The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 796: Security base chaos

Seeing the mutants in the underground parking lot is enough to show that there is no need for this negotiation to proceed.

The underground parking lot is connected to the headquarters of the Baghdad Security Base. So many Level 3 and 4 mutants are still armed mutants, which is enough to show that there is some kind of unclear relationship between the Baghdad Security Base and the mutants.

In addition, the opponent refused to make way for the mutants of the Red Police Corps passing through Baghdad, which further indicated that there was a problem.

Originally, Cai Ruichen simply thought that the senior leaders of the Baghdad security base were afraid of retaliation from the mutants in Baghdad, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

These mutants in the underground parking lot can stay here quietly, which has shown that the high-levels of this safe base must have a direct relationship with the mutants.

As for the relationship between the two parties, Cai Ruichen didn't know, and he didn't want to know, but he was very clear that these mutants were here, and they definitely didn't come here to cultivate.

It may even be the preparation for this negotiation.

At the thought of this, all the thoughts in Cai Ruichen's heart to use peaceful means to achieve goals disappeared.

"leave here."

There is no need to enter the headquarters of the Baghdad Security Base. Cai Ruichen glanced at the mutants on the opposite side of the gap and turned directly back toward the path.

Soon all three of them returned to the ground.

"Notify El Yessel and Yi Minhao to implement the third set of plans."

"Order Natasha and Tanya to come here to meet us as soon as possible."

After Cai Ruichen returned to the ground. Immediately issued two consecutive orders, and then ordered the panda for the first time: "I will invade the central control system of this base immediately. What is the situation? Report to me at any time."

"Yes, my respected master."

After Qin Chen conveyed the order, he asked Cai Ruichen: "Commander, what about us?"

"Wait..." Cai Ruichen said blankly, and then stood quietly on the side of the street, waiting for the outcome of the panda's invasion.

He hoped that the panda could quickly invade the central control system of this base, but he was worried. Whether it is possible to take control smoothly by relying on Panda itself and without the cooperation of hackers.

but. Before he had to wait long, the panda sent a message: "Dear master, I have successfully obtained the highest control authority."

"So smoothly, is there no firewall and artificial intelligence system?" Cai Ruichen asked somewhat unexpectedly.

"No protection was found. No artificial intelligence was found."

Hear the answer from Panda. Cai Ruichen didn't think too much, he just had to achieve the goal smoothly. As for other things, he didn't have the mood and time to manage.

"Immediately connect to the camera in the underground parking lot, record the images of those mutants, and then transfer them to every display screen of the base, and add..."

Cai Ruichen's order was quickly executed by Panda, and then the entire Baghdad safe base. Almost all televisions, network computers, and all other screen displays showed monitoring images of the underground parking lot of the Baghdad Security Base Headquarters.

At the same time, a voice sounded from various places in the base: "Everyone in the Baghdad Security Base listens. In the underground parking lot of the headquarters building, a large number of high-level mutants were found..."

The continuous replay of this voice immediately made the entire Baghdad safe base boil.

The broadcast of the safe base was originally designed to transmit the sound as far as possible. The broadcast system controlled by the panda has just become the best means of transmitting this terrorist news.

Coupled with the large number of mutants who suddenly appeared on every display screen, the truth of this matter was immediately confirmed.

Furthermore, absolutely no one would take the emergency broadcast in the base seriously, and all the troops in the safe base were also alarmed.

Especially the troops guarding the headquarters, almost all swarmed into the headquarters building, but just as these soldiers were about to move towards the tunnel to the underground parking lot, they were accidentally intercepted.

"This is a fake news. It is an error message sent by the system that is malfunctioning. This message will be passed on immediately to appease everyone in the base."

Chen Wenbin, the former secretary of the Iraqi prime minister (a guest guest), stood at the entrance to the underground parking lot and intercepted a large number of soldiers who had rushed in.

It's just that, it obviously didn't convince these soldiers. After all, there are video images and rapid sirens, which are not fake at all.

Several grass-roots officers in the army, after watching the secretary of the prime minister's faint glance, immediately led the troops out of the headquarters building to carry out the so-called order to maintain stability.

Although many soldiers still have doubts on their faces, they can only leave with the troops under orders from the upper level.

After all these soldiers left, the secretary general took the elevator and returned to the headquarters upstairs.

In the headquarters, the Prime Minister Basit of the Baghdad Security Base has a sullen expression and is roaring to all the technicians around him: "What the **** is going on? I need an explanation."

"I'm very sorry, Your Excellency, all our control ports have been removed from the system, and everyone's authority has been removed. It can be determined that someone has invaded the central control system."

"Am I raising you to listen to such reports?" Prime Minister Basit shouted furiously.

"We didn’t have the key to activate the firewall at all. Since the President’s disappearance, our firewall has been turned There is no way to turn it on urgently. The entire headquarters network system has always been in Undefended state... and we suspect that this is not an ordinary intrusion. It must be an intrusion performed by someone directly connecting to the system through the internal port..."

"I just want to know if you can regain control of the system." Prime Minister Basit said with a gloomy face.

Although all the technicians are a little afraid of this gloomy prime minister, there is no way or no way, and everyone can only choose to shake their heads.

"That is to say, you are useless at all?" Prime Minister Basit took a deep breath, relieved his mood, and said flatly.

An expression of fear appeared on almost everyone's face. Before they could respond, Bassett's voice sounded in everyone's ears: "I don't want to see these wastes anymore."

As soon as the voice fell, a group of wolves and tigers rushed over and pulled the feared technicians out of the headquarters. What awaited them was a tragic ending. (To be continued.)

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