The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 812: Super scary little loli

At this moment, Cai Ruichen couldn't connect the Yuriko in front of him with the little loli who had been quietly following him and sleeping on him at night.

The Yuriko in front of him felt very strange to him, and at the same time made him even have a very fearful emotion from the bottom of his heart.

Knowing that the little loli in front of her will not hurt herself, but Cai Ruichen's inner fear at the moment has been lingering.

Yuriko, who had completely changed her appearance, turned her head and glanced at Cai Ruichen. The corners of her lips were dark, and she seemed to have a little smile in front of her.

Although this smile was just a moment of effort and it was almost impossible to catch it, after this smile appeared, the fear that Yuriko had in Cai Ruichen's heart disappeared without a trace.

Little Lolita is still that little Lolita, whether it's a runaway state or her usual pleasant appearance.

Cai Ruichen's heart suddenly warmed, looking at Yuriko at this moment, there was no previous negative emotions, only a deep concern.

However, Yuriko did not look at Cai Ruichen anymore, her body slowly flew from the suspended state into the air.

When Little Lori flew up from Wu Jie's back, time seemed to freeze instantly on the originally lively battlefield.

All the mutants stopped all their movements, all of them looked like sculptures, and they seemed to have been fixed by the immortal law.

However, this pause lasted very shortly, and then another shocking scene appeared for Cai Ruichen.

The entire underground space was no less than hundreds of thousands of second- and third-level mutants and fourth-level mutants, all floating from the ground.

Those mutants who climbed onto Wu Jie were no exception. An inexplicable force pulled all the mutants in the entire underground space from the ground into the air.

These mutants floating in mid-air all struggled desperately, but still couldn't break free from this powerful force.

Even the nine fifth-level mutants, without exception, are also floating in the air.

In the entire underground space, on the ground, there was only Wang left, staring at all this in front of him dumbfounded.

And among these floating people, there are many survivors, these are the poor creatures who have not had time to escape here.

Hundreds of thousands of mutants and at least 10,000 to 20,000 survivors formed a huge circle, floating beside Yuriko, occupying half of the entire underground space.

Cai Ruichen, who saw this scene, was no better than Wang, because the scene before him was really shocking.

Although in the game, Yuriko can lift the super aircraft carrier with her thoughts, this is reality. It is so against the sky, the ability that can be called a divine method actually appears.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen no longer doubted Yuriko's super combat effectiveness. He originally thought that Yuriko was a mobile nuclear weapon.

But now, Cai Ruichen feels that this nuclear weapon is definitely not a simple nuclear bomb, at least it is also a 10 million-ton hydrogen bomb.

Yuriko, who made such a shocking picture, seemed to be effortless at all.

"Commander, better close your eyes."

There were not many opponents for a while, Natasha and others all returned to Cai Ruichen's side. At this time, Tan Ya suggested to Cai Ruichen.


Cai Ruichen looked at the top combat effectiveness of the Red Police Corps around him. It was obvious that all the expressions of Yuriko's strong face remained unchanged, and it was not the first time he had seen it.

However, he did not understand Tan Ya's suggestion.

Just when he was about to ask why, the answer appeared in an instant. Those mutants who were floating in the sky and struggling, without warning, one by one were like human bombs, exploding one by one. .

There was no explosion of gunpowder, only bodies that were instantly disintegrated, countless blood and dismembered limbs, densely falling from the sky, no less than a sudden rainstorm.

The only difference from heavy rain is that it is not raindrops, but blooddrops that fall. Hundreds of thousands of mutants have turned into a rain of blood at almost the same time.

Regardless of whether it is Level 2 or Level 3, or Level 4 and Level 5 mutants, there is no difference at this moment.


At this moment, Qianhe, who was far away at the base, suddenly jumped up from the seat. On her face, dense sweat appeared, and even the fingers of both hands trembled slightly. As for the delicate and fair skin, the blood faded almost instantly.

But soon, Qianzuru collapsed on the chair again, with an incredible look on his face.


At the same time, on the edge of Baghdad, two people, one man and one woman, all stopped at the moment Yuriko broke out.

The man glanced back, then glanced at the big city in front of him, then turned and walked towards the other side of the road, which was a plain that looked slightly deserted. UU reading


In the underground space, Wang's face was completely bloodless. From his point of view, all of this seemed to be a dream.

Because he is really hard to believe that the scene before him is true.

Almost all the elite combat forces under his command were killed in an instant without a blink of an eye.

Even at this moment, it couldn't even see the complete corpses of its subordinates, and could only see the remains that exploded into countless fragments everywhere, almost not even a slap-sized corpse.

And the entire underground space was instantly reddened by blood, and the ground was covered with thick layers of blood and corpse limbs.

The strong smell of blood quickly filled every place in the underground space, and the disgusting strong smell of blood filled every inch of air here.

Breathing the air here, Cai Ruichen even felt as if he was drinking blood, and the dense blood mist filled the entire underground space.

It was filled with the unique blood smell of mutants, and those survivors were all gone at this moment.

The little Lolita who ran away instantly killed all creatures in the underground space except them and the king.

There are hundreds of thousands of mutants, and most of them are third-level mutants, and a certain number of second-level mutants. The most commendable is that the hundreds of fourth-level mutants and nine fifth-level mutants are all finished. .

In Baghdad, even if there are tens of millions of mutants, without these hundreds of thousands of high-level mutants, it is destined to have turned into tofu dregs.

No matter how good the king is, it is impossible for the Red Police Corps to recreate a powerful army of mutants before attacking.

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