The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1818: Shocked the world

In the East River under the Brooklyn Bridge, several figures climbed up the iron frame of the bridge from under the bridge. = Music = text = novel

The East River is separated by a Manhattan from the Hudson River, and the two rivers on the left and right sides of Manhattan meet together in Battery Park and enter the Atlantic Ocean.

At the Brooklyn Bridge at this moment, the intensive traffic is madly fleeing Manhattan and entering the direction of Manhattan. Armored vehicles and tanks are also quickly entering Manhattan.

On the other side of the East River from Manhattan, along the Brooklyn River, the US front-line command has been established. Several senior generals from the Department of Defense have formed the front-line command, which is responsible for destroying all prehistoric creatures in Manhattan.

On the Brooklyn Bridge, Cai Ruichen mixed into the crowd fleeing Manhattan with a sullen face, but they did not follow to leave, but went against the flow of people and walked into Manhattan.

No one can understand Cai Ruichen's complicated mood at this moment. The appearance of Tyrannosaurus was not the result of his control at all.

The Red Police Corps has the tyrannosaurus, but because of its so great influence, he has not even allowed any tyrannosaurus to operate in this world, including war bears and other biological arms, all of which are in the wasteland world.

The Tyrannosaurus that is attacking Manhattan is not Cai Ruichen's Tyrannosaurus at all, and he will not do it.

This is a conspiracy that I don’t know how long to prepare. Even without the destruction of Cai Ruichen and his party, this disaster will sooner or later fall on the Americans.

The place reached by vacuum high-speed rail was not a secret military base as Cai Ruichen thought, but a large tyrannosaurus base built on the seabed.

The five huge submarine bases are connected to each other, and inside are all tyrannosaurus. When this base encounters an invasion, it is not to destroy the invaders, but to directly detonate the peripheral anti-pressure device of the base to release all the tyrannosaurus.

These genetically modified tyrannosauruses have the genes of marine lizards. When the anti-stress device is exploded, all the tyrannosauruses inside will follow the sea into the ocean.

The next picture is what the New Yorker saw.

No one thought that this would be the result. The people in the submarine base did not even have the slightest resistance, and they blew up the base without giving Cai Ruichen and the others a chance.

The only good news is that after the explosion, the hyperspace beacon was also destroyed in the explosion.

However, there are thousands of tyrannosaurus in the five huge tyrannosaurus breeding bases, enough to turn the entire Manhattan into a dinosaur island.

When Cai Ruichen and the others fled, they clearly saw the dense dinosaurs swimming out of the gap in the exploded base. There were too many.

At this moment, Manhattan has long been chaotic. A large number of police are constantly evacuating the crowd in Manhattan. Cai Ruichen and others are directly entering Wall Street along Manhattan's South Street Avenue, which has become the center of the battle.

The US ground forces entered Manhattan on a large scale, with gunfire and tyrannosaurus roar everywhere, and screaming crowds were everywhere.

"What do you want to do?" Cai Ruichen deliberately left here, but still asked the overlord.

"Although we did not cultivate these tyrannosaurus, we have a little responsibility for this disaster." The overlord said as he took off his windbreaker, exposed his tight vest, moved his hands and feet, and said:

"Let’s say there are still three or four thousand tyrannosauruses in the sea. Nearly half of them are armed. The United States can’t assemble the forces that can quickly eliminate these tyrannosaurus in a short time. Common people, after all, there are still a lot of Chinese tourists in Manhattan..."

The overlord’s words had just fallen, and he slapped the glass cabinet on the side of the store with a slap, took out a Halloween ghost face hood from it, put it on the top of his head, and was about to walk towards Wall Street.

Seeing this, Cai Ruichen grabbed the overlord as soon as he saw it, and then turned around and issued an order to the people around him: "Kill these tyrannosaurus with all your strength, no need to worry and retain."

Several people beside Cai Ruichen all nodded and then dispersed.

Pulling the overlord, taking the black lotus and Lieyan back to the riverside of South Street Avenue, Cai Ruichen said to the overlord: "Leave it to them."

Hearing this, the overlord who wanted to move his hands and feet nodded and stood with Cai Ruichen, calmly looking at the fighting street in the distance.

With the power of the two people, facing the group of tyrannosauruses in front of them, there is no pressure at all, but to deal with these giants, it is difficult to effectively kill these prehistoric behemoths with the power of the fist, so it is better to watch from the side. With.

It's just that on the edge of the battlefield where the war-torn monsters roared, the four people stood and watched indifferently. It was really weird. It was very different from the surrounding atmosphere and out of place.

But no one paid any attention to these people, after all, some people were scared and stupid standing there motionless.

At this time, a group of Chinese students who were running and yelling to keep up in Chinese passed by Cai Ruichen's eyes. Just after the team passed, they saw two Chinese female students running back and hurriedly shouted to four people. : "Sir, don't stand here, hurry up and go to Brooklyn with us. The embassy has arranged a refuge area."

In response to these two Chinese female college students, Cai Ruichen waved his hand gently, as if you were leaving sooner.

"Sir, hurry up, those Tyrannosaurus rex are coming soon." When one of the female students saw this, she stretched out her hand to pull Cai Ruichen away, but before her hand touched Cai Ruichen's arm, East was behind a few people. In Hanoi, a huge tyrannosaurus head stretched out of the river and almost touched the embankment.

The head of a tyrannosaurus the size of a house, with two green eyeballs, stopped at the few people in front of him, and his jaws suddenly spread out, biting at them.

This scene scared the two Chinese female students to scream. They closed their eyes and knelt on the ground. Their noses could clearly smell the stench of Tyrannosaurus.

However, after a while, there seemed to be nothing in the calm. The two female students slowly opened their eyes, and the scene of the eyes made both eyes straight.

On the head of the house-like Tyrannosaurus, a blood hole the size of a basketball appeared. The head mixed with brain plasma and blood, and most of the Tyrannosaurus body protruding out of the water, were sliding into the river.

And beside them, Lie Yan was putting Xinghui into the long space-time box behind her.

"For the safety of both of you, please leave as soon as possible." Cai Ruichen glanced at the two female students and reminded.

At this moment, the two female international students woke up and looked at Cai Ruichen and others with shocked eyes. Then they stood up and left immediately, not staying here for even a second, because they already knew it. I'm afraid these people Not ordinary people.

And the legendary ancient creature Tyrannosaurus, all living in front of them, what else is impossible.

Even if God appears in New York now, New Yorkers may be able to immediately accept the fact that God appears in front of them.

However, for the US military, this war was a disaster.

In terms of the powerful destructive power of modern weapons, even the tyrannosaurus is not too difficult to deal with, but the tyrannosaurus, which is full of weapons, like a tank, is simply a nightmare in urban combat.

At this moment, in the fighting area, there are tyrannosaurus corpses in the streets around Broadway, and these huge corpses lie on the streets, blocking the advance of the US ground forces, and the scope of the battlefield is constantly expanding.

The U.S. troops who rushed over did not have time to rescue the innocent civilians in the battlefield, nor did they have time to evacuate the civilians in the buildings within the battlefield. They were even racing against time to build the defense line.

The U.S. Tenth Mountain Division has deployed its entire army, and the National Guard has successfully constructed a line of defense near the Brooklyn Bridge, and with the United Nations Headquarters as a line of defense, it has constructed a line of defense across Manhattan.

In such an emergency, Trump, who arrived in New York, could not abandon the Americans in Manhattan and return to Washington. The first time he landed in New York, he directly arrived at the headquarters in Brooklyn.

The US Secretary of Defense James also came with him, and the US Department of Defense reported the incident for the first time, telling the entire United States where the President is.

However, Trump, who had just arrived at the front-line headquarters, had not had time to listen to the report, and his personal phone rang.

This phone number is not in the secretary's body, but Trump has always carried it with him. Few people in the world know this number.

When the people around Trump and the entire command heard the phone ringing, they all fell silent. As soon as Trump connected the phone, he said directly: "Hello, Mr. Cai."

The only person in the world who can make Trump polite is Cai Ruichen.

"I am very concerned about what happened in New York, and I am also very concerned about the current situation in Manhattan. If Mr. President is willing, my army can arrive in Manhattan in half an hour to help the US army quickly eliminate this group of tyrannosaurus."

On the phone, Cai Ruichen's voice came, which made the faces of the American generals on the scene very serious.

If it sounds like you care and provide help, in the eyes of these US military generals, this is a threat. They can send troops to Manhattan within half an hour. This is not a threat. What is it?

This is the first reaction of the US military generals who have long regarded the Middle East Federation as their strong enemy. However, Cai Ruichen was able to make such a call in the first time, and it was also in good faith. This cannot be denied.

"Thank you Mr. Cai, but I believe that the powerful American armed forces will be able to quickly resolve this group of living fossils and will not allow the disaster to continue to expand." In the current situation, Trump believes that the combat capability of the U.S. military can be completely dealt with. If you really accept the help of the Middle East Federation, doesn’t it mean that the US military is no longer able to protect its citizens?

Cai Ruichen did not insist, but made a request again, saying: "Please allow Future Technology Group's security department in New York to take necessary force to protect itself, of course, in the case of uniting the US military."

The second requirement is quite normal. You must know that the Future Technology Group has its own office building in Manhattan, there are also Future Technology Hotel and several physical stores, and there are protection personnel from the Future Security Company.

Trump immediately agreed to such a request. Although he said it lightly, in fact, he wanted to solve this huge problem as soon as possible.

If it were not for the dignity of the United States, he even wanted to agree to Cai Ruichen's help.

In fact, Cai Ruichen is not the first head of state to make such a request. Compared with helping the United States, other countries are more curious. How did these tyrannosaurus emerge?

This incident has long been beyond the horizons of countries around the world, and the world has long been shaken by this incident.

From the beginning of complete disbelief to the complete acceptance of this fact in shock, Manhattan completely shocked all mankind in just a few minutes.

There have been countless discussions on the Internet, and there are discussions everywhere. The live appearance of ancient creatures hundreds of millions of years ago is more attractive than such topics?

And all countries have expressed their concern, especially for the fact that these dinosaurs still have modern weapons and equipment, which almost makes all countries feel a little uneasy.

In Far East China, the big boss summoned six other people for the first time. Looking at the footage reported from the American media, everyone was silent.

The second boss took a deep breath and slowly said: "I didn't expect that such unexplainable things happened in just a few days. I don't have any doubts about Cai Ruichen now. Maybe the world we've seen all the time. , Just the tip of the iceberg."

The big boss heard the words and said, "Cai Ruichen just called and explained this to me!"

The words of the big boss caused the six people present to focus on the big boss and wait for the big boss to follow.

The big boss narrowed his eyes and said: "According to Cai Ruichen, what is happening in Manhattan now is not an accident, but is directly related to the incident that happened at the Yasukuni Shrine yesterday."

"Could it be that the video footage released by the Islamic State is true, and that there is really a huge arms warehouse below?" the second boss asked.

"The unknown enemy is preparing to invade our world. I hate that we have no conclusive evidence, and this matter is more complicated than we thought. What we have seen in the past two days is enough to let us let go of all our worries and do our best. Hesitating and getting lucky, so I decided..."

Speaking of this, the big boss paused and said in a more serious tone: “Further speed up the production efficiency of equipment, introduce another 50 sets of fully automated robot production lines, and immediately agree to all the mineral development plans of the Future Technology Group in China. It is necessary to obtain all the raw materials directly from the country, and at the same time speed up the mobilization order to enlist all the soldiers who have retired within ten years."

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