets. With the building, a huge pit with a depth of one hundred meters has been sunken, filled with dust and constant explosions, and the entire Tokyo is shaking.

On this day, Tokyo, Japan ushered in the second major disaster in a century.

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