The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 856: Homeland defense system

Since controlling Iraq for more than a year, Cai Ruichen has not built defensive units on Iraqi borders and key areas.

The science and technology expansion station is not cheap. What he needs is a complete homeland defense organization. In order to save costs and achieve the best results, he waits for the day when the base can cover the entire Iraq.

To this end, he also formulated two plans, both of which are to be executed after the authority is promoted to the intermediate level.

The two plans are determined based on the base construction radius. After the authority is upgraded, if the base construction radius cannot satisfy the construction of the defense system in Iraq, he will begin to deploy conventional defense agencies on a large scale.

The so-called conventional defense mechanism is similar to the defense mechanism of other countries, allowing air defense missiles and radar units to be deployed near important cities and along the coast and borders.

One disadvantage of such a deployment is the defense system, which will be detected by the outside world.

But the core protection goal will not change, because the place Cai Ruichen really wants to protect is actually the core area near the base.

As long as the units within the base construction radius are guaranteed not to be destroyed during the war, nothing else matters, even if other parts of Iraq are caught in war again.

Another plan is that the base can cover most of Iraq, then he will choose to build a hidden defense network.

A large number of defensive units and security units will be silently built in various places near the border in Iraq, and will focus on defense of all major cities.

Especially ports and important freight hubs and economic and political centers. They are all targets of key protection.

The focus of such defense construction is silent, and it is basically impossible for the outside world to know. Once a war breaks out, any enemy close to Iraq will face the most sudden counterattack.

It is as if the Israeli fighters were frightened by such a defensive network.

What only surprised Cai Ruichen was that the upgrade of the base was too powerful this time. The expansion of the construction radius was not a little bit, and it directly covered the entire Iraq. The area has increased by nearly ten times.

Moreover, when the construction area fully covers Iraq, the security area of ​​the base will also be on all Iraqi borders. Continue to extend for two hundred kilometers.

The border line extends for two hundred kilometers, forming a huge security circle, protecting all around Iraq.

All enemies close to the security circle will be under the security equipment at the base. There is nowhere to hide. Provide sufficient early warning time for the defense unit.

In this way, Iraq is almost as stable as Mount Tai. Unless a powerful country takes a super-saturated attack on Iraq, it is difficult to break through such a defensive circle by ordinary means.

Next, Cai Ruichen will undoubtedly face Israel, and once a war breaks out in front of Israel. It is inevitable for the mainland to face a direct attack from Israel, even to the end. It may also face an Israeli nuclear strike.

A complete defense system can reduce his worries a lot, and almost all countries tend to give priority to local defense in terms of military development, and so does he.

However, it is definitely not a simple matter to build a strong defense network on a huge country.

In ordinary countries, it is very difficult to reach a certain level without a ten or twenty years of effort.

Fortunately, for Cai Ruichen, with the help of the base, the construction of defense units is cheap and efficient.

At present, most of the defense mechanisms in the Wasteland World have been completed. In four years, the defense and walls around the Wasteland Base have almost reached a saturated level.

The focus of the construction of the defense unit in the next stage will also be placed in the present world. The construction list of the two defense units will become very easy as long as there is sufficient financial support.

It does not take a year at all. Every key border area and city in Iraq will be protected by defensive weapons units.

Cai Ruichen is confident that once all his defensive units are built, normal saturation attacks can be intercepted.

Multi-layer defensive nets, covering air and sky to ultra-low altitude, the ground and the Persian Gulf, will also be firmly controlled.

As long as the defensive net is built, Cai Ruichen is absolutely confident to fight Israel in an all-round way. He felt a bit depressing mission, and at this moment there was a feeling of breaking through the clouds and seeing the sky.

There are many places to upgrade for the intermediate base. In addition to the three main aspects, the most interesting part is the improvement of many equipment and technologies on the first floor of the entire base.

Although the base looks like a big guy covering an area of ​​ten square kilometers, in fact, the space inside the base gives Cai Ruichen the feeling that it is like another world.

In four years, he has not finished visiting every corner of the base, so Cai Ruichen has been slowly discovering many powerful devices in the base.

Because of the cheating base, he didn't give him a floor plan and description. He needs to dig slowly for everything.

However, Cai Ruichen can also understand that, in fact, many equipment inside the base did not appear at the beginning, but gradually improved over time.

It's as if he has been sticking to the training center for more than a year. In fact, this training center didn't exist before. It was just an empty room with nothing in it.

But I don’t know when it started There were a lot of instruments and equipment.

It can be seen that the base itself has been slowly being improved, and many things have been developed from scratch.

In Cai Ruichen's view, the base is obviously not perfect, and it feels like it is a game. He is an inside user. Through his use, he found all the shortcomings, and then slowly adjusted it.

Of course, this is only his personal feeling, but the base has been improving a lot of internal facilities, which is basically something that has not been run.

This time the upgrade, the base also officially put this issue on the upgrade instructions. After this upgrade, the base will speed up the improvement of internal facilities.

It's just a description, and it didn't point out which aspects of the function should be improved. There was only an ambiguous sentence. The improvement work is speeding up.

As for the effect of the improved base in the future, Cai Ruichen Intelligence is looking forward to it.

He even hopes that more practical functions like the training center can be expanded a bit more. (To be continued.)

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