The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1816: Tyrannosaurus climbing up New York

The Statue of Liberty was bombed, and this incident is spreading wildly around the world and all major media around the world have reported this shocking event.

"From the rise of the Middle East Confederation to the present few years, the United States has not only completely lost its huge interests in the Middle East, it has even encountered repeated setbacks and failures in the military. It has also encountered two consecutive major events since 9/11. The scale of terrorist attacks has also caused American citizens to question whether the US government has the ability to ensure the safety of American citizens. This will be the biggest threat Trump has faced since he came to power, and it is also the most severe challenge facing the United States.”-British Times The newspaper article said.

"As the Middle East Federation on the front line of global anti-terrorism, these years have completely wiped out the extremist organizations in the Middle East at full speed, creating a Middle East world that has not encountered any terrorist threats for several years. And the global terrorist extremist organizations are also all Compressed to northern Africa, Libya, which is still in a state of warlord melee, has become a breeding ground for global terrorism today.

It is reported that even the Islamic State, which was once annihilated by the Middle East Federation, may be resurrected in Libya, but those who were rescued by Baghdadi from the headquarters of the CIA and Gaddafi all played for Baghdadi and used Gaddafi’s identity in Libya. It is deeply hidden in Libya and neighboring countries.

And over the years, the Middle East Federation has been thwarting the Islamic State’s repeated attempts to launch terrorist activities in the Middle East Federation. All these have caused the Islamic State to lose its troops over the years. This time, the reason why the Islamic State has targeted the United States and its allies is very likely. After Trump came to power, there was an obvious relationship with policy adjustments in Africa.

After Trump took office, he strengthened military assistance to African countries, and directly provided a large amount of assistance to the current so-called government of Libya, including military equipment and military intelligence, and even the US Congress has just announced that it will dispatch various air bases in Africa. US fighter jets launched air strikes against terrorist organizations and military forces in Libya, and pointed out that the Libyan Army is an old subordinate of Gaddafi and is providing shelter for the Islamic State forces.

We believe that this will be the most direct reason for the Islamic State’s realignment of its guns at the United States. The terrorist attack on Japan is also precisely because the Japanese government is expanding its leased naval port in Djibouti. It is reported that the naval port is Japan. The overseas military port leased by the government from the Djibouti government is currently being expanded to allow it to dock more military ships, and the expanded coastal army facilities can also accommodate more soldiers. The military port is next to the U.S. Marine Corps base in Djibouti, so the Islamic State retaliated against Japan. "——Reported by Global Political Weekly.

"The United States has frantically strengthened its military presence in Africa in recent months, leading to great changes in the African military, causing frequent wars in Africa, and once again attracting the attention of extremist organizations around the world. For the Middle East Federation, the major extremist organizations After being frustrated several times, it became an easy goal for extremist organizations. This time the Statue of Liberty was blown up, which was obviously a warning from extremist organizations to the US government.

Blowing up the Statue of Liberty is tantamount to telling the United States that the compulsory democracy established by the United States under the wars and disasters of other countries will only destroy a country in the end, and the so-called democracy imposed by the United States is based solely on its own interests.

Freedom and democracy are not the words of the United States alone.

The United States has always promoted democracy as a "universal value", sometimes as material encouragement, sometimes as force. However, once the democratic politics of others is not good for the United States, the United States would rather not want the "universal value" of democracy and choose dictatorship. Therefore, from what the United States has done, we can also see that democracy, as an important content of "universal values", can truly become "universal", and the precondition is that it must be beneficial to the United States. From this, we also know that democracy as a "universal value" is relative to Americans, and Americans do not regard democracy as an absolute "universal value."

After the Second World War, a democratic government appeared in Iran. The Americans discovered that this democratic government in Iran was not good for the United States. It wanted to nationalize oil companies, many of which were American companies. From the standpoint of Iran’s national interests and in accordance with the democratic will of the Iranian people, nationalizing the country’s resources and all the Iranian people is the inevitable necessity of democracy. However, the United States does not need such a democracy to become a "universal value"

As a result, the CIA publicly supported the restoration of King Pahlavi and established a pro-American dictatorship. The Americans were very satisfied, and they would never mention to Pahlavi the “democracy” as a “universal” thing. value"

As long as King Pahlavi allows the Americans to extract oil in Iran, as long as King Pahlavi carries a check and goes shopping spree in the United States, the United States will be very satisfied with this dictator.

This situation is not only present in the Middle East, but also in Latin America. Cuba’s ruler before Castro was a dictator and supported by the United States. After the success of the Castro Revolution, the United States and Cuba had a brief period of waiting and seeing each other

As a result, the U.S. discovered that Castro did not take care of U.S. interests like his predecessors did. Therefore, the U.S. adopted an economic blockade of Cuba for decades and planned more than 600 assassination plans against Castro. Some Implemented, some not implemented

According to the standards of the United States, only the democracy it recognizes is true democracy, and the others are fake democracy. At this time, Americans regard democracy as an absolute "universal value".

When Saddam overthrew the authoritarian Kuwaiti royal family, the United States weighed it over whether the authoritarian royal family of Kuwait was beneficial to the United States, so the United States helped the Kuwaiti royal family restore power

When the United States clamored to widely promote democracy in the Middle East, it was actually creating public opinion for itself to overthrow Saddam. At this time, the United States took advantage of the "universal value" of democracy to overthrow Saddam's military operations.

However, it was quickly opposed by Saudi Arabia and other countries. The United States must not forget the benefits of Saudi Arabia to the United States. Therefore, the Middle East democracy plan had to be treated coldly, and only ostentatiously in Iraq. For autocratic countries such as Saudi Arabia, it never mentioned any "universal values" such as democracy... …"-Xinhua Daily reported.

Media all over the world have published articles. Except for a large number of media controlled by American consortia and political families, the remaining international media articles have all pointed out the reasons and nature of this attack.

The content of these reports is spreading rapidly around the world, especially the China Xia report, which took the opportunity to expose the so-called nature of the so-called democracy and freedom of the United States in large numbers, and also exposed the large number of foreign policies implemented by the United States after World War II.

Universal values ​​of the world are not determined by any individual or country. The United States uses its huge global media resources to promote universal world values ​​that are in line with its own interests. The media promotes this view as the United States’ global interests. Great help.

And over the years, the lack of control of the global situation by the United States has made many countries no longer have to succumb to the prestige of the United States, and some words can naturally be said without considering the influence of the United States.

If this terrorist attack blows up a certain building in the United States, causing a large number of innocent deaths and injuries, then the global media will not say these things, and will remain consistent and strongly condemn the attackers.

When the Statue of Liberty was blown up, many people discovered that, apart from the domestic media in the United States and some European media, the focus was not on terrorist attacks at all, but why terrorist attacks occurred.

The current United States is completely one of the first two big players. International public opinion is overwhelming, and domestic pressure makes him feel breathless.

Before he could deal with the matter clearly, a terrifying explosion spread throughout New York State, and even Jersey City could hear the loud noise.

On the Air Force One heading to New York, Trump looked at the sea in the distance with shock. A white column of water shot up into the sky. That place was just outside New York, on the edge of the US territorial waters, not far from New York City. It's only hundreds of kilometers.

Immediately afterwards, a series of water columns continuously vacated from the surface of the sea, a second explosion, and a third explosion followed, and the entire Brooklyn and Manhattan seemed to be shaking.

The third huge explosion was even on the edge of Brooklyn, in the waters at the border of New York and New Jersey.

A huge explosion appeared from the bottom of the sea. The huge water column reached an astonishing height of hundreds of meters. A huge wave of seven or eight meters was rolled up on the sea. There was even a 10,000-ton freighter that was overturned on the edge of the explosion. New York State and nearby New Jersey cities are all trembling.

He was taking a special plane about to land on Air Force One in New York. Trump's face was quite wonderful, and he shouted at all the staff in Air Force One: "Who can tell me what's going on?"

No one can answer Trump’s question, because the fourth explosion sounded right after that, and the sound of the explosion sounded in the Verrazano Strait, which is the strait connecting New York to the Atlantic Ocean and Brooklyn on the edge. District, four huge explosions, each at a distance of 10 kilometers, the fourth explosion even went directly into the New York Strait.

On Air Force One on the strait, Trump looked gloomily at the brightly lit strait bridge in the Verrazano Strait. In the sound of this huge explosion, the bridge was blown off in the middle. There were a lot of cars on board, and many of them fell directly into the strait.

At this moment, Trump has the heart to kill. Looking at everyone in Air Force One, there is almost a real chill in his eyes.

However, no matter how angry Trump is at the moment, the fifth explosion appeared. This time the explosion occurred only one kilometer away from the mouth of the Hudson River, and it was on the edge of Manhattan. On the edge of Furnas Island.

The high water column flew up, and everyone on the beach could clearly see the soaring water column splashing on the sea surface under the light.

The exclamation sounded one after another, but no one knew what happened.

Just as he was about to lose his temper, the special line phone on Air Force One rang. Trump had a sullen face. He picked up the phone and put it to his ear. Before he could speak, he heard an extremely panicked voice. : "Under the sea, there are dinosaurs, many dinosaurs."

Trump's face became even more ugly after hearing it, and he directly roared: "What are you talking about, how could there be a dinosaur."

"It's really dinosaurs. Many dinosaurs are swimming towards Manhattan in the sea. We need to evacuate Manhattan, dispatch troops, and..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Trump hung up the phone angrily. He didn't believe the content of the other party at all. He even wanted to wait to get off the plane, so he sent the guy on the other side to the military court.

That guy was obviously crazy. At this time, he didn't explain what caused the instead, he said that he was a dinosaur. He was a madman.

After hanging up the phone from the Department of Defense, Trump wanted to think about how to explain the five explosions to the people. He didn't know how to solve the Statue of Liberty. Now there are such moths, which makes him feel like he is. 'S mentality is about to explode.

Fortunately, these five explosions did not appear directly in Manhattan, otherwise he could take the blame and resign.

Just as Trump was thinking about what to do, he heard someone exclaiming in his ears:

"Dinosaurs are tyrannosaurus, many tyrannosaurus."

"God, please stop joking, this is not Jurassic World."

When Trump heard what he was about to say, he saw the scene under the plane in his eyes, and he was stupid.

In fact, it is not only Trump who is stupid, but the entire New York City.

The explosion of the Statue of Liberty caused a lot of people to gather at the mouth of the Hudson River, and the explosion of the Statue of Liberty had just passed, and the sound of the explosion came from the bottom of the sea, and then in the shocking eyes of countless people, because of the high height of the explosion. Under the waves, a group of extremely tall prehistoric creatures came out of the sea.

In Battery Park, the crowds screamed in panic, a large crowd of people crazily wanted to run towards the back of the park, and amidst the screams, an overlord who was nearly twenty meters high The dragon jumped directly onto the embankment of the park from the sea. He was nearly ten stories tall, with two huge feet, both the size of a truck. In the crowded park, many people were trampled directly.

The sudden appearance of prehistoric monsters shocked many people in the entire park in an instant.

What is even more frightening is that there is not only one dinosaur, but huge huge dinosaurs, scrambling from the sea to Manhattan Island.

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